magician in town

Chapter 165 Reunion

Chapter 165 Reunion

Chapter 160 Four

In the eternal night of Zhouqiao, strings of red lanterns are swaying under the eaves extending to the market. During the endless Lantern Festival, every broken roof tile and broken floor tile will be restored in the second night.

Du Zhengyi hurriedly walked on the street market of Zhouqiao, he was very familiar with it, and there was a big willow tree on the side of the walk, and there was a well under the tree. Go around the fair.But it was very quiet here tonight. Du Zhengyi walked around Shuijing Square, only a few new faces passed by, and they had no interest in him, and no one gave him a special look.

Going forward, you will pass a shop that sells illegal drugs. Some drugs will stimulate the brains of mages for a short time and increase their energy instantly.And what's interesting is that hundreds of years ago, it was just a place to sell herbs and some mineral powders, but as humans began to develop science, everything was very different.

Human chemistry and medicine continue to develop, and the ability to research and develop new drugs has also made unprecedented progress. Although the development of new drugs always has its own purpose, a large number of by-products are inevitably produced during the research and development process. The mage picks and chooses among them, and the results are rich. own arsenal of prohibited drugs.

Some of the 33 shops in Caoshi, Zhouqiao have become outdated empty houses, and some of them are not doing as well as before.There are also some shops, such as the pet shop not far from the pharmacy, it is best never to be discovered by Roach.Du Zhengyi took a look into the store. Some of the weird creatures, although not big, looked weirder than Qiongqi, and they were as big as Luo Qi.

Du Zhengyi tried his best to pass through the market as quickly as possible, but he didn't find any trace of the woman, so he quickened his pace and went straight to the casino at the end of the market.If she was still to be found, that was the most likely place, and most people who came to State Bridge would make the casino their last stop.

The further you go in, the fewer people there are in the street market, and more people come to the place close to the casino.Du Zhengyi tried his best not to draw attention to himself. The casino seemed to absorb the feng shui of the commercial street. The closer to the casino, the more deserted the business. The people nearby were either going to the casino or just came out drunk.

Du Zhengyi let a few drunks pass by and looked around the casino.The magnificent ancient building of the casino stands on the bridge by the river, carrying a huge red lantern with the word "gambling" written in ink.In fact, ordinary mages are not so good at gambling, but the mages who come and go here are, after all, a small group of restless people among mages.

Du Zhengyi had been there before, and it was a stricter sandbox that strictly restricted the use of magic. Otherwise, the casino would not be a casino, and it would be a complete and complete battle between mages and cheaters.

But today Du Zhengyi slowed down as soon as he approached the casino, his attention was attracted by a store next to the casino.The store was dark at the moment, and there were no lights under the eaves. It looked like it had closed down, but the door was open.Under the eaves in the corner, a thin man in robes was leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette, the dark silver patterns on the outer cloak gleamed faintly in the dim light.

Du Zhengyi stopped completely and observed him quietly. His face was facing the other direction, and he was looking at the gate of the casino.The lights of the casino next door fell on his face, and Du Zheng recognized that he was Dai Wei who was finding fault in the tavern.At this moment, he looked decadent and bored, his only energy was in those eyes looking at the casino.But he can still lean in such a corner, so it can be seen that he is waiting for someone.Or, it's letting the wind go.

Du Zhengyi recalled what the shop next to Dai Wei used to sell. It seemed that the last time he came here, it was still open for business.He remembered that it was an antique weapons shop. The greatest value of antique weapons was to provide prototypes of weapons to mages, and there was also a little collection value.Du Zheng glanced at Dai Wei, he was still facing the casino empty, now is a good opportunity, he can go in and see if the woman is inside.

Du Zhengyi didn't hesitate any longer, Dai Wei might turn around and see him at any time, if he yelled at least the people in the room would be prepared.Du Zhengyi walked into the store door silently, and the store was quiet. Du Zhengyi touched the small table by the door, and there was no dust on his tentacles.This place should be open all the time, buying and selling antique weapons has always been a stable business, especially in the black market.

Du Zhengyi's night vision ability is good, with a little light from outside, he can roughly see the outline of objects in the room.On the left front wall there is a door leading to the interior of the shop, the door is ajar.

He crossed the room silently and pushed open the door.There was no human breath behind the door, and a staircase led upstairs.

He looked up the stairs, and there was a flickering candle light on the second floor.He immediately understood that the windows on the second floor must have been sealed, that's why he didn't see any light from the outside just now.

Du Zhengyi pressed the stairs lightly, and it was this kind of old-fashioned wooden stairs, similar to the houses in the ancient town, every day when Luo Qi ran up and down, he could step on them loudly.Now he had to use silence magic if he wanted to go up there, though he wondered if that sort of sneaky magic was banned in the State Bridge sandbox as well.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from upstairs. Du Zhengyi stopped his movements and listened intently.

The woman's voice was very low, like a whisper, even though Du Zhengyi's hearing was very good, he couldn't hear what she was saying clearly.But the strange thing was that she seemed to be talking to someone, and she would stop after a few words, but Du Zhengyi couldn't hear the other person's voice.Du Zheng thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought that it would be embarrassing if she was on the phone, and then secretly cursed himself for being infected by Roach's stupid disease.

Du Zhengyi didn't hesitate any longer, he stepped up the stairs, luckily silenced his voice, and slowly approached the door on the second floor step by step.

The second floor was a spacious room. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw the short-haired woman in black. She was sitting on a sofa, and a red candle was burning on the small table beside her.

There was no breath of life in the room except her.

There was no wind in the room, but the curtains hanging on the sealed windows were swaying.Du Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then his headache broke out violently. One of his hands tightly grasped the railing of the stairs, and the severe pain caused his body to shake.

He stared at the windless curtains in the room, he knew what else was in the room, his heart was beating wildly, he knew what he had encountered, and his deep consciousness remembered this familiar fear.This fear came three years ago, and his life has never been the same since.

(End of this chapter)

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