magician in town

Chapter 167 Informing Wenlin

Chapter 167 Informing Wenlin

Chapter 160 Six

The process of leaving the Grass Market in Zhouqiao went smoothly, and the black market under the control of the market manager was as smooth as ever. In Luo Qi's words, even a night market with skewers had more people fighting than here.

Roach was very happy holding a pocket of crystals. He helped Mahjong get high-performance computing crystals—two pieces, and a lot of bargaining gifts.He can keep those gifts for himself, so he finally has crystals, and he has a pocket.Although they are not worth much, they win in quantity!

But when Du Zheng pulled him out of the gate and then teleported, and immediately stopped a taxi after he appeared in an unfamiliar street, Roach finally realized that something must be wrong.They were silent in the taxi, Du Zhengyi closed his eyes, he was holding the cat in a daze, his hands were in his pockets, and he was scratching at the egg-shaped gift crystals, the smooth crystals slipped past his hands, leaving Under the slightly cool touch.

When the taxi stopped, Roach was still in a daze. Du Zhengyi rubbed his head, and his hair became short again. Before getting into the taxi, he removed the camouflage produced by mental induction. .

It started to rain when we left Zhouqiaocaoshi, and it was already raining heavily when we got off the bus.It was still daytime outside the grass market. Roach put on his hood and looked up at the gray sky. He seemed to have come out of a rabbit hole. Perhaps the entire wizarding world was a rabbit hole of this world.

"Let's go," Du Zhengyi said.For some reason, he added, "Button fastened, it's colder here than in the south."

Luo Qi looked up at Du Zhengyi. He didn't even pull up his collar. The rain wet his hair and dripped down his well-defined browbones. People with deep eye sockets are always a bit unlucky at such times. Eyes are especially prone to getting water.There were drops of water on his eyelashes, and his black eyes became deeper. He looked at Roach, and then wiped the water on his face, "What's wrong?"

Roach shook his head and fastened the buttons.Du Zhengyi walked forward, and Roach followed. The heavy rain was washing the street, and his ears were filled with the sound of rain. He silently quickened his pace and followed Du Zhengyi closely.

They walked in the rain for a while, and Roach suddenly saw the back of the hotel building. It turned out that they had entered the back alley of the hotel.An aunt wearing a plastic bag walked past them briskly and turned out of the alley.

Du Zheng glanced back at the entrance of the alley, and suddenly reached out to hold Roach's forearm.

Roach was dragged into the warp, and when he felt normal gravity again, he found himself in a hotel room.

He really admired Du Zhengyi's superb ability to calculate beacons, to find their rooms accurately in so many houses in a building, and if there was a slight deviation, they might turn themselves into an anti-pornography team.

Luo Qi slowed down for a while, overcoming the slight dizziness, "If there is a cleaning aunt in the room right now, she will definitely have a heart attack."

Du Zhengyi didn't say anything, and threw a towel on his head, and he grabbed the towel and wiped it on his head.The two of them took some time to dry themselves and put on dry clothes. Roach handed Du Zhengyi a bottle of water, and then asked, "Did you find that woman?"

"I'll send a message to Wan Pei. He looks like he knows Dai Wei and the others, and he may know their situation." Du Zhengyi replied.

That is, the woman was not found, Roach added silently in his heart.He told what he knew, "The fat man in the Stone Store said that she is a broker who often haunts the black market, mainly acting as a middleman for those big bosses who don't come forward."

"Do you know her name?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"The fat man said his name was Yao Yu, but as you know, it may not be his real name." Luo Qi said.

Du Zheng nodded and admitted that what Luo Qi said made sense, "Wan Pei may know her details. Wen Lin should be notified of this news as soon as possible, so that she can also send people to investigate Yao Yu, a broker in the black market."

Luo Qi made an "OK" gesture, went to the cabinet and took out his mobile phone, "Suddenly a large amount of high-energy crystal transactions appeared on the black market, I think Qionglin should have already attracted attention."

"Depending on their normal reaction, it would be too slow. What I worry about is that the whereabouts of the high-energy crystals is related to Qianzhou." Du Zhengyi said, he was standing at the window, and he opened the white gauze curtain casually to look out .The sky outside is gray, the rain has not abated at all, there are no pedestrians on the side of the road, and traffic jams have begun on the viaduct outside.

Luo Qi was taken aback, and immediately buried his hair in WeChat for a while, notifying Wen Lin of the latest situation.

"So many high-energy crystals flow into the hands of one person, what are they going to do?" Du Zhengyi murmured, as if talking to himself.

Luo Qi frowned with some annoyance, "If you still go to Qianzhou, it's really too high-profile. Knowing that we already know the location is in Qianzhou, but still doing this, isn't it just trying to kill yourself?" It’s as if someone was afraid that the lotus burner would not be valued by Qionglin. But, brother, since you haven’t found that woman, why did we leave the black market in such a hurry, what happened?”

Du Zhengyi turned his head to look at him, "Who said I didn't find that woman?"

"Then..." Roach said in confusion, "how is that..."

"When I found that woman, there was another person beside her. I was no match for that person, so I had no choice but to retreat." Du Zhengyi said.

"One?" Roach said with a strange face, "One? Do you have an opponent if you fight alone?"

"It's that person." Du Zhengyi said quietly.

"Who is it?" Roach said in astonishment, but suddenly stopped, his eyes became full of fear.

Du Zhengyi could tell from his expression that he had already understood, "I don't think I will be able to beat him after three years."

"No, wait." Roach stood up from the shoe stool next to the closet, stepped across the hotel room and walked to Du Zhengyi's side, "So what if you can't beat him?" ? This is not the Olympics. The important thing is that he hasn't shown his face in this world for three years, why did he suddenly appear at this time?"

Du Zhengyi stared at Roach's anxious face, those lively eyes were now deep because of thinking. He realized the sharpness of Roach's thinking. Although he was anxious and afraid, he grasped the key point at once. .Perhaps because of lack of self-confidence, Roach had been wearing a fool's mask before, but under his stupid shell was a sensitive and thoughtful soul.

Luo Qi's eyes widened because of fear, "Master Guan has been dead for so long, the incidents in Xizhou and Qianzhou have not occurred, and now we have started to deal with them, and they have begun to occur one by one. , as if we were the ones who opened Pandora's box. I feel more and more that we are just pawns..."

Du Zhengyi didn't answer, he still stood there calmly.

"Brother, do you remember Mr. Shui's words? Is the man you saw lame?" Roach asked suddenly.

"I can't see him." Du Zhengyi said quietly, "He is obviously a rare mind mage."

He saw Luo Qi stood up in surprise and opened his mouth, and slowly spit out a sentence, "What about Pei Shu?"

"I thought it was comparable." Du Zhengyi said.

Roach shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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