magician in town

Chapter 175 Origin

Chapter 175 Origin

Chapter 170 Four

A hundred monkeys lived in Luo Qi's heart, jumping up and down and fighting each other, making him restless for a moment.Of course he also wanted to visit Qianzhou, but the reason he gave to Du Zhengyi before the meal was still in his ears.But now that place is as wonderful as an oil and gas field discovered in a poor county for a mind mage.

"No wonder Wen Lin wanted me to go there." When Roach said this, he had already moved to his single bed, holding the remote control of the TV in his hand. "What do you think of what the middle school teacher said?"

"I think he's crazy." Du Zhengyi said calmly, flipping through the book that Roach had discarded.

Luo Qi stopped talking, and there was nothing to watch on the TV. He rolled around on the bed in boredom. After being pressed once, his cat lost his temper and rubbed against Du Zhengyi's leg.

Du Zhengyi just has the ability to keep calm, even in such a bad environment, the TV is buzzing with variety shows, Roach is howling and rolling on the bed, and the cat is scratching on his calf, wanting to be hugged.

Luo Qi sat up from the bed, with his head in a mess, and finally gathered enough courage to say what he wanted to say, "What do you think of me sneaking into Qianzhou alone?"

"Quietly." Du Zhengyi repeated without lifting his gaze from the page, and only gave him one word, "Heh."

Roach ignored his sarcasm, "That middle school teacher must be a spiritually sensitive person, the closest human being to a telepath, and such a person will occasionally receive ideas from the magical world. If I get there, I will Then I can understand what those wandering thoughts are, and I can trace back to the source. If there are really any secrets buried under Kongsang Mountain, maybe I can find them.”

Du Zhengyi put down the book and looked up at him. He saw a blank in Du Zhengyi's eyes, as if he was in a daze and didn't hear a word he was saying.But in the next second, Du Zhengyi suddenly moved to his side with a cold gaze.He didn't see how Du Zhengyi moved here at all, whether he used teleportation or his moving speed could be so fast.All in all, he knew that Du Zhengyi's daze just now was completely distracting him.

Du Zhengyi's hand stretched out at the same speed, and he also didn't see clearly how he was choked by the neck, just like choking a chicken.He didn't know how he fell on the bed. Du Zheng's face was stern, like a god of death.He knelt on the side of the bed with one knee, his iron-like strong and cold fingers pinched Roach's slender neck, Roach stared in ignorance, and was pinched so that he let out a cough.

"Mind mage?" Du Zhengyi said coldly, "It takes an instant to be killed. As long as you find the right opportunity, killing people is never difficult. Do you think you are so powerful that you can challenge the god of death unscrupulously? Your mind Mage can only control the field from behind, or use some intrigue behind the scenes, do you understand the best use of yourself?"

Luo Qi was used to being on the bed too fast. Although he fell on the mattress, his head was still a little dizzy from the shock, and he was a little dazed, so he barely let out a sound, "Yeah."

Du Zheng was quite satisfied with his educational achievements, so he let go of his hand, and his tense body relaxed, like a cheetah after hunting.Du Zhengyi sat down beside his bed, and patted his silly face, "You have to know, you are not the only mind mage in this world. Couldn't Qionglin at that time have thought of sending a mind mage to fight against the sky?" Did Sangshan dig the ground three feet?"

Roach knew he was right, but grudgingly said, "I think I've got a nosebleed!"

Du Zheng took a look at him, "No."

Luo Qi didn't know whether he was persuaded or defeated. His IQ slowly rose to the line, and he resisted the temptation of a place of ghosts and ghosts for beginners of mind mages.Probably because he lost a lot of blood, he went to bed early and went to bed as early as the old man Du Zhengyi.

After turning off the lights, he found a comfortable position on the single bed in the hotel, and Du Zhengyi fell asleep on the bed next to him, breathing lightly.He stretched out a little consciousness to touch Du Zhengyi's consciousness barrier, and felt a burst of comfort and stability ready to fall asleep.

"Go away." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice, but he did this kind of thing too much, and Du Zheng scolded him half-heartedly.

Roach didn't care that his behavior was like his cat rubbing someone's trousers, he absorbed Du Zhengyi's stability and confidence, and his sense of security expanded enough to cover him, and he fell asleep comfortably.

That night, he dreamed that he was walking in a cave in the mountain and saw many monsters.But he knew that this dream was just a dream, because the monsters in his dream were similar to the movies he had seen. Alien and Predator walked around. After a while, he also went to Jurassic Park, riding with a dinosaur.The scene was so childish that even he was sure that this was his dream, and it was completely different from the dream world that the middle school teacher felt.

And he slept until dawn, until he was woken up by urinating.

Early the next morning, Roach went to a courier and sent his precious computing crystal to the ancient town.Added Fatty to WeChat and had a friendly chat.Then he and Du Zhengyi continued to go north, heading straight to the northern seaport where Guan Xinyue's family was located.

Luo Qi was refreshed and overcame the aftereffects of slime eating bad food yesterday, and today he planned to dig out the brains of the monks in the temple.But he didn't tell Du Zhengyi that one thing more is worse than one thing less. Now he has realized that using telepathy is not the same as using other ideas to drive other magic.Even if he is as keen as Du Zhengyi, as long as the telepathy is not directed at him, he will not be able to feel it.

They took the plane this time, and Du Zheng hated the tedious boarding process. Roach acted like an obedient baby throughout the trip, and even the cat he stole onto the plane took a nap quietly, trying not to arouse Du Zhengyi's irritation. Watch out, pour your wrath on his head.

A few hours later they returned to where it all started, where they rented a car.Roach fastened himself firmly into the seat belt. Now that he has fully understood Du Zhengyi, if he has been held in the plane for so long, if he doesn't drive the car to take off in a while, it is simply not Du Zhengyi. Just one.

Luo Qi himself had mixed feelings. Thinking of the first time he came here, what he was most worried about was that he had screwed up. As soon as he was sent back to school by Du Zheng, his credits would be in vain.Now it is like a century away from that time, and he has not thought about going to school, credits, and whether he will repeat such small things for a long time.What Du Zhengyi and Mahjong taught him was better than what the school taught him.

But even so, when their car drove to that small village with not-so-good scenery again, a shadow was cast over Roach's heart again.The memory that he was taken away by Li Xu began to torment him, and his nerves became tense again.

(End of this chapter)

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