magician in town

Chapter 178 Guan Yushan's Secret

Chapter 178 Guan Yushan's Secret

"In the past, it was not easy to analyze Guan Yushan objectively in front of Xinyue. It was always taboo." Luo Qi said a little irritably.His mental state was not very good a few days ago, and he had been overcoming his own problems, so he didn't think about these things carefully. "It happens that they are not here now, so we should take care of it. Brother, how much do you know about Guan Yushan's basic situation?"

Du Zhengyi looked at Luo Qi, he was standing in front of the window, the afterglow of the setting sun outside the window shone on his side face, his face was half bright and half dark.He frowned lightly, and unexpectedly looked a bit like Du Zhengyi.

Du Zhengyi didn't know what kind of emotion he should have. Roach was imitating him subconsciously. Even if he was a war machine, he was still a human being. He understood the emotional factors in it.The obsession haunted him as always, distracting him a bit.

Luo Qi didn't get an answer, he murmured on his own thinking, "Guan Yushan investigated a mage's murder case, and he found something that led to his being killed. This is what happened. He found I got the information about the lotus burner, but he must have found the information about the lotus burner from Dahei's temple. But there are always some things that make me uncomfortable, such as why it is not a person's name, but a place name. Why is it not a list Why is there no list? Why is this riddle being played? Xizhou? Qianzhou? Why does an archmage like Guan Yushan live in such a boring place with a shrew as a neighbor?"

Luo Qi turned his head suddenly, he looked at Du Zhengyi, and found that Du Zhengyi was also looking at him with enlightenment.

"Brother, does the place where we are standing now have a real name?" Roach blinked in surprise. He is a geography idiot and a history idiot, and he can't make sense of these things at all.If there was once an ancient mage's settlement here too, it would have a true name here too.


"Shuozhou." Du Zhengyi replied in a low voice.

Luo Qi didn't dare to say what clues he had found, but he had a vague hunch that he was on the right track. "Everywhere we've been is the site of an ancient city, isn't it?"

When the ancient cities, mages and their own city-states, these places were once prosperous.

At that moment, Du Zhengyi remembered something. He didn't know it as an outstanding graduate, nor did he know it as a battle mage in Qionglin. It was his third identity, the guardian of the lonely mountain. one of the secrets.

He shouldn't think about it at all. There are many reasons why he is not as eager as Roach to advance the progress of the matter. He is essentially just a soldier, and his duty is to perform combat missions, so as long as the matter can be postponed, He all hoped to leave the matter to Qiong Lin who resumed normal work to solve the matter after Pei Shu came back.That's why he was hardly in a positive state on the whole matter. If Lotus Burner hadn't suddenly gone mad, he wouldn't touch the mystery left by Guan Yushan at all.No one expected that the Lotus Burner would suddenly become aggressive like a mad dog.

He raised his eyes, and again saw Roach observing him appraisingly.Roach didn't question him with flaming eyes, but whenever he was not paying attention, Roach was quietly observing him thoughtfully.

"What?" he asked warily.

Roach immediately dodged again, "No, nothing?"

Du Zhengyi was full of doubts, but he was sure that Roach didn't use his consciousness to drill into his brain, not even once.His silence was received by Roach again, and this time Roach said, "I know you must know something, but you just don't want to say it."

Du Zhengyi was a little embarrassed, Roach saw it and handed him a step, and he said loudly and childishly, "It's fine if you don't say anything!"

But he didn't let him go so easily, he stared at Du Zhengyi with sly eyes, and said, "I know Guan Yushan must be here to guard something."

Du Zhengyi tried his best not to let his facial expression react, but he knew from the lit up smile on Roach's face that he had failed again.Du Zheng looked at Luo Qi angrily. He knew that the two of them were too familiar. Although they hadn't known each other for long enough to become old friends, they had escaped several times and their inseparability quickly drew them closer. distance.The friendship between life and death is one of the oldest magic, and he can't hide anything from Roach more and more. Roach is very good at interpreting him.If there is a course called Du Zhengyi, sooner or later Roach will be the class representative.

"There must be some secrets here." Roach said in a particularly irritating manner, "Brother, you don't have to tell me anything, you will definitely choose to be loyal, but I can guess for myself. All I know is my guess. There is no breach of your principle of loyalty."

Du Zhengyi couldn't keep silent any longer, he couldn't help but said, "Guan Yushan is indeed guarding something, but I assure you, it's completely different from what you think. And with Guan Yushan's death, Gushan has suffered a lot. It's a huge loss, and the things Guan Yushan guarded no longer exist, so don't worry about this matter anymore."

"Oh." Luo Qi nodded obediently, but unexpectedly continued, "I understand, because Guan Yushan died, and the loss of Gushan forced Pei Shu to retreat, he is trying to make up for this huge loss, right? "

Du Zhengyi was stunned, staring angrily at Luo Qi, a brat, and at the same time tightly closed his mouth.

Luo Qi smiled at him and said, "They are not just punishing Guan Yushan for marrying a human woman, nor are they just trying to get rid of Guan Yushan, who discovered their secret, they simply discovered that Guan Yushan is a real woman better than him." The mage whose status is more important. Killing Guan Yushan is their first step. If they move this pawn, Pei Shu will leave Qionglin, and the politics of Qionglin will fall into chaos. They have won a few months for themselves precious time."

As soon as Du Zheng made up his mind to ignore Luo Qi, Luo Qi stepped forward again, "May I ask one last question, the things guarded by Guan Yushan no longer exist, are they destroyed?"

Without blinking his eyes, he stared at Du Zhengyi with all his attention, and gently uttered the real last question, "Or, the things guarded by Guan Yushan have actually fallen into their hands?"

Du Zhengyi believed that he hadn't shown anything, but that wicked brat let out a long, clear "Oh~~", which was as hateful as it could be.

The little boy said, "It turns out that it has already fallen into their hands."

Du Zhengyi didn't speak, Roach guessed right.What's more terrible is that he didn't know how far it was until the day when Roach guessed more things. Roach was simply a hammer in one hand and a shovel in the other, tapping here and digging there.

(End of this chapter)

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