magician in town

Chapter 180 Shuozhou

Chapter 180 Shuozhou

Chapter 170 Eight

Roach asked to live in the Guan family's old house, at least for one night.

When the two of them were together, of course Du Zhengyi was the boss, but if Roach made up his mind what he wanted, he would always succeed.From time to time, Du Zheng would take a step back and let Roach owe him more favors, so that he could manage him more effectively in an emergency.The two advance and retreat, bargain, and get along harmoniously.

In the evening they ate a little bread and whatever snacks they could buy in the country shop, mainly Roach's snacks, of course.It's not that Du Zhengyi doesn't eat snacks, Luo Qi has already discovered that he just has a tricky taste, unlike himself who can put everything in his mouth.

Roach lay down on the bed at nine o'clock, leaning on his arm, looking relaxed and comfortable, and he could be his home anywhere.His headache got better. Yesterday's incident taught him a great lesson. He firmly remembered this lesson. After a deep dive, the speed of surfacing must be slower.

But to be honest, his life has long since reached the deep water area.

There was a cigarette in his mouth. The cigarette belonged to Du Zhengyi, but he dug it out, and it was his if he dug it out.Du Zhengyi was washing up, and it sounded like he wouldn't be back for a while. He hesitated, carefully lit a small fireball on his fingertips, and moved the fireball to light a cigarette.

Du Zhengyi really didn't lie, his magical abilities were indeed much more stable and abundant than before.Given time, maybe he could reach thousands of miles in the end.But he has no dreams about Qianli, he is a pragmatic person.He has seen the depths of many people's souls. Most of them lead to the same goal by different routes. What they get will eventually get tired, and happiness will always be out of reach.There are also some poor people, living but lingering.The special soldier has become a company boss, has a responsible wife, and two lovely children, but he will always live on the day when his comrade-in-arms died tragically.

Luo Qi thought too much, and when Du Zhengyi returned to the house, he didn't respond in particular.

"What are you doing?" Du Zhengyi asked him.

"Think about life," Roach said honestly.

"In my opinion, you are smoking." Du Zheng reminded him dryly.

Luo Qi came back to his senses suddenly. In fact, he didn't take a few puffs, and they all went in and out of his mouth, and he didn't go through other apertures at all.He blinked his eyes and looked at Du Zhengyi in horror, for fear of being beaten, but suddenly thought what he was doing, Du Zhengyi was his friend and not his father.

"I'm just..." He thought about it, Du Zhengyi also smoked, how could he have the face to bother him, he just took a cigarette from Du Zhengyi without asking himself, so it's nothing to share a cigarette between brothers.Thinking of this, he decided to involve Du Zhengyi as well, making him ashamed to talk about himself. He put the cigarette back in his mouth, "I'm learning from you to smoke."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a wave of water bullets hit his mouth accurately, not only extinguishing his cigarette, but also choking it into his mouth.He jumped up suddenly, spit out a large mouthful of water, and coughed "cough cough".

"You still have a few years to fully grow up, maybe you can grow up a little bit more, if you don't grow up because of smoking, how can I explain to your parents." Du Zhengyi said, still not relieved, he raised his long legs Kicking Roach in the ass, "It's getting worse every day, shit."

"Damn, why do you care so much, are you my father?" Roach coughed and cursed and complained, but ran out of Du Zhengyi's sphere of influence without any hesitation, and went to the bathroom to dry himself.

Du Zhengyi lay down on the bed and took away the cigarette case next to the pillow. He obviously put it in his coat.He sighed, and felt a little sleepy again. Now his tiredness always came so quickly, and sometimes he didn't use any magic for a day, but he still couldn't even maintain his basic energy.Under such a situation of lack of energy, no matter what kind of trouble Roach wants to make, he is not willing to think about what he is going to do.

He was fiddling with the cigarette case, thinking about his time, he had allocated most of his time to Roach, and he was the most generous to Roach in his attitude towards everyone.I hope that when Roach himself is in this world in the future, he can think of this and don't get too angry with him.

I don't know what Roach was dawdling in the bathroom. Du Zheng was so sleepy that he couldn't wake up, so he rolled over and fell asleep first.

Roach finally poked his head out from the door and carefully observed Du Zhengyi's sleeping condition for a while.Then, he sneaked into the living room, sat down in a comfortable armchair, and checked the time first, it was almost eleven o'clock.He calmed down for a while, then slowly slid into the world of consciousness, and first checked the crater belonging to Du Zhengyi.The magma was churning soothingly inside, and Du Zhengyi slept soundly.

Luo Qi wandered around Du Zhengyi silently, and in the real spiritual world, he also regarded Du Zhengyi as an anchor point and coordinates, because this time he was going to a farther place, and he was already in the forest of the public station. The experiment has passed the range covered by his own consciousness, but this time he may go a long way.An experienced old mage like Guan Yushan may not be able to go far.Before setting out, he had to make sure of the existence of the lighthouse.

The world of consciousness rose up to cover the natural world in which he lived, and Roach excitedly threw himself into it, observing this same world in his own field of vision.He flew against the wind again in the world of consciousness, circling over the small village. The country people are used to going to bed early and getting up early, most of the human beings have already fallen asleep, and the kingdom of mind is calm and without waves.

Luo Qi lingered here for a while, adapting to the new world, he cruised in the world of ideas like a fish in water for a while, and then he began to push into the distance.He successfully restrained the idea of ​​giving a nightmare to the aunt next door, resisted the idea of ​​playing a prank, he still had business to do.

He can feel that one side of the world is densely packed with consciousness, that is the human city, and countless voices of consciousness overlap, he will never approach that side rashly.Instead, he chose the desolate hill behind the village, where there are only sporadic and simple consciousness, small animals in the mountains.

Du Zhengyi refused to tell him, but he believed that Guan Yushan must be guarding something here, and the location would not be too far from his house.Of course, distance is always relative, and his distance is in terms of the perception range of a mind mage.

Kongsang Mountain in Qianzhou hides the secret of the mage, and the old mage in Shuozhou is guarding something.The ancestor mages, those real great mages must have buried some secrets underground, and he had to at least take a peek.

(End of this chapter)

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