magician in town

Chapter 184 The Village in the Valley

Chapter 184 The Village in the Valley

Chapter 180 Two

"The energy decays after reaching a peak." Du Zhengyi looked at Roach again, without mentioning that he looked like a popsicle.

Roach frowned and thought, "It was that peak that caused Ye Xiao."

"Yes." Du Zhengyi said, he started to walk forward again, and this time quickened his pace, Roach almost trotted to keep up with him.

"You said that night screams often happen in the barracks temporarily stationed during the march?" Roach asked in a low voice.

"That's why it's also called battalion roar. Soldiers in war are much more nervous than ordinary people. When a battalion roar occurs, a few nervous nerves can cause the entire battalion to fight. This is a very ancient defense against human beings. way, if the human army threatens the settlement of mages, and the number of mages is far less than the number of human troops, or the mages left behind have insufficient energy, this method can stimulate the human brain at night and make them lose their sense of fear It is very useful." Du Zhengyi said.

"You think Guan Yushan did it?" Luo Qi asked.

"You have also seen the action pattern of Jingtu Temple. Guan Yushan should have found out a lot of things. He must be mainly defending against human beings in the last moment. However, this kind of weapon is not the best weapon for a great mage to protect himself. The weapon is more like Guan Yushan igniting an ancient beacon tower." Du Zheng said as he walked, he looked at the darkness in the distance, his eyesight was very good, and a little light could let him see the way ahead. "Mages have better choices for self-preservation, but riots like tonight will definitely be listed as serious unnatural phenomena. This is equivalent to a death beacon prepared by Guan Yushan for himself. It will. But in the end his death may actually have happened so suddenly, so mildly, that he didn't realize the need to activate the beacon, and the police caught him before Jonglin. My hunch is that , but there is still something unclear about it.”

"I'm also a little confused." Roach said tremblingly, he was numb from exhaustion, and the trembling at the moment was completely frozen. "Is Guan Yushan the kind of person who plays with the living dead? Look at the children he raised, look at Guan Xinyue, I don't think he is that kind of person."

Du Zhengyi didn't answer, he led the way in front, swiftly walking through the forest, avoiding the cut-off part of the path. "It's separated by a mountain, but few people come to this place."

Roach's heart skipped a beat when he said these words, and he fell into deep thought, even forgetting the cold.They hurried on for a while, and Roach gave a sudden gasp.

"They say monsters and ghosts appear at the same time." Roach murmured suddenly behind him.

Du Zhengyi turned his head to look at Roach, and asked him in surprise, "What did you say?"

Luo Qi raised his head and looked at him in the dark, "I'm talking about what Wen Lin said, she said that the time when Qiongqi appeared - monsters and ghosts - this is clearly a human description. So evil Ghosts don’t refer to mages who exorcise Qiongqi, how can humans see magicians who are psychic with Qiongqi? It must be the living dead, and the living dead will be regarded as evil ghosts!”

"The legend that there is a Kongsang mountain in this world is already very bizarre. Can human beings still have a Kongsang mountain in every province?" Du Zhengyi said, and Luo Qi's frightened eyes stared even wider. When he was big, he reached out and stopped him. "We've already arrived. The village is just below our feet. We'll talk about everything after we see it."

Luo Qi was startled, swallowed hard, and nodded silently.

"There is indeed a village below, and your impression is very accurate." Du Zhengyi said, he softened a bit, "If you are sure that this is also a Kongsang Mountain, then our trip tonight will be a big job .If I feel bad and let you go..."

Luo Qi nodded without waiting for him to finish speaking, "I'll run right away, regardless of your life or death, don't worry buddy."

Du Zhengyi couldn't help laughing, he turned his head to stare at the darkness in front of him, and gradually became serious.The valley is like a huge bowl, and the village is silent at the bottom of the bowl, without a single light.

Luo Qi didn't know how Du Zhengyi could see clearly, but he guessed that Du Zhengyi wasn't looking with his eyes, he was measuring with magic.Luo Qi can also see without eyes now, but as long as he thinks of the ancient and cold consciousness in that high-energy crystal, the gastric juice will almost freeze.

Du Zhengyi suddenly walked down quickly, and Luo Qi hurriedly followed, keeping a step away from him.The mage's flames blazed around the periphery of the village. The flames licked the dead grass, sparks flew up like fireflies, and Roach's ears were filled with the crisp sound of burning dead branches.A figure flashed by in the streets and alleys of the village, and Luo Qi's heart tightened.

Du Zhengyi walked in slowly through the gap in the flames, Roach looked at him anxiously, feeling that something was going to happen, Du Zhengyi's footsteps stopped at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Roach asked in a low voice, and took a step closer to Du Zhengyi.To his surprise, Du Zhengyi stretched out an arm to stop him, keeping him behind.

"I've been here before." Du Zhengyi whispered.

Roach was taken aback, looking at the deserted village behind him in amazement.Half of the courtyard wall has collapsed. Grass grows on the collapsed earthen wall. There are piles of rubble in the courtyard. The house has long since lost its doors and windows, which may have been demolished when the people here left.This place should have been unoccupied for a long time, and Roach can tell at a glance that it has a strong 90s Chinese rural style, which is very different from today's rural areas, so it is highly recognizable.

Roach doesn't think such deserted villages are very rare. People who play off-road will occasionally find such places. In the first 20 years, with the change of production plan, such as the end of mining, the conversion of farmland to forest in forest areas, and the production team It is possible to leave such a deserted village after leaving.He even hoped that Du Zhengyi had made a mistake, maybe he had been to a deserted village similar to this one.After all, in the past few decades, when China was engaged in construction, it did not seek special features. The houses in the whole country were built to the same extent, and the rural areas were mostly divided into north and south.If Du Zhengyi walked west for a thousand kilometers, the countryside he encountered would not be much different from here.

It was the first time he saw Du Zhengyi as if he was facing a big enemy, and the weirdness of this place brought a bit of ominous omen.

"Be careful." Du Zhengyi said, "Stand behind me and don't touch anything. If things go wrong, we can retreat at any time and leave this place for Qionglin to solve by himself."

"Okay." Roach said honestly.His eyes blurred, and he couldn't see if there was really a figure flashing past behind the courtyard wall.

(End of this chapter)

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