magician in town

Chapter 186 Puppet

Chapter 186 Puppet (2)

Chapter 180 Four

Roach shivered and stared blankly at the corpse. A few minutes ago he was no different from a living person.

Roach trembled and asked a terrible question, "Do you the end, did he still have his own consciousness?"

Du Zhengyi didn't answer. He looked sternly at the deserted village surrounded by burning flames, and several black figures appeared in the flames.

"Ten?" he asked.

Roach knew what he was going to do, his voice was so hoarse that he could only make a vague sound, and he reached out and grabbed Du Zhengyi's forearm.The forearm under the palm was hot, and the muscles were as hard as iron. Roach trembled, "Let me try."

Du Zhengyi looked at him as if he had also swallowed a flame, "It's too dangerous, I haven't been able to extinguish that awakened consciousness yet."

"Let me try one, at least one. If I can restore them, I won't have to bear eleven life debts. If I can't restore them, we won't have to bear life debts either." Roach said, anxiously Looking at Du Zhengyi, Du Zhengyi looked like a god in flames under the sky full of flames.

"Luo..." Du Zhengyi suddenly realized that he almost said Luo Qi's name, he tightly pursed his lips and closed his eyes.

Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi in amazement. This was a mistake Du Zhengyi would never make. He could feel Du Zhengyi's upset.In this deserted village, Du Zhengyi has been really serious from the very beginning, using his ultimate move, summoning a force that is far more powerful than dealing with eleven puppets, so Du Zhengyi must have discovered some danger that he failed to discover. .

"What happened?" Roach asked.

"I've been here before." Du Zhengyi said, he glanced at Roach, then raised his head to look around the village behind the fire. "Not exactly the same, but it must be here, and I recognize it."

"When?" Roach also stared at the approaching shadow behind the fire.

"It's not in the real world, it's in the illusion under the Guan family well." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

Roach was taken aback. He no longer knew whether he was becoming more nervous now, or had a broken nerve. "The time I woke you up? At that time, you didn't say what kind of illusion it was."

As soon as Du Zheng turned his head and looked into Luo Qi's eyes, he took a deep breath and said quickly, "I saw you trapped in this village for a lifetime. When I found you, you were already a crazy old man."

Luo Qi wanted to thank this night. He had experienced a thrilling experience. He had seen lunatics, ghosts, and even smelled the disgusting smell of barbecued human flesh, so no matter what happened on the same night, he couldn't scare him more.It's not that he's not afraid, it's just that the tank he used to hold his fear is already full, and there's nothing more to it.

In the few seconds when Du Zhengyi told him this sentence, he even had time to analyze it rationally, "When I first followed you, you told me that the future is unpredictable. What do you think? A hallucinogenic crystal that revealed my future to you?"

Du Zhengyi's face was shaken a little, and his voice was extremely low, "But I didn't expect to stand at this pass, I don't want to take that risk, your consciousness may indeed be blocked by the old man in that stone. Things are imprisoned deep in time. There are too many traps in the wizarding world."

Roach bit his lip, and didn't feel particularly afraid of these words. He didn't have time to think too much. He had no time. There was only one gap in the cage of flames, and the first puppet had already approached the gap.

"Give me a few seconds." Roach said, turning his head to look at the puppet with red eyes, "After ten seconds, you continue to shut down that consciousness. I promise, I only touch one puppet, and I don't care about anything else." Don't do it."

"Don't..." Du Zhengyi said, shut his mouth tightly again, and swallowed the words that were useless after that.

Roach suddenly jumped into the space of consciousness, and he didn't care about the screams that permeated the entire space of consciousness. The ancient consciousness was incomplete, exuding all the evil of human nature like a cesspit.But as long as Roach doesn't care, he will move faster in the conscious world, and he will go straight to the consciousness of a human being closest to him.

In the deep well of his consciousness, Roach easily found the most active part, and read the index in his body that soared to the limit of the human body.The screaming sound in the consciousness space suddenly intensified, as if it was the scream of dying consciousness, Roach felt another sound, it was Du Zhengyi continuing to close the consciousness space.The effect is two-way, and even Roach feels that the space of consciousness is shrinking, and it is comfortable to let the consciousness return to his own body at this time.The pressure doubled his work efficiency, and he almost desperately scanned human consciousness with red eyes in the consciousness space.

Roach seemed to have directly lifted the human skull, and the human consciousness was in front of him. He was looking for those parts that represented fear, joy, self-defense and all human beings.In the virtual world of consciousness, Roach reduced the human brain to a two-dimensional plane structure. Many parts of the complex neural structure are missing in the network graph, and many parts are completely dimmed in the topological graph.

Roach backed away in pain, directly disintegrating his brain function as he left this deep well of consciousness.

The puppet monk who slashed at Du Zhengyi in the flames suddenly stopped, and collapsed to the ground like a robot that suddenly crashed.

Roach kept his promise, didn't get entangled with the howling ancient consciousness, and went straight back to the real world.

Du Zhengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Burn them to death." Roach stared blankly at the figure behind the fire, "Their self-awareness has been completely destroyed, and they will never come back."

Du Zhengyi didn't say anything, the fire closed, the last gap disappeared, and countless flame elves appeared in a trance in the shadow of fire.The flames rose, burning hotter and hotter, the color of the flames was enough to melt steel, and for a moment Roach could almost see the elf's slender ankles clearly.

The fire engulfed one human figure after another, and the puppets that were no longer human were engulfed by the fire. Under such a flame temperature, Roach guessed that they would probably not even leave their bones.

Du Zhengyi continued the process of shutting down his consciousness. Roach carefully monitored by his side. He could feel that Du Zhengyi's pace was very steady, and his ancient and gloomy consciousness was losing its vitality bit by bit.All the puppets in the fire disappeared. At this moment, Luo Qi suddenly felt that Du Zhengyi's progress had won an overwhelming victory, and the opposite side of them suddenly became empty.It would not be like this if the consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

Roach probed secretly in surprise, "Did you kill that thing?"

Du Zhengyi stared at the front with a sullen face, "It's not me."

(End of this chapter)

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