magician in town

Chapter 192 Stranded

Chapter 192 Stranded

Chapter 190

Roach experienced six teleportations in a row, threw up on the fifth time, and seemed to have defeated the teleportation on the sixth time.A few times he could feel them appearing in a strange energy field, once in a wasteland, but even Roach could feel the abnormal energy radiation underground, he suspected that it might be a human weapon testing ground .Such a place is especially suitable for erasing traces of the mage's own energy.

The sixth time they appeared in a city park, Du Zhengyi let go of his arm, and Roach breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that Du Zhengyi did not plan to cross again.

"Six times!" Roach couldn't help shouting, complaining angrily, "Six times, I literally played the roller coaster six times in a row, and my intestines were about to be thrown out."

He sat down on the ground, dizzy, and added dog-leggedly, "But you are so awesome, take it. Don't you feel uncomfortable? How many times can you wear the upper limit in a row? Can you go as far as possible?" To Alaska?"

"Roch." Du Zhengyi called him with a solemn tone.

"Huh?" Roach looked up in surprise, vaguely feeling that something had happened, probably because of Du Zhengyi's unusual voice, a sticky shadow was cast over his heart, dragging his heart down .

In the community park in the second half of the night, there were only low trail lights. Du Zheng stood tall, his face was shrouded in the shadow of the corner of the pavilion, and Roach couldn't see clearly for a while.

"I'll rest for a while." Du Zhengyi said, his voice was very soft. For some reason, Roach thought of Luoxue's voice, and was so flustered that he couldn't stand it for a moment.

Du Zhengyi took a step back, slowly sat down on the bench behind him, and let out a long breath.

"Brother." Roach stood up and slowly approached Du Zhengyi. He saw that Du Zhengyi's eyes were closed. Under the dim light, the eye sockets looked like deep shadows.

No one answered him, Du Zhengyi hunched quietly on the recliner.

"Brother." Roach heard his voice shrill like a little girl's. He coughed and lowered his voice, although he was still full of fear. "Brother, that sentence is too unlucky, say it again!"

No one answered him, there were buildings full of human beings all around, and the lights were still on for people who stayed up late, but the park in the middle of the street was as quiet as a cemetery.Du Zhengyi was the only person around him, but now he seemed to be out of this world.

"Brother." Roach squatted down in front of him, putting one hand on Du Zhengyi's knee, "What's wrong with you?"

He looked at the quiet Du Zhengyi. At this point, he couldn't even reach out to see if Du Zhengyi was still breathing. He didn't dare to lift his hand.He gently rubbed Du Zhengyi's knee, as if it would make Du Zhengyi more comfortable, as if Du Zhengyi had just walked too far and was resting.

"Brother, can I do something?" He asked in a low voice, but no one answered him.His throat choked, and water trickled down from his eyes and dripped down his chin, and he didn't realize what it was.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard someone driving by, honking their horn on the quiet street in the early morning, and someone in a nearby residential building opened the window and cursed at the window.He also heard a cat pass near him and stopped to watch them for a while.After a while, the first wave of morning exercisers will appear, and then there will be those who get up early to sell breakfast, and the morning market will soon open.

All the idiots, all the cats are living their lives step by step and enjoying the beginning of a new day, but Du Zhengyi is about to lose this day.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he leaned forward and lay on Du Zhengyi's lap, unable to restrain himself from crying.At this moment, a hand landed on the back of his head, gently rubbing his hair, "Roach, I'm fine."

Luo Qi burst into tears immediately, and fell completely on Du Zhengyi's lap.

"Roch, get out." Du Zhengyi said helplessly in a hoarse voice.

Roach cried and said, "I didn't want to fall here, my legs are so numb and I can't get up."

Du Zhengyi closed his eyes and sighed, "A wimp. That's fine, I won't die so easily. You are so fucking wimpy that people can't even close their eyes when they die."

Luo Qi bravely wiped his tears on Du Zhengyi's pants, finally regained his strength, got up from his legs, stood up and looked at him carefully. "So what's wrong with you? Did the clownfish attack you? Or an old wound?"

"The old injury broke out." Du Zhengyi said, looking up at Roach, "I still don't have much strength, and I may need your help before I can go back. Mahjong will find a solution after I go back."

Luo Qi swallowed. He had never seen Du Zhengyi so tired. What made his heart sink the most was that he could see that Du Zhengyi could not only stand up, but also couldn't use his arms to a large extent. His brain He can hardly control his limbs. These symptoms are very familiar to him, a mind mage who has started to learn mental attacks, and they are symptoms that can only be produced by severe mental attacks.But this turned out to be a sequela, a sequela that has not been eliminated for three years, does it mean that the damage is irreversible, or the wound is not healed at all...

"Roch." Du Zhengyi called him.

He caught a glimpse of Du Zhengyi's serious expression, and there was a slight reproach on his face. He understood what Du Zhengyi meant, and he didn't want him to ask questions, nor did he want him to think about it.He may have stepped on the line and touched other people's privacy, so he quickly concentrated on helping Du Zhengyi to stand up.

"Is there a way for Mahjong? Shall we go back and find him?" Roach knew that he had said nonsense. Mahjong was Du Zhengyi's doctor for the past three years. If Mahjong had no way, he didn't know who else to go to.But if he didn't talk nonsense, there was no way to dispel Du Zhengyi's suspicion that he was thinking about it.

"He is a good doctor." Du Zhengyi said.

"Then I'll learn from him, maybe I should be a doctor." Roach said, helping Du Zheng to walk towards the side of the road.

Du Zhengyi couldn't help laughing, Roach is a warm person. "You are a type A aggressive telepath. Although your usual appearance makes people think that you must be a type B, at most a type B1 with a little bit of attack, but you are not a healing type telepath. When a doctor It is not suitable for you, you should find a path that suits you best."

Luo Qi didn't answer him, he didn't say anything, he just supported Du Zhengyi to walk slowly.

"Roach, have you ever thought about what the future will be like for you as a rare A-type telepath in our world after everything is over?" Du Zhengyi whispered.

Roach had a feeling that Du Zhengyi was actually trying to make him laugh, to cheer him up and get him excited again.He was actually speechless, but he didn't want Du Zhengyi to waste his efforts, "I never thought about it. Maybe I will be Wushan's number one sign."

Du Zheng smiled, "Then think about it again. If you don't go to Wushan to develop, you may be the number one sign in Qionglin. Have you ever thought that 100 years later, maybe you will stand in Peishu's place today?" position."

"My biggest dream is to help you." Roach whispered.

"Then you should think a little bit further and be more ambitious. Let me think about it now, when the calculators gave you to me and insisted that your L value was the highest, I don't know what they calculated." Du Zhengyi said.

"There's not enough known conditions for them to calculate a fart." Roach said, "No one knows that I'm a telepath, and I don't have this important variable, so what? Maybe I'm just lucky, so you'll be fine of."

Du Zhengyi didn't answer him, the burden on Roach's arm suddenly increased, and he hurriedly hugged Du Zhengyi who had passed out.Fuck, he cursed in agony, he really is the most fucking unlucky person, he has no luck at all.

There were already some bright lights in the sky, but he hugged the unconscious Du Zhengyi and ran aground in a human residential area.

 The comments I received the day before yesterday were probably deleted by the Qidian website because of sensitive words.terribly sorry.But I read the comments a few times and they are very well written *罒▽罒*



(End of this chapter)

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