Chapter 194

Chapter 190 Two

When Luo Qi returned to the hotel room, Du Zhengyi was still sleeping. The blackout curtain in the room was half drawn, and the other half was only covered with a white gauze curtain.Du Zhengyi was fast asleep on the bed, while Guan Xinyue was half lying on the corner of the other half of the big bed, playing games with her mobile phone.

The room was quiet, Guan Xinyue heard him walking in, looked back, and sized him up and down.

Roach approached Du Zhengyi, held his breath and looked at him carefully for a while.

"Even if he talks, he won't wake up. Doctor Ma said he needs to sleep for at least 24 hours." Guan Xinyue said, and then took a closer look at Luo Qi, "I think you should sleep for a while, your complexion is worse than Du Brother's complexion is even worse."

"He has no external injuries, so he can't see it." Roach said in a low voice.

Guan Xinyue rolled her eyes and looked at him suspiciously, "Do you have trauma?"

Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi thoughtfully, and Guan Xinyue sat up and looked at him seriously, before he realized, "Who? Me? No, I have no trauma."

"You look really bad." Guan Xinyue put away her phone and put it in the pocket of her overalls, "Mahjong went to eat, and I'll be back later. Let him see you when he comes back." , you look like you're lost in your own head."

"I'm fine." Roach whispered, reaching into his pocket, and suddenly froze, "I left the cat at your house."

"You went to my house?" Guan Xinyue said calmly, "It's okay, I can call a girl from the neighbor's house who has a good relationship and ask her to look for the cat. If I find it... Let her take care of it for you first? "

"Xinyue, something happened in the village last night, let me tell you first, don't be afraid. They may not have the energy to help you find the cat, and you may arouse the suspicion of the police if you call." Luo Qi said.

"Xiao Hei is still a kitten, so it's not easy to survive on his own." Guan Xinyue pondered for a while and said, "In another day, I'll find a male classmate in the city and ask him to help me take a look."

"Okay." Roach thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't find a better way.He looked at Guan Xinyue, it seemed that Guan Xinyue really didn't intend to ask any more questions, she was indeed very mature sometimes, and had a patience that was rarely seen in young women. "I remembered something and wanted to ask you."

Guan Xinyue pointed to the door of the suite, Luo Qi nodded, and looked carefully at Du Zhengyi for a while before following Guan Xinyue to the outside room.He sat down on the sofa, Guan Xinyue went to the snack area to pick up a box of salt-baked pistachios, and brought it to Luo Qi. "Eat it, maybe you will be happy, I think you look like you will never be happy in your life."

Luo Qi rubbed his face and didn't eat, "Xinyue, I want to ask how did you know about the trap your grandfather set up in the well?"

The atmosphere somehow made Guan Xinyue feel a little stressed. She sat down on the sofa uncomfortably, "Isn't there only one trap? Are there other traps in the well? When you went this time, did you encounter them again?"

"Xinyue, do you know that well is actually a terminal of the Pendragon orbital system?" Roach said.

"I know, I've used it many times." Guan Xinyue said, "Your public travel system is named after Archmage Merlin's friend, Arthur Pendragon Track System."

Roach froze for a moment, "What?"

"My sister said it." Guan Xinyue stretched out two fingers and scratched.

"Well, that doesn't matter." Roach said, "How did you know that your home's Pendragon orbit terminal was converted into a phantom trap?"

"My sister said it." Guan Xinyue repeated this sentence again.

"Can you talk about the situation at that time in detail? For example, what else did your sister say? With your personality, it is impossible for someone to tell you that it is a trap, so you just stay away from it obediently, and then it will be like this It's gone," Roach said.

"Otherwise?" Guan Xinyue asked, "Am I still like you, when I hear there is a trap, I immediately try to fall into it?"

"I have this personality?" Roach asked in surprise.

"It's close, otherwise I guess Brother Du won't come back sideways." Guan Xinyue said sharply, seeing that Luo Qi's face became very fragile in an instant, she immediately regretted it. "Don't take it seriously when I say it casually, I may be a little mean."

"It's okay." Roach whispered, "Maybe you're right."

"Oh, forget it, Brother Du won't blame you at all, don't talk about such low-pressure topics. If you want to listen, I will tell you." Guan Xinyue said, "Although there is nothing to say, I My sister told me how to use the trap and how to close the trap. Of course I asked what would happen if someone fell into the trap, and if it was a trap that directly inserted people to death, I would have to weigh the cost of using it, right?"

"Yes, what did your sister say?" Luo Qi's attention became concentrated, and he suddenly saw the face of a girl in his mind. She didn't look much older than Guan Xinyue, although they were unrelated. Two girls, because they are raised together, can see the commonality between their expressions at a glance.

Luo Qi was taken aback, and quickly forcibly cut off his prying eyes on Guan Xinyue's superficial consciousness. He has used telepathy too many times recently, and he subconsciously did such a thing.

"What's wrong with you?" Guan Xinyue asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Roach touched his nose and forced himself to calm down completely. "Go ahead."

"Okay." Guan Xinyue looked at him suspiciously, and organized her thoughts a little bit, "My sister said that it is a trap that matches the teleportation of Pendragon's orbit and at the same time makes people hallucinate. The core is hallucinations. part. The hallucination simulates a recurring time period, a cyclic trap. For example, after Duge falls into the hallucination, if he can break through the hallucination for the first time, the hallucination will iterate once, returning to before he fell into the trap In the matter. Each iteration, the hallucinations will lead to more memories of Du Ge, and build more complex hallucinations, which may eventually make people fall into the depths of the spiritual world, and it will be very difficult to wake up. But at that time you quickly Call Du Ge back, I think it should be fine."

"Such a complicated hallucinogenic trap." Roach said, "It must have been made by your grandfather, right?"

"Yes, do you think my sister can do it? She's not that good, is she? She hasn't gone to school yet." Guan Xinyue said.

"This time we came across a village in the mountains near your home that was almost the same as in the hallucination," Roach said, "Du Zhengyi said he visited me in the village, and I was trapped in that village for the rest of my life." .”

"The original intention of this hallucination is to trap a person's spirit for a lifetime. If Du Ge hadn't saved you, the person who fell into the hallucination should have been you. In this subconscious, Du Ge saw you who had been trapped in the trap for a lifetime. , It seems to make sense." Guan Xinyue said, "Besides, I didn't say that the rural areas now look similar, the houses are basically the same, and the layout is also the same. Let you mages see that the villages are not all the same. ?"

"No, it was a deserted village in the 90s, and I thought it was very special after seeing it," Roach said.

"That abandoned village in Xingtai Mountain?" Guan Xinyue asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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