magician in town

Chapter 21 Li Xu

Chapter 21 Li Xu

A strange middle-aged man introduced himself as Li Xu. Although he was said to be a middle-aged man, the long middle-aged life of mages is not so greasy. On the contrary, they have a bit of worldly charm.According to himself, he is a historian.Roach was a little skeptical, that's not what a pedant is like, he's more like a treasure hunter.Just as their conversation had come to an end, Ma Jiang was completely attracted by this man.

The so-called treasure hunter is actually an ancient profession.Mages always live in no fixed place, they are not as obedient as humans, and their personalities are more withdrawn than humans. Most of the great mages end up missing.Fortunately, great autistic mages are often seen by humans as out-of-world saints, and in the good old days human villages often formed near mages.As a result, traces of the Archmage can often be deduced from human history books, local chronicles, and even myths and legends about foxes and ghosts.The crystal or jade used by such a great mage is the supreme treasure and the target of treasure hunters.

But these are Roach's speculations.

He didn't say a word to this man named Li Xu.For some reason, Li Xu didn't even look at Luo Qi, as if he didn't exist at all.

Luo Qi didn't have to be the narcissist at the center of the topic, so he didn't pay much attention to it, not to mention that he was still weak, and he would feel sleepy after a while, and he didn't listen to their chat.

"When do you think humans will really discover our existence?" When Li Xu asked this question, Roach suddenly woke up.

He raised his heavy eyelids, the lights in the tavern were much darker, the singing girls left at some point, and the music was still swirling low among the gold-leaf chocolate columns.In such a scene, Li Xu's expression was somewhat solemn.There were already many fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were shining brightly, like a monk.

Roach understood this, and when the reception turned to the second half, the mad mages would also start to become serious, and suddenly began to talk about some issues that they thought were full of philosophical thoughts.According to his observations, humans also have this problem.When the lively banquet draws to a close, the carnival atmosphere subsides a bit, and the melancholy sadness at the end of the song will invade the heart and lungs. Human beings start to talk about the meaning of life, clapping their shoulders and backs to tell the fate of brotherhood and sisters. Everyone wakes up with a hangover headache.

Ma Jiang didn't speak, and seemed to be a little silly after drinking.

Li Xu waited patiently for his answer, the tranquility of his eyes seemed to come from the wisdom deep in his heart - so since he has such a root of wisdom, Luo Qi wondered how he chose Ma Jiang, a big fool, to talk to?Ma Jiang may be a talented doctor, but he is certainly not a person who is good at philosophical thinking.

Ma Jiang really didn't seem to want to talk about this topic.But he is not very good at dealing with such stubborn questions, he can't even deal with Du Zhengyi, let alone that kind of old fritters.Luo Qi began to feel sorry for Ma Jiang.

"Humans should not find us." Ma Jiang said, perfunctory is very obvious.

"I don't think so." Li Xu smiled slightly, picked up the wine cup leisurely, and stroked the porcelain pieces of the Jun Kiln back and forth with his fingers, as if feeling the warmth of the ceramics, "Human beings have been approaching step by step."

Ma Jiang began to feel a little uncomfortable, he moved on the stool, "We have always lived with humans, so we are very close."

Luo Qi knew that Ma Jiang was pretending to be confused, and Li Xu knew better.

"Besides living with humans, where else can we live? The North and South Poles? Humans don't give us much space." Li Xu said with embarrassment, and shook his head again, "I also study their history, At all stages of their history, their attitude toward aliens has been more or less extermination."

Ma Jiang seemed to be deeply troubled. He rubbed his curly hair and said doubtfully, "Actually, it's not that human beings haven't discovered us, and it's not a big deal. Psychological intervention can easily make them forget about it." At this point, he laughed heartlessly, "Human beings are particularly easy to be hypnotized. Sometimes human beings can hypnotize themselves. They can sell non-existent products to others, and they can also raise funds to do non-existent businesses. quite funny."

Luo Qi guessed that what he was talking about might be a pyramid scheme. He guessed that Li Xu might not know what Ma Jiang was talking about. Li Xu was old enough to be Ma Jiang's father.

"Doctor," Li Xu smiled gently, but his tone was a bit more serious, "You must understand better than others that there are not many mages with telepathy ability now, and they may not be able to complete psychological intervention in time. Not to mention Today, with the astonishing speed of human Internet communication, everyone in this world may know our secrets in the blink of an eye, and by that time there will be no telepathic power to clean billions of heads."

Ma Jiang's finger left the wine glass, and he twirled his fingers empty. Roach noticed that his expression became serious, and his expression seemed a little wandering.

Li Xu turned a blind eye to his antagonism, "Most of human science has nothing to recommend it, only biology is worth noting. They put forward a point of view, if the number of a biological population is too small, it will inevitably decline."

Luo Qi suddenly understood what Li Xu was talking about, and also understood why Ma Jiang became so stiff and uneasy.In anger, Roach blurted out, "Then what do you mean? Do you think mages should leave human society and find a small backwater village where everyone can go to the kang and have children together? Are there still people saying these clichés?"

Li Xu accidentally dropped the Jun porcelain wine cup in his hand, the small bowl-shaped wine cup slanted against the table, and slid out, spilling the residual wine drippingly all over the table.

Ma Jiang was stunned, he probably didn't expect Luo Qi to speak so boldly, he thought that Luo Qi had fallen asleep just now.

Luo Qi was stunned, a little confused about his lethality... Unexpectedly, he just expressed his disagreement a little bit more violently when he was older.

Li Xu didn't care about the messy desktop, his eyes were heavy on Luo Qi, Luo Qi instinctively looked away, although he was full of dissatisfaction, but in essence he was not a person who could challenge his elders , just blurted out in a moment of anger.

"Sorry." Li Xu said slowly.

Luo Qi didn't feel that he was embarrassed at all, a trace of familiar arrogance was gradually clearly showing from the corners of his brows, eyes and lips.Suddenly, Luo Qi's consciousness automatically recognized what happened to Li Xu's gaffe just now. Although he hadn't figured it out yet, the familiar shame came out, burning his forehead, and he sat up straight unknowingly. , there was a roar in his ears, he instinctively resisted what Li Xu was about to say.

It's a pity that he was always not ready to accept the humiliation, even though his ears were full of beeps, he could still hear Li Xu's words behind, "You don't even have a breath, so I never found you sitting there, yes Can't stop."

Roach's throat seemed to be glued together.

"Are you really a mage?" Li Xu asked in doubt but sternly.

"Hehehe," Ma Jiang interjected, his expression a bit unsightly, "Don't, Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

Luo Qi's chest was churning, and he was able to separate his energy to understand Ma Jiang's meaning. It was one thing to live with humans, but another to bring humans into the circle of mages. Ma Jiang could not afford this crime.

Li Xu glanced at Ma Jiang and smiled humbly, "Misunderstood, I didn't mean that. It's just that he doesn't have any trace of magic on him, so I guess he rarely uses magic, but no mage has ever been able to resist it." I don’t need my own strength. So I was curious, so I couldn’t help but ask.”

Ma Jiang put down his wine glass, pondered for a while, smiled politely, and looked at Luo Qi.It probably means that he is on Roach's side. If Roach plans to pay back something, he can completely understand.

Luo Qi didn't bother to really reason about anything. This kind of thing happened too many times in his life, so much that he felt a little tired.He just felt that the scene in front of him was strangely familiar, as if he had experienced it somewhere not long ago.His eyes accidentally fell on the Jun kiln wine cup that was turned over on the table. It looked like a tea drinker. He had drunk tea with Du Zhengyi a few times not long ago.Suddenly, he suddenly realized, and looked at Li Xu in shock.Just a few days ago, at the teahouse near the school, when Pei Shu, the greatest mage on the continent, walked to his table for the first time and sat down, he only had Du Zhengyi in his eyes.

This comparison made him guess that mages like Pei Shu don't see the world with their eyes, they must be used to observing energy, and Du Zhengyi also has this tendency.If we use an intuitive analogy, what they habitually see is the energy view, just like the infrared view used by humans.In the "infrared view" of the archmage, he is like a corpse without heat radiation, integrated with the environment.

In other words, Roach does not exist in the vision of the archmage.

He raised his head and looked at the gentle and polite strange man.It's really interesting, when he walked into this bar, he took a fancy to Ma Jiang at a glance, and lied that what he felt was only the traces left by Ma Jiang after casting a spell.

The man lowered his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were like thorns.Roach is just a young man just over 20 years old, and he had no friendship with him an hour ago. So far, it is just a word of offense. He is a civilized man who is dozens of years old, but he faintly reveals There is no desire to chase and beat children.

Roach snorted, shook his head, and looked away first.

Ma Jiang said slowly, "According to the standards of more than a hundred years ago, the mages of our generation are no different from humans. I guess, it may be that too many pesticides were sprayed, resulting in poor sperm quality."

"This is the characteristic of population decline." Li Xu looked at Ma Jiang quietly, and then at Luo Qi, who obviously resisted him, "Even humans know this truth now, inbreeding will produce deformed children. Our number is too large. If it is less, it is inevitable that everyone's genes are a bit similar."

He still spoke with a soothing cadence and clear words, but Roach's emotions were like a bucket of gasoline poured into an already burning fire.He stood up suddenly, so fast that the wine glass was rolled off the table by the belt of his clothes.

"Roch!" Ma Jiang grabbed his wrist.

He slammed Ma Jiang's hand away, the anger was about to burst out of his skull, and his lungs were stinging hotly.

"Roach!" Another call came from behind him.

A hand suddenly reached out from behind and pressed on his tense shoulders.

He turned his head angrily, and met a stinging gaze. Du Zhengyi just pressed his shoulder like this, squinting his eyes and looking at him threateningly with the haughty look of a hawk catching a mouse.Roach woke up in a flash, as if a bucket of ice water had been poured down, and his fire was almost extinguished, leaving only small flames, hissing and smoking.

"What are you doing?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Luo Qi didn't speak, he turned his head and stared at Li Xu.Sure enough, Du Zhengyi attracted his attention, his eyes looked up and down happily on Du Zhengyi, his lips trembled slightly with excitement, he looked like a 150-year-old pervert who just took a big pill and turned his head to see A lively young girl.Now Roach didn't find him very attractive, he was like a hyena looking for a fishy smell.

Subconsciously, Luo Qi took a step and stood between Li Xu and Du Zhengyi, blocking Du Zhengyi.He knew that his act of protecting Du Zhengyi's chastity must be ridiculous when he thought about it, but Li Xu made him feel disgusted instinctively.Maybe that little old man is really a treasure hunter, but the treasure he is looking for is people like Du Zhengyi, who are the rare treasures in the entire magical world.

Luo Qi successfully intercepted Li Xu's attention, and a trace of curiosity flashed through those years-old pupils.

Du Zhengyi's hand tightened on Roach's shoulder, grabbing his attention, and then asked, "I just heard someone say that you are a close relative?"

Luo Qi blushed, but Li Xu acted quite openly and naturally, he just smiled slightly, showing great tolerance to the junior's arrogance.

As a result, Du Zhengyi didn't buy his account at all, and he accepted it when he didn't know it was good.Luo Qi remembered that even in the face of Great Master Pei Shu, he was still virtuous, and Du Zhengyi seemed to be born with a rebellious personality in the back of his head.

"I heard that there is a human being born from his uncle and niece, and he also has some opinions on the merits of the species."

Roach was amused, "Aren't you ignorant of human beings?"

He looked at the stranger, and the man's face finally became gloomy.

"I still have the necessary knowledge in reserve." He tapped the back of Roach's head twice with his fingers, as if trying to see if his head was empty.

"There's no need to be so hostile," said the stranger, his tone smooth and soft, with a hint of condescending reassurance.Roach suddenly realized that these things had nothing to do with age, this man must be used to being in a high position.

"You know what I said is right. For someone as smart as you and well-educated, it is impossible for you not to see the truth clearly." The man continued to speak slowly, raising his eyes to look at Du Zhengyi. "As young people, maybe we should have more sense of historical responsibility."

Du Zheng looked back at him for a while, but said nothing.

So the man thought he could speak again, and he asked something rather deep, "Do you know history?"

This time Roach didn't understand, and felt a little baffled.

There was a suspicious smile on the man's lips, "Have you seen the future?"

Luo Qi felt that Du Zhengyi seemed to be angry, and the hand he had casually placed on his shoulder just now suddenly became stiff.

"Do you believe in souls?" The man asked in a low voice, his voice was almost inaudible.

Roach couldn't bear it any longer, "What do you mean? History, future, soul? Isn't this where I come from, where I'm going, and who am I||? Are you making a mistake? A mage talking about philosophy? "

(End of this chapter)

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