magician in town

Chapter 216 Police

Chapter 216 Police

Chapter 210 Four

After resting for a few days, after Du Zhengyi paid off Roche's arrears and compensation to the black market through an intermediary, they finally set off to return to the ancient town.

Mahjong always insisted that they should return to the ancient town as soon as possible, and the ancient mind mage society has better protection and vigilance effects.Du Zhengyi had already fallen into the situation of being embattled on all sides early in the morning. If he completely followed Mahjong's idea, it would be best for Du Zhengyi to take his pet Roach and Roach and his pet Ricky to disappear together in a certain inaccessible area.If this area can allow mahjong to choose, then the activity area of ​​the Tibetan antelope is very good.

Roach had been reluctant to go back, and he simply didn't know what bothered him more.He repeatedly emphasized to Mahjong and Du Zhengyi that high-energy crystals must have a huge use, and Mahjong would repeat Che Jilu's words to him for the nth time, telling him that Du Zhengyi had already told him, Kongsangshan Not in Ganzhou.

Then he would start to think that Lu Xinchen, the mind mage who has probably registered with the old soul in the storage crystal, must have some special value in the hands of the lotus burner. The clownfish who can kill the old soul must come into contact with him It's related to Lu Xinchen.There must be a reason for what Du Zhengyi saw and heard in the illusion trap under the Guan family well.All the mysteries seemed to have been placed in front of him, but he still couldn't figure out the key.

If Pei Shu really left Gushan early and returned to Qionglin, what kind of conflict would Fan Shi have with him?Will Wen Lin warn them in advance?He was like an ant on a hot pot, and Guan Xinyue had a bigger temper than him. She seemed to be hostile to all mages. In their small group of four, this kind of internal strife made everyone feel uncomfortable.It's as if they've successfully deduced a future in which mages and humans simply can't sit down and talk.

Generally speaking, Roach would firmly stand on the side of humans in this situation. Roach never thought of living in the world of mages.Human games, movies, music, literature, these beautiful parts of human beings are more attractive to Roach than magic.However, everything has a but, and everything has a major premise.Under the premise that Du Zhengyi is destined to leave this world early, everything is different. The world is covered with the gray veil of the goddess of death in front of Luo Qi. He anxiously endures Guan Xinyue's provocation, When Guan Xinyue thought he was an ally of mankind and wanted to talk to him about those things, he couldn't listen at all.

When Guan Xinyue talked to him about the inequality between humans and mages for the nth time, she began to say that mages who execute mages and battle mages also perform their duties to protect humans and prevent mages from killing innocent people indiscriminately. That is no different from humans establishing nature reserves and banning hunting.Even worse than that, human beings are not even wild animals, they are completely animals raised by the mage, just pigs, cattle and sheep.

Luo Qi couldn't help it suddenly, "I don't care about humans and mages at all, okay? You don't know that mages are like this, don't you live a good life? I don't know what fairness is, you If you know what a fair world looks like, tell me after you see it with your own eyes!"

Guan Xinyue looked at Luo Qi in shock, eyes full of anger and injury, and Luo Qi was scolded by Mahjong again.The three of them formed a deformed circular structure, and Du Zhengyi stayed out of it calmly.

That's how they spent their days together, and by the time they got into a car and were stuck in a tin can, Roach was suffocated by the deformity.

The long-distance journey by car lasted for two days. Du Zhengyi evenly divided the journey into two days. He didn't hurry and stopped at the hotel very early in the first night to rest.Roach suspected that this was because Du Zhengyi actually couldn't bear it, and couldn't be trapped in the tin can with them for too long under such circumstances.

At noon on the second day of the trip, they finally drove out of the last city and saw the ancient town from a distance.Luo Qi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, suddenly reached out and held Du Zhengyi's forearm, "Brother, don't drive directly." "What do you feel?" Du Zhengyi asked, the relationship between the terrain, They had to go up another slope before they could see the river surrounding the ancient town. Du Zheng could only see the narrow national road ahead that was empty.

"It's not a feeling." Roach said, "I saw a blue-red light flicker." "What do you mean?" Mahjong raised his head from the pad and followed suit.

"What else could it be?" Guan Xinyue rolled her eyes, "I also saw the light of the police car."

Mahjong gave a clear "ah", what can he say, except that he and Du Zheng are not familiar with human life, and they are not so sensitive to the various signals all over it.

"Why did the police car come?" Mahjong then asked in surprise, "Is there anything else that needs the police in such a deserted place?"

"Criminals like to find empty places to trade. Maybe there was a shootout here last night." Guan Xinyue said listlessly, deliberately exaggerating.

"How is that possible?" Mahjong said, and glanced at Guan Xinyue, as if to see if he was telling the truth. "Didn't I tell you that this is the place where the mind mage's ancient society is located. It was filled with hallucinogenic crystals when it was renovated. Human beings who have not authorized it will be very scared when they come here, and they want to leave."

"Oh, I forgot." Guan Xinyue said, "I forgot that this is a famous ghost town."

"How about it, do you want to keep getting closer?" Du Zhengyi asked Roach, and now Roach seemed to be a human behaviorist among them.If Roach hadn't been a little nervous and in a bad mood recently, he would have realized that Du Zhengyi was actually asking for his guidance.

"Drive over." Roach said, and quickly added, "but slow down, don't let the police think we are hostile. If the police are handling a case, we will take a closer look. When the police ask, they say we are driving You, I heard that there is an ancient town here, so I drove over to have a look. This is very reasonable, but it’s best for me to say, I can psychologically intervene with the police when necessary.”

"Okay." Du Zhengyi said. He drove up the gentle slope within the composite speed limit, and immediately saw four cars parked by the river, two of which were police cars, and the other two had no obvious signs.There were many people standing by the river, some of them were wearing police uniforms, and cordoned off along the river. Someone was standing in the river, and someone on the bank was pointing to the river, as if directing the work.

"Come closer, I'll go down and have a look." Roach said.

(End of this chapter)

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