magician in town

Chapter 219 An Ancient Town of Peace of Mind

Chapter 219 An Ancient Town of Peace of Mind

Chapter 210 Seven

They drove to the car rental point in the city to return the car in another place. By the time Roach and the others returned to the town, the police had already withdrawn, which saved a lot of trouble.Mahjong immediately went to check the crystals, and hurriedly disappeared into the deep alley of the ancient town.Roach imagined that he would open a secret door and carefully check the wiring inside with a flashlight. Later, he remembered that he imagined that the workers in the community were overhauling the power distribution room.

Guan Xinyue was already exhausted after traveling for the past few days. She didn't want to stay with these mages, and soon disappeared into the courtyard where they usually lived, probably to take a bath and rest.Maybe they had experienced too much, the shock and fear brought to Guan Xinyue by the death of a person outside the town dissipated after a while, and she basically kept her fury directed at the mage with all her strength.Luo Qi also received a WeChat from Liu Ziyu, asking him if he knew what happened to Guan Xinyue and why he hadn't replied to his WeChat for a long time.

Luo Qi didn't know how to answer her, he and Du Zheng checked the whole town separately.His heart is heavy. Now the rain here has completely stopped. He used to be annoyed by the endless rain in the south of the Yangtze River, but without that layer of apricot blossom rain filter, the tall dilapidated house stands darkly, dark The roof tiles were pressing on the top of the head, and the gray walls were covered with black mold spots. Once a few people dispersed in the town, the town immediately became empty and full of ghosts.Roach was in a trance, as if he heard the whispers of the old house, and there seemed to be a prying ghost silently behind every worn wooden window frame.Countless pairs of eyes, countless souls wandering in the empty streets.

Luo Qi took a breath, and a thought turned his mind. He thought of the simplified version of his own soul copied by Guan Yushan, and also thought of the old soul under Xingtai Mountain.It suddenly occurred to him that this was the seat of the oldest mind mage society, and the souls of ancient mages might have been copied in the crystals here.His heart jumped at the thought of this, and he had an idea to directly intervene in the crystals here.

He had only observed the brains of living beings here before, but entering the crystal was another matter. This idea burned his brain a little bit, as if the idea was burning hot, constantly egging him in his mind.He hesitated, Mahjong must be familiar with the secret language of the crystal here, and he is reading the data in the crystal at the most suitable entrance.If he opens all the hidden crystals at once, he will open them forcibly, contacting the consciousness in the crystals in a very rough way.

This must be risky, Roach bit his lip hesitantly, frowning in annoyance.Du Zhengyi suddenly jumped out from a courtyard wall and landed in front of Luo Qi, scaring Luo Qi to take a step back.

Seeing the dazed look on his face, Du Zhengyi was also taken aback for a moment, and looked at him hesitantly, "Why have you been checking for so long? How many hours do you want to see a street? I have already done it in other places. After the inspection, I'm here to look for you, what's your expression? What are you planning to do? "

Suddenly being told, Luo Qi blushed and touched his nose in embarrassment. "Brother, did you find that my cat is gone?"

Du Zhengyi was really taken aback this time, "I really didn't see a single cat."

He raised his head and looked around, looked up at the eaves and walls.Roach used to be able to send cats to follow him all day when he was motivated, and no matter where he looked up, he could face several cats, but now he suddenly couldn't see any of them, and his heart sank suddenly. "I've heard wildcats don't change places easily."

"Yes." Luo Qi said, "And I'm about to raise a house cat. Logically speaking, Guan Xinyue should have left enough cat food before going out. It's also unlikely that she would run away from home because of starvation."

"Can't you feel their existence with telepathy?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I haven't tried it yet." Roach whispered, "But it's too quiet here, so I guess they really shouldn't be here."

Du Zheng lowered his head and suddenly looked at Luo Qi carefully.

"What's the matter?" Roach asked with some vigilance, and his only remaining cat, Ricky, crawled out of his clothes, and jumped onto his shoulder nervously.

"What's the matter with you and your cat still being entangled?" Du Zhengyi looked at the kitten who was coughing a little defensively.

Luo Qi quickly pulled the cat off and stuffed it back into his clothes, "I can't help it, the troublesome thing with telepathy is just too sensitive. It just senses that I'm nervous."

"The troublesome guy with telepathy is really too sensitive." Du Zhengyi said with a slight bow.Roach rolled his eyes and stared at him, knowing he was talking about himself. "So what's the matter with you? Why are you nervous? Your cat is lost, and you didn't jump up and bark? Just accept it?"

"I'm so scared that I can't scream, I'm too frightened." Roach said calmly, half-truth.

Du Zhengyi really looked into his eyes carefully. Although he didn't understand what he meant, he still put his arms around his shoulders and pushed him to the yard where they usually lived, "Let's go, ask Mahjong What's going on, logically speaking, he should know." "Not necessarily," Roach said a little dejectedly, "I don't think Mahjong will know about the cat."

"If something happens here that scares the cat away, Mahjong can always find some clues." Du Zhengyi said as if to comfort him, "Even if it's just a feeling, if you all feel bad, we will give you a clue tonight." Don't live here anymore."

Roach didn't speak, that's the real problem, even he didn't feel anything wrong, even if a woman just drowned in the river at the door, he still didn't feel scared.He had a hunch that no matter what, they would choose to spend the night in the ancient town tonight.

"But the little human girl didn't feel scared, it's really a bit strange." Du Zheng put his arms around Luo Qi's shoulders and entered the courtyard gate of the academy. It's not far away.

"Don't say that," Roach whispered, "it's definitely a racist statement if it's heard."

Du Zhengyi raised his head and looked around the tall Jiangnan Chinese-style small buildings around him again, and unconsciously said, "When I lived in such a Jiangnan town when I was a child, I never noticed that the black tiles and white walls look so desolate."

Roach frowned, some words had already reached his mouth, burning his heart.They entered the yard through the small gate, and just as he was about to say something, the gate in front of him was suddenly opened, and Mahjong came back from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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