magician in town

Chapter 221 Dark Magic

Chapter 221 Dark Magic

Chapter 210 Nine

"Making a copy of your own consciousness is not an easy task." Mahjong said thoughtfully, "Whether I will kill myself after seeing myself has always been a hot issue discussed by mind mages."

"I think it might be that Grand Master Guan Yushan gave him an inspiration." Du Zhengyi said helplessly, "It's not for nothing that what you Mind Masters have done has been regarded as dark magic for centuries."

"Hey, don't knock everyone down with a stick, what kind of personal attack, I haven't done any bad things, I have always been engaged in the noble work of saving lives and healing the wounded." Mahjong glared at him.

"Then how did you solve this problem?" Du Zhengyi asked with a sigh.

Mahjong continued, "Just like Guan Yushan did, don't build a complete self. What's more, our conscious world is limited after all. The complete self is too complicated and takes up too much space. So the correct way is to build your own. The simplified version, the simplified version has considerable thinking ability, to what extent can this simplified version even achieve? If he needs to study medicine, his medical simplified version may not have any thinking ability other than medicine, and the common sense other than medicine is also completely absent. It does not exist. That is a very mechanically focused Roach, and his learning efficiency must be extremely high, not to mention that in the world of ideas, the speed of thinking is quite fast, and the relative passage of time is extremely slow, as if in the depths of time."

"What about when it's finished?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Merge together." Mahjong said without hesitation, "That is a fragment of consciousness that does not exist, merged back into the subject consciousness. Of course, I know what you are thinking, such fragments of thinking are not creative, but this paragraph Consciousness is still tempered and when merged it complements what is lacking in Subjective Consciousness. True thinking decisions are still made only by Subjective Consciousness, and only Subjective Consciousness can truly create. I've heard that aggressive telepaths are naturally good at making With this kind of manipulation, when they are engaged in consciousness battles, they often split into countless fragments of consciousness that can only perform simple instructions, just like an army composed of countless ghosts."

"I think this Roach may have already tried it." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

Mahjong glanced at him, still feeling a little weird, "It is reasonable to say that these are things that need to be learned, and this kind of technology that is close to dark magic cannot be found in the library of the Mind Master Society."

"That is to say, it is very dangerous for him to try by himself? I have always been worried about this. He has been a mind mage for too short a time, and the environment has been forcing him. He dives too fast." Du Zhengyi said.

"You've seen the man in the public station forest." Mahjong said uncomfortably.


"It's similar. The main reason is that I lost myself." Mahjong said, glanced at Du Zhengyi's face and said quickly, "But I don't think it's that serious."


The time on the phone jumped to nine o'clock, Roach stood up from the chair by the window, and the little black cat nimbly jumped onto his shoulder.

He turned around and stood in front of the full-length mirror, silently looking at himself.

"Is my brother asleep?" Roach asked looking into the mirror.

The little black cat let out a soft cry, raised a paw on his shoulder, and licked it earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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