magician in town

Chapter 232 The Fifth Wave Attack

Chapter 232 The First Wave of Attack

Chapter 230

The tension in the air was so strong that it was about to burst into sparks. Roach was so nervous that he was about to throw up. He thought that this should be his first time on the battlefield.It definitely doesn't count when you drive the cat to fight, or even when you deal with Master Zhao and the clownfish. Those few times can only be counted as escapes.Once again, he was grateful for the secret words written by the girl on his arm and the messages and warnings she brought with her life, but at this moment even he himself didn't remember who the girl was.

He engraved the girl's name on the stone at the bottom of the Forgotten Pool, along with some other secrets, secrets that he was afraid that the opponent's mind mage would accidentally spy on them during the battle.

Du Zhengyi calmly waited for the moment of the final battle, looking calm and capable. Roach casually guessed how many wars he had experienced in his life, how many wars happened when they civilians didn't know, and how many wars happened when no one knew about it. It ended secretly not knowing.

Yes, that's how Roach spent the 30 seconds of waiting nervously and nonchalantly.Once it is connected with at least thousands of souls, once the brain expands to thousands of times, the thinking becomes extremely fast, and the time is unimaginably long.However, being good at traveling in the sky has always been a characteristic of Roach. For a while, he daydreamed that if he had some way to carry these thousands of souls with him, he would have thousands of brains all the time. , then his time will definitely become illusory.

The bat army finally flew to the position and entered the attack range of Roach's mental vision.

"Come on me for the first wave of attacks." Roach said, he is now unexpectedly good at group attacks.And he didn't want Du Zhengyi to do anything, he had a feeling... Forget it, even a fool can now see that Du Zhengyi's body is closely related to whether he uses magic or not.Roach is unwilling to really connect these two things, the truth is too cruel for him.He knew in his heart that Du Zhengyi couldn't use magic, just like a pianist with a broken finger or a dancer with a broken leg.

艸 his mother.

Roach cursed in his heart, what are the rules of this world, and what kind of value system does this universe have?He poured the bucket of anger high into the sky, and slightly experienced the thrill of the shrew standing on the roof and cursing in the street. Now he can curse the sky and the sky, and the curses he throws out are hits every time.

Dozens of huge bats silently ended the brain's operation in the air. Thousands of souls chanted in unison with Roach. The power of the curse enveloped the sky. It was time to swallow my breath.

Du Zheng and Roach hid under the eaves. The tall long-haired monsters, even if they are lightweight players, weigh seventy or eighty catties at least, and the sound of falling on the ground is dull and weird. If Du Zheng Pull him away just in time, and he may be about to be smashed right on the top of the head by a bat.

He stared at the rain of bats in the sky in astonishment, dumbfounded, he hadn't thought about the scene of the bats falling at all.Fortunately, the bats do not fly high, otherwise the roof would be smashed and leaked.He was staring blankly when suddenly laughter came from beside him.

Roach turned his head, and as expected, he saw Du Zhengyi snickering. "If you are killed by the bat you cursed, you will definitely enter the chronicle of the legendary mage."

Luo Qi had nothing to say, and suddenly felt that he could make his friends laugh, which was awesome.

As if seeing his complacency, Du Zhengyi stopped laughing, "The opponent's mind mage will not let you go, the first wave of attack is only tentative."

Roach nodded, wondering if it was an illusion, he suspected that the thick fog had begun to spread.

(End of this chapter)

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