Chapter 251

Chapter 240 Nine

Luo Qi became nervous, and suddenly he detected a jump of energy in the consciousness of Du Zhengyi beside him, and his heart almost jumped into his throat.He knew that this must mean that Du Zhengyi had used magic. Although the dose was not too large, he still found it shocking to see the magma rolling in the hot crater.Who knows if Du Zhengyi's life is burning in the crater right now.

His ghost army is constantly summarizing the surrounding situation to him. He knew the type of magic Du Zhengyi used almost instantly. He wanted to disperse the dense fog in the courtyard. Find a way to illuminate, just like what he did in the mountains behind Guan's house.

Luo Qi suddenly woke up. Once he knew that he was a mind mage, he relied too much on this method to solve the problem. If it worked, he would immediately be majestic.

Fortunately, the passage of time in Roach's world is not synchronized with Du Zhengyi's reality. He hastily extracted the relevant magic from the ghost he learned.Fortunately, part of the role of these ghosts is to preserve knowledge for the society. Roach extracts weather magic. In theory, he has also learned this kind of magic, but he can't guarantee to remember all of them.This is simply the difference between the difficulty of open-book exams and closed-book exams.

Now he hastily stuffed the weather magic into his mind completely. Although the dense fog was created by a group of magicians, the weather is very favorable now, and the south wind has been blowing.Luo Qi hurriedly raised the wind, and with his time advantage, the time of the wind was only a little later than that of Du Zhengyi.

However, the difference between theory and practice is actually hugely reflected here. Du Zhengyi firmly controls the wind, generates it step by step, and walks in the direction of the natural wind.Roach didn't care about the direction of the wind when it was blowing, but it was not a big problem, because the wind he raised was not strong, had no effect, and had no effect.

Du Zhengyi was meticulously using the wind to gradually disperse the dense fog, concentrating on it and being very serious. He didn't pay attention to these things that Luo Qi was doing, and he didn't have time to guide him.

Seeing that he didn't work, Luo Qi was a little anxious. He thought that the wind direction was not too important. Anyway, this is a town, surrounded by wild fields on three sides, and it would be fine if the fog blows out.This matter was like burning a fire in a stove, and he fanned it violently in a hurry. Roach put in a lot of effort, almost all of his energy was used to generate this wind, and he didn't have time to be distracted to calculate the direction of the wind.

Now he understands the difference between himself and Du Zhengyi. It's not that he's not good at calculations, nor is he bad at mathematics.He released the magic all at once, without considering the shape of the surrounding buildings or the original wind direction.Du Zhengyi was adjusting the wind direction, calculating to use the least force to get rid of the fog as quickly as possible, but suddenly a gust of black wind swept across the world, flying sand and stones, peeling tiles on the house, and colliding with the original air flow, unexpectedly forming a black wind. There was a whirlwind.When it gets bigger, it's almost a tornado.

Du Zhengyi had nothing to say, he let go of the strength in his hand, and the situation was urgent, he still wanted to scold Luo Qi, "The goblin in Journey to the West appeared on the stage, isn't it you?"

Luo Qi didn't have time to talk at all, and now he realized that releasing magic is not difficult, but controlling it is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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