magician in town

Chapter 253 Song Bug

Chapter 253 Song Bug

Chapter 250

Roach's neck was in severe pain, and the feeling of suffocation pushed him to the peak of anxiety, and his mind went blank.It happened in an instant. Fortunately, Du Zhengyi reacted almost at the same instant. Roach still had a part of his spirit that could feel the magical energy that Du Zhengyi suddenly exploded.

The magic energy came quickly, but unfolded very steadily. What Roach couldn't see was that the steel wrist that was about to strangle him was covered with a pair of bright and dazzling handcuffs. The high-heat energy neatly cut off the two alien hands. .A scream like a cicada came out from the room behind him, Roach was almost deafened, and Du Zhengyi's mental power separated the two remaining severed hands on Roach's neck.

Air rushed into Roach's lungs that were about to dry up, and he turned his head abruptly, only in time to see Du Zhengyi jump into the window.He struggled to stand up, and then threw a flame into the house, which illuminated the abandoned old house.He happened to see the knife in Du Zheng's hand cut off the alien's tentacles. Roach knew that it was the weakness of the alien sealed beast, which was enough to reduce the monster's ability to perceive the outside world, but he also remembered that the parameters clearly pointed out the monster's Cell characteristics, the speed of cell classification and regeneration is extremely amazing, that means...

Roach worriedly watched the monster's tentacles. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the roof of the old house was smashed, and there was a hole in the top of the corner. It was probably through that hole that the alien sealed beast fell into the house.So there is only this one here, and the other sealed beasts were probably blown out of the yard by the whirlwind.Thinking that the others would make a comeback soon, Roach rubbed his neck, guessing that Du Zhengyi probably wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime one-on-one opportunity to test on this single monster.After all, seeing the parameters and doing experimental tests are completely two concepts.

Luo Qi understands that this is actually the same as human beings treat electronic products. Although manufacturers have given you the parameters, you can only see a rough range when looking at the parameters, so so many electronic product evaluation programs have emerged as the times require. But to get the most realistic results.What Du Zhengyi is doing now is testing and experimenting with psychic beasts.

The alien screamed sharply, and the sound was about to deafen Roach's ears. Roach resisted not covering his ears. Later, he might have to save his hands for something more important than covering his ears.However, Roach's attention was attracted by a vibrating membrane on the chest of the alien. He was a little puzzled for a long time. He remembered that the throat of the psychic beast was not suitable for vocalization, and such a loud voice did not seem to come from the throat.Luo Qi thought of the cicadas. The cicadas in August were so noisy that the huge sound was made by the vibration of the membrane.

Luo Qi couldn't help but said, "He's not asking for mating, is he? The male cicadas also call that way, the purpose is to call the female cicadas."

Du Zhengyi ignored his words, "Look at its hands."

Roach's eyes fell on the stump of the alien, and the green juice flowing out of it dried up at some point.Roach had a strange feeling, as if the air was water, and the ripples swayed over.Du Zhengyi took a deep breath, and swiped the knife in his hand towards the alien's neck, cutting neatly through a seam under the stubble of the tentacles, and the alien's brain rolled out.

Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the arm of the alien sealed beast, a wet new limb grew out, smaller than the original hand, like a thorn, but equally strong.

"Roach!" Du Zhengyi shouted suddenly.

Luo Qi didn't even think about it, he dodged and hid.

The body, which was obviously dead, suddenly exerted force and stabbed towards Roach who was closest to him.

(End of this chapter)

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