Chapter 256

Chapter 250 Four

The twigs of Begonia in early spring swayed in the night wind, and the dim starlight shone in the distant night sky on the eaves. Luo Qi had a shred of hope that this was just a beautiful spring night in Du Zhengyi's hometown. The tragedy is nothing more than falling red into battle.The strange-shaped and magical horses are clearly different from the Jiangnan town because of their painting style.

He secretly cursed his ancestors, under the shadow of the shaking tree, there was a black shadow motionless.Luo Qi blinked, and suddenly rushed up and stomped on the remaining five diamond eggs. Small wet things came out of the cracked eggshells one by one, and they knew how to bite people from birth.

A sharp voice came from under the crabapple tree. Roach didn't know if the resentment in the voice was imagined by himself. He raised his head suddenly, and the black figure suddenly approached, closing the distance between them effortlessly. , almost face to face with Roach.

Luo Qi was taken aback. He didn't know whether it was more frightening to be face to face with an ugly monster, or the fact that this thing completely broke through Du Zhengyi's defense was more frightening.

The only thing that can make him feel better is that Du Zhengyi, a good and delicate student who is never used to failure, must be more angry than him now.Moreover, Du Zhengyi was quick enough to adapt, he stabbed the alien sealed beast with a single knife, Roach could see that he still focused on strength, and didn't count on the sharpness of the weapon.

But this time Du Zhengyi's attack failed, the thing twisted away in the light of the torch, and disappeared into the darkness.Roach recalled the last image retained in his retina, the writhing figure of that thing had some elegant meanings, it was only slender than the one they killed, maybe even more charming.

"A male hatching eggs?" Roach said without thinking.

Du Zhengyi didn't have time to pay attention to Roach's biology observation class, and dragged him back a few steps. The black figure shrank back under the crabapple tree and screamed again.Both of them stared at him closely, feeling lingering fear at the speed of this alien, and suddenly a mass of black image on the left side flashed out like a nightmare.

Luo Qi was standing on Du Zhengyi's left side. Du Zhengyi reacted quickly, but he couldn't care less about the consumption of magic energy.He threw out an invisible shield with his left hand to block Roach's front, and almost at the same time, a black shadow rolled over his head and went straight to Du Zhengyi.The knife in Du Zhengyi's right hand suddenly turned into a hammer, and it hit the head of the alien sealed beast with one hammer. The sealed beast was stunned, whether it had a concussion or something.

Du Zhengyi's right hand didn't stop, and the hammer in his hand turned into a flying ax again. Du Zhengyi threw it out, and chopped it on another black shadow that rose up. The whole process was extremely fierce but coherent. generally.The alien bloody smell of rotten vegetables permeated the air again, and Roach knew that somehow Du Zhengyi had found a place on the alien body where he could open his mouth.

During this short period of powerlessness, Roach plunged into the world of consciousness, into the well of consciousness that imprisoned his father, "That thing is giving birth everywhere, do you know that this kind of thing will happen?"

He didn't see his father's form, and now his father seemed to have given up his form, and his consciousness didn't get any response. He knew that his father was probably thinking about whether he was lying.

Roach thought for a few seconds, and suddenly felt that he had found the key point of the negotiation, "Stop talking, just wait for my body to be collected!"

(End of this chapter)

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