magician in town

Chapter 263 The Alien War

Chapter 263 Alien War (3)

Chapter 260 The Alien War (3)

As soon as Roach's brain became hot, he rushed forward.Of course, when he rushed up, he realized that Du Zhengyi would not just be killed by the alien sealed beast. He possessed magic knowledge that Roach could not even imagine, and he was proficient in using magic. Moreover, he was not without the power to drive magic. , not even without the guts to use it.

But... But once that time comes, it will be too late, and this will be Du Zhengyi's last battle.

Luo Qi summoned in the world of consciousness, and the hospitable learned ghost presented the calculated cyclone angle and wind speed. Dozens of data were calculated by ten ghosts, and he used them as ordered.If he still had concerns in the past and used his body and strength mechanically according to the consciousness of others, this matter might not go well.But now that the fire is imminent, I can only look at the present.

With the help of gestures, he controlled the direction of the wind in his consciousness, and stretched his hands towards the sealed beast. The wind came from the quiet air, and the air around him was sucked away in an instant. When new air came in, Roach had a moment. Instant suffocation.Fortunately, this kind of operational error did not cause catastrophic consequences.

The whirling wind twisted the psychic beast's body, and the psychic beast lost its balance. Du Zhengyi reacted quickly and immediately seized this opportunity.The psychic beast has an amazing grip, and it will not let go of the point it has grasped in the strong wind. With the strength provided by Luo Qi, Du Zhengyi suddenly closed his arms, not only avoiding the end of being torn off by force, Moreover, his two forearms were crossed in front of him, and there were two daggers with narrow blades in his hands.

The blade accurately pierced the necks of the two sealed beasts, and Du Zheng turned his wrist, aggravating the fatal wound.

The disgusting smell of rotten vegetable leaves hit his face again. Luo Qi can guarantee that after tonight, he will only eat meat for at least a month, and he will feel nauseous when he smells green vegetables.But no matter what, he breathed a sigh of relief, secretly admiring Du Zhengyi in his heart, he didn't know if other battle mages could use their bodies to such an extent, most mages were so lazy that they didn't even take their jobs, Let the rice bowl fly over by itself.He even had an unrealistic hope that maybe the two of them would be able to kill all the sealed beasts by cooperating.

Du Zheng, who had killed two more Sealed Beasts, turned around. Roach was about to ask how his arm was doing. He should have suffered multiple fractures, so how could he still use it as if nothing happened.But the expression on Du Zhengyi's face frightened him, Luo Qi was stunned, Du Zheng roared sternly, "Luo Qi, run."

Luo Qi's heart trembled, and Du Zhengyi rushed towards him. In fact, the distance between the two of them was less than two meters, and Du Zhengyi could run over in an instant at Du Zhengyi's speed, but a row of black shadows was faster than him.Roach didn't even see where they came from. Du Zhengyi was already blocked by the sealed beast, and a sealed beast faced Roach alone.

With some certainty, Roach felt that he—she was a female, and she was indeed smaller than other aliens, and her wormy figure even had a certain accent in her gestures.It's hard for Roach to say whether it's beautiful or not. After all, there must be differences in aesthetics across species, but he just feels that he has been picked by the queen.They must have made an assessment. Although Du Zhengyi was their first choice, they suddenly found that Roach was easy to deal with and could cause them trouble. It didn't take too complicated a strategy to get the result that Roach should be killed first. .

Roach took half a step back, he didn't run, and he couldn't run the alien sealed beast.He stared and approached him, as if observing his Sealed Beast.Roach saw a line of patterns on the black head of this monster. He didn't see such a thing on other sealed beasts. It looked like natural textures and etchings, and the patterns looked like intertwined vines.

"Wind, Luo Qi." Du Zhengyi said anxiously, he was completely at a disadvantage now, and tried his best to hold on. "Use Gale."

He reminded Roach that Roach could rely on his uncontrollable instigating ability to win himself a life.

But Roach didn't seem to hear anything. He stared blankly at the Queen of the Sealed Beast. The ghostly beast tilted its head gracefully, as if mocking Roach.Du Zhengyi didn't see Luo Qi's reaction, so he finally became anxious, but the more eager he was to fight, the more cautiously the sealed beast fought, never letting him die or letting him go.It seemed that he had made up his mind to let him watch Roach be killed first, and then deal with him seriously.

Luo Qi dully thought of Gale's secret words, and when he hesitated to gather his strength a little, the Alien Queen noticed.She stretched out her slender black mechanical claws, as if caressing, and her claws touched Roach's abdomen. The soft human belly made her make a sound like laughing, and the tentacles trembled. Roach suddenly realized that she was deliberately imitating humans laughter.

The moment Roach was distracted, her claws plunged into his stomach.Roach looked down at this scene in disbelief, the severe pain even took a while to happen.

Luo Qi opened his mouth, every breath was throbbing, and the thing let out another burst of imitative laughter, viciously stirring the fingers inserted into Luo Qi's abdomen, the movements were exactly the same as when Du Zhengyi killed the alien monster.Roach finally uttered a scream, and Du Zhengyi over there froze, and the alien that he stepped on under his feet pinched and broke his leg bone with his backhand.

" me...intestines..." Roach gasped and screamed, "Brother, please save me..."

Du Zheng kicked the alien away, completely giving up the cold weapon.

The Sealed Beast who was wrestling with him seemed to have sensed that a big change was imminent, and his posture became dignified.Du Zhengyi took a deep breath, and began to open his closed barriers of consciousness, ready to accept the fate he must accept.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his consciousness seemed to be kicked.

He froze for a moment, it was a consciousness he was familiar with, and it briskly bumped against the dam outside his consciousness.Across layers of barriers, they couldn't communicate, but he could feel that consciousness didn't have any particularly serious fear, nor despair, and didn't even mean to ask him for help.It felt like they were cheating together. He didn't perform very well and was secretly kicked by Roach.

He hesitated, and Roach was still crying desperately there, and even begged the queen to save his life.Du Zhengyi didn't know what to do. It was certain that Roach was seriously injured. The strong smell of blood sent chills down his spine. If he really didn't make a move, Roach might die at any time.But in the world of consciousness, Roach's consciousness cheerfully reassures him, as if reassuring him that things are under control.

(End of this chapter)

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