magician in town

Chapter 275 One more dive

Chapter 275 Dive Again

Chapter 270 Four

Fortunately, remembering this kind of thing, as long as you have seen it, as long as your eyes and ears are used as input devices, your brain will store it, even if the main body can't remember such clear details at all.

Roach thought of one thing. The body structure of the aliens determines that they cannot make variable sounds. In other words, the aliens cannot develop language.That's why the queen kept silent. Alien creatures don't need language, but the alien god seems to be more open to this trick than ordinary alien queens.

The queen's grief and anger were so intense that it reached the critical point of explosion, she broke through the shackles of God's consciousness and rushed up.Roach felt the turmoil in her mind, that she was no longer a queen, but a head-grabbing shrew, launching useless death charges.

The powerful female mage under the pyramid just turned her head to look at her, and a stronger sense of oppression than before washed up.It's like swimming in the wind and waves. I thought I would have a chance to rush to the surface of the water to let out this breath. Unexpectedly, the huge waves pressed down like a mountain, and Luo Qi (alien creature) was photographed to the depths of the seabed.The bottom of the sea is cold and deep, the huge waves are rolling, and the pressure is constantly increasing. This body will be crushed and smashed at any time. Panic and despair permeate the empty space of consciousness.

In the end, as if the bones were thrown to the cliff by the sea, she was knocked unconscious.

It was all over, and Roach suddenly jumped out of the memory space nested in the queen's consciousness, dizzy as if he was on a roller coaster.

He turned over and got up in the conscious world, and quickly checked how many ghosts stationed in the alien creature's consciousness space were still not in place.His time ghost was counting the time for him, the outside world had passed three seconds, the queen's fingernail cut a little of his eyelid, and the blood coagulated on the fingertips and his skin.Just as Du Zhengyi was about to turn his head, there were at least a few tens of seconds before Du Zhengyi broke the boat and unleashed the shackles of his consciousness to cast suicide magic.

Roach's nose bleeds. He is also a telepathic creature, and the alien's powerful shared spiritual world interferes a lot with him.But Roach didn't hesitate for a moment, he still had a little time, so he jumped into the second memory that the ghost had prepared for him without thinking.

At this moment, the queen has just woken up from a dreamless sleep, and the last moment in her memory is still the pain of being exterminated. Her few remaining tribes are slowly waking up, and the shrinking space of consciousness makes them more closely connected.She was sleeping in a gravity-free coffin, suspended in a colorless substance. She gently shook her arms to move away the watery and non-watery substances, and calmly looked at the human face outside the coffin.

That person is not in Roach's memory, the river of time has no coordinates, and Roach panicked for a while.How long has it been?He scratched his head and wanted to ask that.

Unexpectedly, he really heard his consciousness asking, "How long?"

A chill runs down his spine before he realizes that the person asking the question is actually the Alien Queen, not him, nor his consciousness.

Across the transparent coffin, an aging man looked at him (her) lifelessly, "It's been a long time."

How long is a long time?your mother...

Roach was about to explode in the conscious world, but suddenly the flames used for lighting outside the coffin rose and became larger, and the light was no longer limited to the man's face, and Roach could see clearly the old man's hair. On the top of the head, there is a wooden hairpin, and there is also a robe with a collar on the body—a Taoist robe.

Luo Qi was a little surprised, but this old man is indeed a mage, an old mage.

More importantly, he is also a powerful mind mage.

(End of this chapter)

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