magician in town

Chapter 278 The Old God

Chapter 278 The Old God

270 seven chapters

With one step, the Alien Queen's feet stepped on the smooth stone floor, as if she was dancing a weird dance step, she slowly turned half a circle around the old mage, the anger in her heart was replaced by farsighted thinking.She was like walking around the exhibits in a central showcase in a museum, constantly observing, slowly pondering, what plans were brewing in her deep consciousness.Her movements are gentle, and because of her lighter body, there is even a bit of elegance in her movements.She is obviously at a disadvantage, but she has a different kind of confidence.

Roach didn't know if he adored the Queen a little bit. If she could look like a human, Roach might really fall in love with her.The old mage's body was already rickety, and the alien queen was even taller than him. She tilted her head gracefully, and Roach had already understood what she was about to say (ideas).

"The same kind of creatures always have similar thoughts. But the voice of each thought is unique." The Queen's idea said.

Yes.Roach silently affirmed her, and then secretly added - just like a voice has voiceprints, like palm prints, like irises.Roach can distinguish the thoughts of many people, and he is most familiar with Du Zhengyi's thoughts, just as he is familiar with his voice.

"I can feel your features." The queen stretched out her hand and slid it down from the top of the old man's head. The armored hand was clenched into a fist. Her emotions suddenly became agitated, and her consciousness was roaring. "You are him! Although it has changed, I can still recognize you."

Roach shuddered.At this moment, it was as if someone was pulling the saw blade and scraping the iron pan with an iron rice spoon, Roach's subconscious hair stood on end.

He didn't think much about it just now, the queen listened to the old mage talking to himself more seriously than he did.As the old mage said, the body is not important, the body is just a jade pot spring bottle, he is a new bottle filled with old wine.The soul is not old, but the body will decay, and the body is just a bottleneck of "existence".

Roach trembled, the queen was smarter than he thought, he was confused by the appearance, all existence was not necessarily what he thought it was.The human body is the carrier of the soul, how can the body of the alien creature not be the carrier of the soul?What is the difference between the human body and the body of alien creatures?

For this truth, others may have tens of thousands of exclamations to express their feelings, and countless papers to debate, but for him, Roach, a telepath, is there anything he can't understand?When out of the body, he can be a slime, can't he?Thought is thought itself.A slime is Roach, and a human mage is also Roach. Isn't it impossible for alien creatures to become Roach?

Or conversely, the difference is only that Roach's thoughts are in the slime's body, in the human mage's body, or in the alien creature's body.He was stunned by the thought.

This subversive discovery has another important meaning for Roach.This means that God is always there.

He might have even seen it, he almost trembled, he must have.Someone said there might have been nine Primordial Mages, and now he suddenly realized that there must be nine, because they always had nine Venerables.

But there is a problem behind this.

"You've grown weak." The Alien Queen laughed, a hint of sinister amusement flashing through her mind.

The old mage looked at her wearily, "And you are still so healthy, even if you die, you will be remembered. Are you proud of this? Hehe, your special biological model has given us a lot of inspiration. However, The ancestor mage is gone, I am not him."

Roach instinctively felt that he was not lying, but this sentence was equally heavy and complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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