magician in town

Chapter 287 1 Books

Chapter 287 A Book

Chapter 280 Six

With a cigarette in his mouth, Du Zhengyi frowned at Luo Qi, as if he wanted to wait for him to find the answer himself.But all Roach could observe was the speed at which the cigarette burned.

Genius quickly lost his patience, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, with a cigarette in his mouth, he reached out and hit Roach on the head. "Are you stupid?"


"I have no plan, Roach, this is your spiritual world, and I don't exist at all. You are the only one who can find the answer and make a plan." Du Zhengyi said, seeing Roach's stunned expression, he There was also a slight trace of regret in his expression. "I'm sorry, but you're actually the only one here."

"What do you mean?" Roach asked in astonishment.

"It means that the me you see now is also your imagination." Du Zhengyi said, "We are talking, but it is actually just your own thinking process, and you are thinking in the way of dialogue."

Roach jumped to his feet, venting his frustration angrily. "If you are an illusion, the illusion will not admit it by itself. If the illusion admits that you are an illusion, the illusion will end. This is a paradox. Even if I haven't finished reading, I know that the illusion of the spiritual world will encounter a paradox. It will disintegrate on its own."

"You're right." Du Zhengyi said, he put down the cigarette, and the burning cigarette floated in the air.Du Zhengyi tore open the collar of his shirt, leaned back, and made himself more comfortable on Roach's sofa.Everything seems real.Roach even kind of wants to hide in this illusion, where his parents aren't crazy and don't want to kill his friend.He can stay comfortably in his own home with Du Zhengyi, getting along like ordinary friends, and maybe they can play a game together after dinner.

"I'm not wrong?"

"But, as you can imagine, I'm not an ordinary illusion. Ah, how should I put it? I'm really not very good at explaining this, we all have only a half-knowledge of the world of telepaths. If I can barely say it, I should be considered as your creation I am the illusion with the highest level, and I am the illusion with the deepest level in the tree of illusion." Du Zhengyi said gently, leaning on the sofa.

"My anchor." Roach lowered his head and admitted to himself, knowing in his heart that this was indeed the case.

"Anchor. I am the entity that entrusts your trust, loyalty, and sense of security. After your world is overturned, you put most of the positive power in your heart under this entity, and I will protect your soul. Although it's fucking, your soul is not carved into a fucking look." Du Zhengyi said, smiling at Luo Qi, "You are in a bad situation now, and you instinctively seek help from the bottom of your heart, so I will Appeared."

Roach had nothing to say, and sat down on the carpet helplessly, trying to make himself sit more comfortably.Snow began to fall outside the window, and the temperature dropped quickly. Sitting on the carpet, he felt a little cold.He realized that the cold was very real. In this protected barrier, the enemy would not be able to invade, so his body functions should have been severely damaged. In the real world, he might not be able to survive for too long. up.

He suppressed the fear in his heart, and followed Du Zhengyi's words, "Then, why did you appear here? This is my home."

"Then I have to ask you." Du Zhengyi said, "As I said, this is your own thinking. You must have thought very hard, so you constructed a real scene. If I had to guess, you must want to To extract something from the depths of memory. Since it is the depths of memory, it means that you don’t actually remember much, you just subconsciously feel that there is a connection, and your deep consciousness is searching for answers. I remember you always liked humans The human brain itself is very much like a super-superior computer, right? We also run on energy, we need electricity, bioelectricity, and logic. So Roach, your brain is in a place that you don't know There must have been a vague search. You have to do yourself a favor and help me, I must be struggling in the real world right now."

"But I don't even know what I'm thinking of?" Roach said darkly. "You're sitting on my sofa, so I may actually miss my cozy sofa and want to die on it."

Du Zheng laughed, as bright and bright as Roach remembered, as if he didn't care about his imminent death.The haze in Luo Qi's heart became heavier, and the wind and snow outside the window immediately turned into a blizzard.

"Don't, don't." Du Zhengyi glanced out of the window and said with a smile, "I don't want to die. Sometimes you are really unreasonable! This matter must have nothing to do with the sofa. Think about why your mother is an adult. Will it appear here? Auntie has been discussing with you just now why you had the upper hand, but the queen turned back. I think what she said makes sense. But... have you ever thought about why you discussed this matter The object is your mother? In the illusion, you could have talked with Mahjong about the failure of mind warfare. And the anti-virus issue, you can even talk with Guan Xinyue."

Roach turned his head and looked at the frozen mother, "I don't know, I might just miss my mother."

"Think your mother scolded you?" Du Zhengyi said.

"Because my mother always scolds me." He defended, "so when I think of my mother, I think she will scold me."

"Come on, the most scolding in everyone's life comes from their mothers. It doesn't matter at all, and no one really cares about it." Du Zhengyi said, and picked up the apple again, "Your mother looks so young."

"This is not what she looks like now." Roach said, although he knew that the person sitting on the sofa was not the real Du Zhengyi, but he was still willing to talk about himself with Du Zhengyi. "This is what she looked like when I was about three or four years old, but I remember my mother didn't scold me very much when I was a child. At that time, I was considered the baby of the family."

"Roach, have you ever thought that every parent is eager to teach their children what they do best. Whether it's fishing, playing ball, math, painting, I guess teaching their children is a joy, or It is a kind of biological instinct. Like your parents, two mind masters, although they don’t want you to become a mind master, they will teach you a lot of knowledge during your growth. It’s just that you may not be conscious at all Did you realize that, or did you not realize that that knowledge is related to telepathy?" Du Zhengyi said.

"What you not impossible." Roach whispered, and he turned his head to look at his mother. Her facial features seemed to remind him of the node of time. "So it's possible that some important knowledge was taught to me by my mother when I was only three or four years old?"

"It looks like, you should think about the memory of that age group." Du Zhengyi said.

"Please, boss, what can you remember at the age of three or four?"

"Little white rabbit and big tiger, I guess." Du Zheng laughed as soon as he finished speaking.

Roach sighed and looked down in disappointment, but just as he looked down, out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of where her mother's hand was reaching.What she was going to take before it solidified was a book, a children's picture book on the coffee table.

Roach leaned over in surprise, and picked up the children's picture book from the coffee table.The picture book almost fell into his hands without disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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