magician in town

Chapter 298 Where are you going?

Chapter 298 Where are you going?

Chapter 230 Six

The hundred-year-old town was set on fire. Diesel fuel and a little magical energy were used as combustion accelerants, and the flames soared into the sky.Before the nearest human firefighters can arrive, the ancient town will be reduced to nothing.

Roach and several others watched the fire silently for a while without saying a word.Such a fire all over the sky is somewhat shocking. For Guan Xinyue, a 16-year-old girl, it means that the life she is familiar with no longer exists.She has gotten used to it a bit, she has just learned to ride a motorcycle, and she is familiar with the roads leading to various breakfast stalls outside the town.

But the most uncomfortable person is Mahjong. He stared blankly at the property of the Institute of Ideation that disappeared, "Countless knowledge disappeared, just like Alexander's library disappeared in a fire."

Du Zheng glanced at him, his face was full of sadness, "You should know that the best way to store knowledge is not written in books."

Mahjong's sadness is really not so easy to heal, "You, the captain of the chopper team, the number one barbarian in Qionglin, how can you understand the mystery of mind magic? The biggest loss here today is the mind that has been accumulated for hundreds of years. The power is all destroyed, and the high temperature will affect these crystals. Not to mention the invisible historical value here, I really want to strangle those bastards who are fighting for power."

"Fan Shi?" Roach said, with his hands in his trouser pockets, leisurely fiddling with a few high-energy crystal beads in his pockets. "After the fire here consumes the crystals of the Mind Society, he will definitely follow our trail. What will we do then? I guess he must have a bunch of battle mages or execution mages as axemen."

"Roach is right, survival is our first need now." Du Zhengyi said calmly.

Mahjong nodded, and reached out to pat Guan Xinyue on the shoulder.

Du Zhengyi continued, "Let's first clarify where we are going and where the target is."

Roach immediately said, "Wushan."

Both Du Zhengyi and Mahjong glared at him, and he shouted, "Why are you staring at me? What time is this? Even if I'm in the mood, I don't have time to talk nonsense. As far as I know, Wushan is an independent trade union, and Qionglin's The Archmage will not trespass into Wushan's territory without authorization."

"Let's be serious." Du Zhengyi interrupted him, "We have already notified Gu Shan before we came back, and the situation has reached this point, we can only disturb Teacher Pei."

Hearing this, Mahjong seemed to be relieved, and he had been suggesting to find Pei Shu, "This trouble is no longer something we can afford, so return it to Pei Shu as soon as possible to save worry. Besides, there are still Regarding Xinyue's matter, Grand Master Guan Yushan's last wish is to hand over his granddaughter to Teacher Pei. One is that we should respect Master Guan's wishes, and the other is that it is safer and better for Xinyue."

"Me?" Guan Xinyue almost forgot that his grandfather wanted her to go to Qionglin, but she had already been there, so she didn't have a good impression.Although Pei Shu sounds like a character like Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, she has never met him. She is just a mage with no relatives and no reason, and she has no friendship with her.After going through so much, she has become more and more defensive, and she is not very comfortable with strangers.She just didn't know how to speak, and happened to catch a glimpse of Roach's expression, which seemed uncomfortable, and asked quickly, "Roach, what do you mean?"

Roach shrugged, "I don't know how to say it, it makes me seem a little selfish."

"There's no time, talk quickly if you have something to say." Mahjong said straightforwardly.

"If we go to the mage leader, you'll have to tell him about my problems, right?" Roach asked.

Mahjong frowned, "I won't hide it from Pei Shu, and I can't hide this matter at all. I think Pei Shu will be able to see you clearly as long as he sees you." Mahjong pointed to his temple He made a gesture, and several people understood what he meant. Pei Shu himself is a master mind master, the number one master master in the world of mages.

"Then everything my dad did was exposed," Roach said. "I was just wondering if he's going to be put in the cube under Jonlin?"

Mahjong was a little uneasy, he almost forgot about it.He involuntarily glanced at Du Zheng, and there was a trace of hesitation in their expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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