magician in town

Chapter 307 The Lost Sealed Beast

Chapter 307 The Lost Sealed Beast

Chapter 240 Five

"Why do we talk so much about the clownfish? He's just a No. [-] man, and there's no need to break through him first." Du Zhengyi tapped his fingers on the edge of the teacup, a little impatiently. "Roach suspects that he has something to do with the temple that enshrines Mahakala, but that is just suspicion after all, and there is actually no real evidence. The biggest problem before us is always the organization of the Lotus Burner. This organization really It exists, there is no doubt about it. The man surnamed Zhao is the number one figure in the lotus burner, and this is also a factual and verifiable fact. Teacher, if Qionglin wants to investigate this Zhao, it is better to start, right?"

"Indeed, Mr. Zhao's face is relatively clear now. His appearance and his relationship with the Du family can help us narrow down the scope of our investigation. He will not be a born lotus burner. He must be in our society. It used to exist." Pei Shu said.

"As the leader of the Lotus Burners, this Mr. Zhao is actually a little too young." Du Zhengyi said after thinking about it, and he had already entered the professional state, "What does Teacher Pei think about this situation?"

"The lotus burners have suddenly become aggressive in their behavior over the past few years, which is in line with the fact that their leader is getting younger." Pei Shu said.

While listening to Pei Shu and Du Zhengyi's conversation, Luo Qi gradually began to feel bored, and the elder mage didn't say anything particularly reasonable.He was a little restrained at the beginning, but it sounds like he had thought about these inferences a long time ago, and what they said for 10 minutes did not exceed the scope of his thinking.Pei Shu did not dig deeper into the information about Hierarch Zhao. It stands to reason that Qionglin should have a lot of information about the lotus burners over the years.

Du Zhengyi is also working hard to dig out the previous history of the Lotus Burner, "Teacher, now that the existence of the Lotus Burner has been proved, starting from this known condition and working backwards, can we recreate many cases that we have ignored before?" Sort it out and label it as a lotus burner? Can we find a watershed when the style of the case changed abruptly, so as to clarify the time point when Zhao became the leader? Judging from his age and behavior, I think this time point may not exceed Three years ago. This person is still a little crazy and has the characteristics of a young boy, and the excitement of gaining power for the first time has not faded, so it won't be too long."

"This is a very good idea." Pei Shu said, he looked up at the tapestry on the wall, he didn't speak for a while, as if he was lost in thought.

Luo Qi had a strange feeling that Pei Shu seemed to be searching right now, searching in his mind.If that's the case, the storm in his head must be blowing so hard that a smart person like him would freeze for a moment like dementia.Roach is inexplicably familiar with this state of his, and he also has this kind of time, just like the state of himself falling into the world of consciousness and working with several ideas.

This idea was like enlightenment, and Roach realized that there was nothing impossible.If people are regarded as gods, they will never be able to understand this person.But if this person's divinity is taken away, he is nothing more than a mind mage with unfathomable power.Strip away the modifiers again, and he's a... mind mage.How a mind mage behaves, Luo Qi starts from his own characteristics, in fact, it is completely understandable.

He wondered how much information a human brain could store.Will Pei Shu also carry a high-energy crystal and use the consciousness in the crystal as a supplement to the mind?What kind of high energy crystal does he have on him?

Luo Qi recalled that when they met for the first time, Pei Shu connected to the academy's information database to inquire about Luo Qi's information. As the lord of Qionglin, did he have other ways to call Qionglin or the academy's resources in real time?How did he do it?Roach was very curious.

"I need to find calculators to help me complete this work." Pei Shu said, "But I probably have some preliminary impressions. This little Mr. Zhao has caused me more trouble than the previous 50 years. Now The top priority should be to organize the people in Qionglin, and analyze what they are going to do based on the recent series of behaviors of the lotus burners. I am now worried that they must have a long-term strategic goal. Judging from the behavior characteristics of Mr. Zhao who does not know how to advance or retreat , His goal may be very terrifying. It is a pity that Fan Shi took the opportunity to make trouble for a little power, and Qionglin was involved by him, and he had to waste a lot of resources on him. This is really troublesome."

"Zhao Hierarch is indeed a lot of drama." Luo Qi suddenly opened his mouth carelessly and interrupted Pei Shu, "He also told us something, he said that Du's family was executed by Qionglin, so his blood Very precious."

Two eyes casted on him at the same time, Pei Shu and Du Zhengyi looked at him in astonishment from both sides.He was fiddling with the unpalatable beans in a bored manner, indifferent to all their reactions.It really doesn't matter, because he still knows more information, he knows that the one who slaughtered the entire Du clan was the alien sealed beast, and he can see it clearly in the queen's memory.He didn't have time to share this information with Du Zhengyi, and he couldn't make up his mind whether to tell Du Zhengyi about these things.

Du Zhengyi has always been very detached in his attitude towards this matter.According to Luo Qi's taste, he is not the kind of aloof who kills relatives righteously, the old captain has this kind of feeling, and Du Zhengyi's attitude is as if it is not their family who died.But Du Zhengyi is Du Zhengyi, the true child of the Du family, the true son of the Du family in Jiangnan.

Pei Shu really looked at him in astonishment, but to his surprise, Pei Shu completely skipped his topic.It seemed that even in front of the potential suffering master Du Zhengyi, this topic was not worth talking about at all.This is a bit awesome.

The point that Roach should think about carefully is that Du Zhengyi's attitude seems to fully agree with Pei Shu's ignorance, and he even gave Roach a slightly targeted look.

What are you looking at?Blame Roach for alienating their master and apprentice?Roach glared back at him, "If this matter is a confidential matter, I may be a bit redundant to bring it up. But Zhao Jiaozhu means that he can find, open and use the sealed beast. So I don't know what else Analysis is necessary, the next step for Old Zhao is to break the seal and lead his beasts to sweep our planet."

"Luo Qi." Du Zhengyi may not have been a very polite person, but he just couldn't see others being too rude in front of Pei Shu.His tone was also a bit off, "Even so, a more rigorous analysis is still needed."

"Analyze what?" Luo Qi asked back without hesitation, "The places named by Guan Yushan's crystals are all sealed places in the past, and even Guan Yushan's own death is related to the sealed places. Knowing that the location was leaked, waiting in these places to embarrass us, showing off the limelight and gaining prestige, but are these places still sealed places in the final analysis? Qionglin knows where the existing sealed places are, and it is time to strengthen security. Strengthen security, take care of your own animals, take care of your own animals, don't come out and scratch people everywhere."

Luo Qi's words were full of guns and sticks, and every word and every word fell to the ground. Du Zhengyi looked at him and was a little angry, but he couldn't accuse him of nonsense like before.In fact, the fact is that Roach did not say a word of nonsense just this time.

"What happened today was an accident." Du Zhengyi said, "Fan Shi used Qionglin's resources in violation of the regulations. The sealed beast in Qionglin's hands is no longer a tool for slaughtering humans. The sealed beast that Qionglin has tamed. It can only be regarded as a weapon, and the target can be pointed at anyone. It is meaningless to accuse Qionglin in this matter, and Fan Shi alone cannot represent Qionglin."

Du Zhengyi was completely defending Qiong Lin, as if those alien sealed beasts didn't almost kill him.Roach knew that Du Zhengyi would firmly stand by Qionglin's side at such times, and his warrior nature was fully recovered.

"It's great." Roach couldn't help murmuring.

"What did you say?" Du Zheng asked angrily, his face became ugly.

Luo Qi regretted that he couldn't help satirizing Du Zhengyi, but he couldn't help being angry. He wasn't angry at Du Zhengyi, but he had been holding back this anger for a long time.He is full of dissatisfaction with Qionglin, but as long as he accuses Qionglin, his best friend will instantly stand in front of Qionglin, and Luo Qi will somewhat feel betrayed.

He looked away, he didn't want to look at Du Zhengyi's face when he was angry, he always felt uncomfortable when he said bad things to Du Zhengyi's face. "Then how many sealed beasts does Qionglin have? Besides Qiongqi, how many other kinds are there besides aliens? Can these things be disclosed to the mage? Can you stop making everything so mysterious."

"Secrets are of course for safety. You have seen how many things happened to a lotus burner after he knew the secret, and how much he coveted it? If all the mage world knew the existence of these sealed beasts, people with ulterior motives Will you continue to look for potential sealed beasts? Once a high-level anti-mage gets the sealed beast, the result will be disastrous." Du Zhengyi said with a straight face.

"A high-ranking sorcerer..." Luo Qi suddenly sneered, "Who is a high-ranking sorcerer? Who is a decent sorcerer? How to classify it? Is there a golden light shining in Qionglin's identity? Any sorcerer is born It’s okay to be an idiot, if you are born with high energy, then it’s just that if God says you are anti, you are high anti The work of Master Gao Fan, but the most important thing he should do is to bury himself under the ground of Qionglin first. Fan Shi is also the great master of Qionglin, and even ranks among the venerables. He uses the seal that Qionglin dare not let mortals know The beasts come to murder the same kind. We people are not prepared at all. Who knows what there will be in the world? Who supervises who uses those weapons, we don’t know. The remaining rights of all of us are the last right before going to bed every night. Well, get ready, wash your neck and wait for someone to touch you on the bed in the middle of the night and cut your neck off."

Du Zhengyi couldn't answer Roach's words for a while, he hesitated not to speak to accuse Roach, but Roach was so angry that he slapped over the half plate of beans left in front of him.Those slimy things rolled everywhere, and Du Zhengyi couldn't bear it anymore. "Roach, don't vent all your sadness just because you have been wronged, and magnify these problems."

"What's wrong with me?" Roach became angry.Isn't his biggest heartache that Du Zhengyi will die soon, and the whole Qionglin will die after draining Du Zhengyi's value? "If you want to discuss the matter, then let's discuss the matter. Let's find out first, who owns the six high-energy crystals in the black market? Is it Fan Shi, Qionglin, or the lotus burner? The small sealed beasts sold in the black market, Who sold it? Is it Qionglin? Does Qionglin count her own things? Qionglin is secretive about these things, how can we distinguish which things are done by Qionglin and which things? Was it done by the lotus burner? Can Qiong Lin and the lotus burner behave differently?"

Du Zhengyi suddenly turned his head and stared at Roach. Roach was furious and wanted to say something, but his knee was pinched secretly underneath.He hesitated, holding back more angry words.

"Can you shut up and stop making noise?" Du Zhengyi said coldly, and quietly withdrew his hand.

Pei Shu had been watching the two of them quarreling, and interrupted them when he heard this, "The small sealed beast may have flowed from Qionglin."

After five seconds, Du Zhengyi finally realized, "What did you say?"

Luo Qi was also a little surprised, "It's really Qionglin? This..."

This is simply saying that Qiong Lin is so stupid that the internal management is in chaos.

"Of course things are not what you think." Pei Shu said slowly, as if he had seen through the astonishment of the two young people. "Fan Shi will not be so poor that he will rush to take this opportunity to sell Qionglin's property."

"Oh." Luo Qi said, Pei Shu suddenly began to explain the truth to him, and his anger unknowingly withdrew a little.

"Qionglin has lost some small things since a long time ago." Pei Shu said.

The little thing, in Roach's understanding, is probably his Roach's little black cat.

"Someone stole them from the laboratory and sold them to some wealthy mages, probably as rare pets." Pei Shu said, "A dozen or so have been lost one after another in about ten years. This is a Scandal, but it hasn't been something that deserves much attention."

"I understand." Du Zhengyi said suddenly.

"What do you understand, brother?" Roach asked.

"Someone collected them together and put them on the black market on purpose, so that these things would appear together," Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

"Oh." Luo Qi also understood, "Someone is deliberately making you look ugly. Hehe, it's probably the lotus burner."

 There is no second update today, because this chapter is two in one.The content of this chapter cannot be divided into two chapters.



(End of this chapter)

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