Chapter 319

Chapter 310 Seven

"Luo-qi-qi!" Du Zheng put his hands in his pockets and yelled boredly in the woods. There was only one angry Luo Qi in the depths of the forest, walking straight forward, and finally stopped in front of a fir tree.

"Roch, are you peeing? Be civilized. There is a bathroom in the room behind you. It's a good time to turn around." Du Zheng said boredly, maintaining a slow and constant speed, and gradually approached Roch.

Luo Qi turned his head suddenly, staring deeply at Du Zhengyi with a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Hey, it is said that there will be deer, and there will be deer." Du Zhengyi said indifferently, not caring at all that this topic itself is a sensitive topic.

Roach stared at him for a moment, at first angry storms billowed in his eyes, like a black hurricane sweeping through a world.The mountains and forests are quiet, there is no extra human heart running here, no one interferes with the mind mage, and no one will be affected by the mind mage's emotions. The storm in Luo Qi's eyes gradually calmed down like this.Amused light flashed in those bright eyes again, Luo Qi thought for a while, and finally he was provoked by himself, showing his small white teeth.

Du Zhengyi smiled, "Little friend, you are a little bit interesting, have you realized that you are an idiot?"

"Yeah." Roach said shyly.

"It seems that the environment of highland mages is indeed suitable for mind mages to practice." Du Zhengyi raised his head and looked around, "and this place is big enough, you can't run far if you want to run wild, you can only circle here Run. This successfully reduces the manpower cost of managing your needs.”

"That's right, no wonder Pei Shu sent me here." Luo Qi thought for a while, and his expression changed a little.

"What do you mean?" Du Zhengyi asked, "I always feel that you have some opinions on Pei Shu."

Roach waved his hand lightly, made a gesture of individual concern, and suddenly began to talk about the scene of encountering a clownfish in the morgue the night before.But he didn't say that Du Zhengyi, whom the clownfish told him, would die soon, which was more urgent than what he thought, and the time the old captain told him.He couldn't say these words, he was as taboo to these words as a curse, as if once they came out of his mouth, the fear expressed in the words would come immediately.

Instead, Roach started bragging about how he fought and even stabbed a clownfish.

Of course there is another big secret, the one that the clownfish told him.He knew he would not tell anyone, but from the moment he got the secret, he knew that the secret would come back to his dreams every night, like a fairy whispering in his ear, bewitching He went to push open every door of the 33 temples in Gushan.He is not a greedy goblin in an old fairy tale, he doesn't want all the treasures buried in the 33 temples, he only wants one.He wants to give back his normal life to his friends, he wants them to see each other for many days in the future, when they will chat easily and do some boring things, including eating kebabs and drinking beer in the human night market .In 200 years, they will calmly wait for the goddess in the gray dress to knock on their door, they will pass through the grave, and their soul will be weighed by a feather.

Therefore, Roach actually knew that that day would come sooner or later.He will definitely break into the Lonely Mountain, but the person in front of him is the gatekeeper of the Lonely Mountain, so he needs to kill his friend before he can break into the Lonely Mountain and find a way to keep his friend alive.He has always liked to think about problems in the way of looking for paradoxes, and the irony is that what he is going to do now is a huge paradox.

Roach couldn't help laughing when the thought came to him again as he told about his thrilling fight with the clownfish.This laugh was inserted in the process when he said that the clownfish beat him up violently, which seemed particularly weird.

It caused Du Zhengyi to ask him, "Roch, are you a masochist?"

Roach quickly brought up another topic to attract Du Zhengyi's attention, "I don't think the clownfish is very old. I even suspect that he has not entered the middle age of a mage, maybe only in his 30s."

"How do you tell?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"The way he talks, his sense of humor, I... kind of like him."

"Don't say such terrible things." Du Zhengyi said, and suddenly looked around. This is the depths of the woods, and there is nothing. "Don't say this to anyone but me, understand?"

"I know, I'm not really stupid." Roach said, "The things revealed in the clownfish's words don't have much sense of age. I used to think he was gloomy, and he was indeed a bit bitter. But there is always For a few moments, people feel that he is actually a very interesting person. He has a lot of ideas and is very open. It is true that the lotus burner should be a radical among mages, but at the same time he is also an extreme conservative among mages. I can feel it He is not this type of person, he has a high acceptance of human beings. These characteristics of him are somewhat consistent with a person we have been looking for."

Du Zhengyi took a deep breath of the leaf-smelling air in the forest, "The person who marked the exit in the Qionglin underground interrogation room."

"Yes." Roach replied, thought for a while and then said, "You actually thought of it in an instant."

Du Zhengyi fell into a moment of thought, and his expression became serious. "I will write a detailed report on the whole situation during this period of time to Pei Shu later."

Roach grimaced and shrugged.

"I have to write." Du Zhengyi added.

"Of course it is. There is nothing to say." Roach raised his head to look at Du Zhengyi. This talented mage in Qionglin looked gentle, kind and especially honest and reliable.One day when God wants to weigh his soul with a feather, I hope Du Zhengyi can help him redeem his soul. "I have nothing to hide either."

"However," Du Zhengyi said, "I won't help Qionglin mark these places that need attention. I will abbreviate some places."

Luo Qi couldn't help laughing, that was exactly what Du Zhengyi meant when he said he would cheat.He thought for a while, "Brother, is it because Venerable Fan Shi's incident against you made you feel a little discouraged about Qionglin?"

"No." Du Zheng shook his head, to Roach's surprise, he denied it without hesitation.

"Then I thought that according to your three views, you would persuade me to be a responsible person like you and do something for others. To paraphrase the words of a superhero, it is"? Lying sauce toad!?

Du Zhengyi looked at him calmly, "No one is a hero, I just like to do things. I know that Fan Shi wants to use me, but I am always used by others and I am used to it. I am not saying that because of being used People use it to be cynical, and I hope you don't step into my mistakes. It's not like this, I am very satisfied with my life. I just hope that you have the right to choose and choose a life direction that makes you satisfied. I am for you The things you don’t do, I just hope that you can have the right to choose yourself, and don’t be discovered by them too early to make you have no chance to choose.”

"Then you are much better than my dad, he didn't give me a chance to choose." Roach said.

"Yes," again to Roach's surprise, Du Zhengyi didn't give in at all, "I'm just much better than him."

"Oh, you look awesome and handsome." Roach laughed.After a while, he restrained his smile. "I've thought a lot since yesterday. I don't want to go on like this, and I don't want to waste myself. I want to try to help Pei Shu, and I want to prove that I am indeed valuable."

These are all lies, Roach recalled his worst time, and he didn't want to prove his worth to Qiong Lin.Even though he knew he had the ability of telepathy, he really only wanted to use it to raise cats.

"I thought you really wanted to open a pet shop." Du Zhengyi asked in surprise.

Roach licked his dry lips, closed his eyes, and felt warm again. "Can I be your colleague?"

"What colleague? You want to be a battle mage?" Du Zhengyi was amused.

"Can I be more ambitious, where is the Lonely Mountain Guard?"

(End of this chapter)

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