magician in town

Chapter 323 Zhao Jun

Chapter 323 Zhao Jun

Chapter 320

"Rushishly declaring war on Qionglin is beyond one's control. Only the insane will do so. No matter how powerful the lotus burners are, or how many mages they can incite to go crazy with them, as long as they stand in the clear, the outcome of this war The result is obvious." Du Zhengyi said to Pei Shu that he was fully awake.

Roach lay on the ground and looked at his profile, and found that he looked like a warrior like never before.He imagined that the war of being a mage really broke out, and no one could stop Du Zhengyi. He would never care about the things he still taboos today, and he would die on the battlefield, contented.

Roach lay down sullenly, several images flashed in his mind one after another.He saw the crazy old mage, that was the last appearance of Guan Yushan in his imagination.The traps he prepared to alert Qiong Lin were useless, the clownfish bypassed his traps, just as he was able to bypass the guards in the crystal, because Guan Yushan was already in the battle of mind before his body came at the last moment Lost in the middle, he was just a walking dead in his last days.Before Guan Yushan died of alcoholism, his soul had already died.The clownfish won this battle very cruelly. He used the old mage's innocent daughter as a sacrifice, tortured the old mage's soul, made his conscious world fall apart, and made his world crumble, and finally won easily.

When he and Du Zhengyi walked into Guan Yushan's house, there were only ghosts floating there.As a human being, Guan Xinyue is only blind and deaf in the world of thoughts, but human beings still have an indescribable sixth sense. The stories Guan Xinyue tells are like ancient fables, which have actually described part of the story. true.It's just that when they listened to the story, they didn't understand it at all.

There is also the trap in the ancient well of the Guan family. The person who set the trap must be Guan Yushan after his soul died.Roach has no ability to compete with the clownfish's conscious world, and he can't even touch the edge of his conscious world. Now that he recalled the great pain that penetrated into his conscious world when he picked up the crystal in the well, it might be his The closest I've ever been to a clownfish.

There is only such an unintentional strategic advantage, but the only possibility he can deduce is that the clownfish has a life-threatening pain.It might be a major loss, otherwise Roach couldn't figure out how the wound could be so serious.It's a pity that this matter is of no use. You must know that since a person can reach that step, he will definitely not be a person who has a warm and happy life.

"The clownfish is definitely not crazy." Roach blurted out.

"Their No. [-] person is not a lunatic, but their No. [-] person must be a lunatic." Du Zhengyi said.

"We deduced a person from the files." Pei Shu continued, "According to your information, he has Du's matrilineal blood, is young, and even has his appearance. It is not difficult to locate him. The calculator thinks he is His name is Zhao Jun, ah, he used to be called Zhao Yun, the bamboo-headed Yun, his current name should be changed by himself later on."

"Ha." Du Zhengyi said sarcastically, "He hasn't changed to be particularly blatant."

"Zhao Jun was a good student when he was studying at Occidental College, but he was not so good that the teachers couldn't forget him. I remember..." Pei Shu paused for a while, and an old man recalled the past, as if from a thick There is always a slight time delay when turning things inside out. "I remember that he went to Qionglin to apply for a job after graduation, and wanted to become a resident mage."

"Teacher has seen him?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I haven't seen it," Pei Shu said, "I have a little impression of his resume, but that's all."

"Why didn't Qionglin hire him?" Du Zhengyi asked.

A flash of humor flashed across Pei Shu's face, "Because he's not good enough, the reason is that simple."

"Interesting." Du Zheng smiled slightly.

"59 Experiment once wanted to recruit him as an experiment assistant. But he refused, he said he didn't want to be bored in the laboratory." Pei Shu said.

Du Zhengyi asked, "What did he study when he was old?"

"Track system." Pei Shu said, "It stands to reason that his most likely life trajectory should have been working in the Pendragon track system, helping families install track interfaces."

Du Zhengyi was somewhat surprised. Logically speaking, if a person becomes the leader of an extremist force, he should be a person who is full of philosophical thinking and able to use both sides. Plumbers are generally idiots.

"But he does study space technology, and it has something to do with his ability to teleport," he said.

"His parents are both low-level mages. Even if his matrilineal bloodline has some relationship with your family, that relationship is already far away. If his bloodline is diluted by his mediocre father, his spatial ability cannot be compared with yours." Compared." Pei Shu said.

"He's a fool." Roach interjected, he was running his own thinking on his own thinking, he didn't listen to the conversation between the two, but couldn't help expressing his opinion.

"Then he might be a very lucky fool." Pei Shu said quietly, "He was hired by Zheng Hanbin, the chief mage of the Credit Balance Planning Committee."

"Our economic officer recruited him? Hired an engineering master who studies the rail system? To calculate credit points?" Du Zhengyi asked in disbelief.

Pei Shu nodded.

"Why?" Du Zhengyi asked in surprise, "They should recruit senior calculators, data analysts, or human experts like Roach."

"Theoretically, it should be so. However, Zheng Hanbin proposed some reform measures at that time. I remember that he proposed at the committee, emphasizing that the planning committee is a very important department. In particular, human beings have already begun to propose several very good mathematical models for In their own economics, he worried that human beings might find loopholes in their own economic system. Human beings are progressing, we are declining, and his department is in urgent need of excellent mages. Zheng Hanbin pointed out that majors are not important, but the ability of mages is important. A mage with ability can learn professional knowledge on the job. Under this idea, he recruited a group of various first-level mages." Pei Shu said.

"Mr. Zhao just passed the examination for a first-level mage's license." Du Zhengyi said clearly.

"Yes." Pei Shu nodded and added, "But of course it's a first-level master's license in engineering for rail systems."

"It's so stupid." Roach lay on the ground and said Du Zhengyi's heart.

"Zheng Hanbin from the planning committee..." Du Zhengyi said suddenly, he thought carefully, "I seem to have seen this person before."

"He died four years ago. He died while he was in office. You may have seen him in Qionglin." Pei Shu said, "I understand what you mean, just like you think, Mr. Zhao has been working under Zheng Hanbin. Ten years. He has won the trust of Zheng Hanbin, and he has a high level of entry, and he avoided serving in Qionglin by virtue of his high level."

"Zheng Hanqing has a side job of his own?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Based on the relationship network of Mr. Zhao, the lotus burner, he could only have inherited the lotus burner organization from Zheng Hanbin. In his traceable resume, he has no other chance to come into contact with anything. A big man with weight." Pei Shu said.

"How old is Mr. Zhao?" Du Zhengyi asked again.

"It is in line with your judgment of him. He joined the planning committee after graduating from university, and it has only been about ten years now."

"The plumber's success came too suddenly." Du Zhengyi said with a sigh.

Luo Qi said, "It may be that the old man died too suddenly, and the power fell into the hands of the eunuch around him."

Both Du Zhengyi and Pei Shu looked at Luo Qi. He was still lying on the pile of cushions, his gaze fell on the ceiling, as if he was practicing his thoughts through the roof.

Du Zhengyi continued, "The previous leader of the Lotus Burner, Zheng Hanbin, has been hiding in the Qionglin for many years, and his position is almost second only to the Venerable. No wonder the Lotus Burner hid so deeply in the Qionglin. He has very convenient personnel power."

"The analysis of Zheng Hanbin is still being done. He has a lot of data. This work requires not only calculators, but also many analysts. Unfortunately, we don't know who to trust now, so there is a serious shortage of manpower. According to Zheng Hanbin's resume Sorting out relevant materials is a lot of work.”

Roach interjected again, "When you need our help, please tell us."

"The teacher never paid attention to Zheng Hanbin before?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I have to admit, I've never paid much attention to him. He's a workaholic in his department, constantly arguing for the interests of his own committee at SPC meetings, thinking only of his own work, and of others' I have no interest in the matter at all. Sometimes the decision made by the Supreme Committee has nothing to do with him, but he always suspects that it is aimed at him." The old mage folded his hands and said with some embarrassment, "To be honest, I am a little tired of him He was always chasing me around in between meetings, and I tried to avoid him as much as I could because I really didn't want to listen to his extremely self-centered words."

Luo Qi couldn't help laughing, "He is such a genius, he managed to make the first venerable not pay attention to him."

Du Zhengyi was slightly taken aback, and then realized that what Roach said was actually very accurate. "He disguised himself as a step-by-step layman, full of human frailties."

"Yes." Pei Shu admitted, "In fact, his picture is so big, it is unlikely that he is such a person. All I see are illusions."

"He may have many meetings in private." Du Zhengyi said, "Since he is such a person, his circle of friends in front of the world may be very clean, and there is not much valuable information to be found at all. If you want to conduct research on him, it may be difficult to find the organization of the Lotus Burner based on the existing evidence. But how did he die? Could this be a breakthrough?"

In this gap, Roach fell into the depths of his own thinking, and he traced a golden coordinate axis of time in his mind.At the node four years ago, the leader of the lotus burners died; at the node three years ago, the clown fish invaded the lonely mountain.

There is no evidence that the clownfish from four years ago intersected with the lotus burner.

Li Xu's age and seniority clearly indicated that he could not be the former plumber's current leader Zhao's subordinate.

Li Xu and his followers can only be the old king's men, he is very interested in the secrets of the Great Heitian Temple, and he can't wait to dig out what happened in Gushan three years ago, or after the death of the old king.He was even desperate enough to kill the son of an archmage in Qionglin.

Roach can almost clearly see the connection inside. The clownfish is an archmage who was born about three years ago. He is powerful, calm and cruel, and seems to hide centuries of experience and experiences.When he debuted for the first time, he shocked Gushan. He established a cult-like organization with his bare hands, and used the hands of others to kill people.He even left rebellious graffiti in Qionglin's oldest mind interrogation room.

So his enemies are definitely not humans.

Luo Qi suddenly understood that only a fool would think that he was a real lotus burner.His only enemy is Qionglin, the lonely mountain, the core of the mage system, and the center of the mage world.

Even Zhao Jun may not be a real lotus burner, he exudes a smell of power.Somehow immense power fell into his hands, and he couldn't wait to wield the great sword and try it out.

The clownfish hibernated after the Lonely Mountain incident, and probably realized that he needed an ally. At this moment, the idiot Master Zhao entered his field of vision.

For Zhao Jun, no matter how he gained power, there must be more than one veteran in a mature organization.To stabilize his position, he also needs a strong ally, and the clownfish is a good choice.

So... Roach turned to look at his friend's young face under the cover of the cushion, so sooner or later the war against Lonely Mountain would begin.As a guard of the lonely mountain, his friend will meet the enemy sooner or later.

Pei Shu's voice seemed to be a world away, and a part of Luo Qi heard him talking about the cause of Zheng Hanbin's death.

"Zheng Hanbin died of a curse."

"What?" Roach fell out of his small universe in shock.He merged himself from all the channels into one, and sat up from the pile of cushions. "curse?"

He looked at Du Zhengyi, suspecting that he might have heard wrong.Maybe Pei Shu said a very professional word, and he misunderstood it as a curse.

"Curse." Du Zhengyi repeated, "Are you deaf?"


"Whose curse?" The old lady who danced to the gods?Because he took up their square dance venue?

"It's the curse of the highland mage." Pei Shu said indifferently, "The highland mage forbids anyone to climb their holy mountain, otherwise they will curse them. Master Zheng is a mountaineering enthusiast and has climbed every mountain in the world , it’s just missing the holy mountain of the highland mages.”

Roach sat up straight, "I can't help but be in awe of both of them."

"Master Zheng... has always been stubborn, and likes to challenge and conquer. Moreover, the curse of the highland mage has always been just a legend before." Pei Shu said.

Luo Qi gave a thumbs up, "A man who can conquer nature."

(End of this chapter)

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