Chapter 33

Chapter 32

Du Zhengyi and Luo Qi looked at each other for a moment, Luo Qi looked dazed and speechless, Du Zhengyi ignored him, stepped into the pit with one foot, and stretched out his hand to open the body bag.

The corpse of an adult woman was exposed in front of his eyes. The corpse had not completely decomposed after the harsh winter, and there were many messy crossings on the corpse. Du Zheng didn't give up until he saw the steel nails inserted into the eyes of the corpse.He closed the woven bag, "It doesn't look like a little girl, it might be the missing Qi Yue."

"And then?" Guan Xinyue asked anxiously, and then glanced at Luo Qi in fear.

"I'm not sure about anything else," Du Zhengyi said.

Luo Qi finally let go of the wooden shaft of the shovel, and the shovel fell on the floating soil at his feet. Du Zhengyi turned his head and looked at him, with a calm expression that he couldn't understand.

"Why did you tell Guan Xinyue that story that day?" After thinking for a while, he asked.His tone was soft and it sounded like a hospice.

"That's a made-up story!" Roach's voice was dry and hoarse, with despair stuck in his throat.The cheap woven bag with blue and red stripes fluttered in the wind, and he couldn't turn his eyes away, staring at the vicious bag.The chilly wind of early spring whipped his neck, poured into his neckline, and blew the moist breath on his skin, like a snake that spit out a letter and swam into his clothes, wrapping around him sticky, Cao Qie whispered behind his ear.

Roach swallowed, clenching his fists tightly, thinking he might be going crazy.How did he know this?Why did he come up with such a story, there is a cheap woven bag in the story, a wrapped corpse with steel nails in the eyes.Has anyone moved his head?Someone stuffed this crap into his head?

His heart was racing, his ears were ringing like drums, and he subconsciously looked at Du Zhengyi again.Du Zhengyi avoided his gaze, just like a healthy person, out of conscience, would not be able to look directly at a terminally ill person who is dying.Du Zhengyi looked worried.

"Luo Qi!" Guan Xinyue yelled in his ear, startling him again.Then he realized that Guan Xinyue had never called him in such a begging voice. He understood what Guan Xinyue meant, and she longed for him to say something so that they could all wake up from this nightmare.

"Roch." Du Zhengyi called out suddenly, with a rapid tone and a low voice, as if he had finally made up his mind.Roach turned his head back and forth between the two of them in a daze.Across the body, Roach saw Du Zhengyi's lips move, which looked like a curse word from the shape of his lips.Then his long legs stepped over the hole that Roach dug, and he walked to Roach's side in one step.

"Listen to me," he cursed again, and then said hastily, "Mahjong is right, you may take the initiative to go to the committee, and you may have a little advantage."

Luo Qi listened numbly, Du Zhengyi grabbed his shoulder, looked him in the eyes and said, "If the matter is only related to me, I don't care, but now things have gone off the rails. We must act quickly, Active response can compress the process and report directly to His Holiness. Roach! Can you hear me?"

Luo Qi looked into Du Zhengyi's eyes and nodded. His throat was swollen and he was speechless.

"The situation here is very complicated. I can't leave. Can you take transportation to the nearest Pendragon rail station by yourself?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Roach nodded again, and the two set off together, but now he has to return alone, back to the center of the magical world, to report his own problems.He felt like a mouse that fell into a maze box. Even if he ran around and managed to find an exit, the exit only led to a cage.

"I'll give you a coordinate, you go to Pei Shu, he is one of the venerables. Do you understand?"

This sentence gave Roach a little hope, and he nodded.

"it is good."

He heard Du Zhengyi heaving a sigh of relief, let go of the hand holding Luo Qi, patted his shoulder, and then grabbed his shoulders on both sides, as if trying to cheer him up. "Zhao Zhiyan won't understand what's abnormal here, so we still have a little time. Think about it carefully, what is the reason for you to come here to dig up the corpse?"

Luo Qi looked into the depths of Du Zhengyi's pupils, just a glimpse, and he turned his eyes away suddenly. "Do not--"

Guan Xinyue looked at them anxiously, slipped and almost fell into the corpse pit, and jumped up in fright.This action distracted Du Zhengyi and Roach at the same time. Roach pushed Du Zhengyi away, raised his hand and pinched his face anxiously, "No, don't you want to check my brain anymore. My brain Someone must have been touched, I know. What if I'm a trap? Is someone waiting for this opportunity, waiting for you to fall into my consciousness? They must know that you are not only courageous, but also curious .”

Du Zhengyi didn't speak, but he pursed his lips tightly. Now Roach knew that this expression was almost equivalent to indicating that Du Zhengyi was indeed in an impasse.

At this moment, Du Zhengyi suddenly turned around and looked at the locked courtyard door.Luo Qi followed subconsciously, and soon he heard the sound, someone was playing with the lock on the iron door outside.Before he had time to think about anything, he heard the door lock snap open, the iron door bolt rattled open, and then the door slammed open, flying dust and snow in all directions.

Two figures appeared at the door, one was a monk wearing a brown monk's robe, and the other was a sorcerer who was out of season.

Zhao Zhiyan grinned as soon as he entered the door, "I don't know if something important happened here. I was thinking about it and worried for you. I was in a hurry to come over to help, but the monk had no place to let me go, so I just invited them over together."

Luo Qi knew that it was because the two sides did not trust each other. Zhao Zhiyan was afraid that some information would be withheld, so he hurried over to take a look.He already hated Zhao Zhiyan in his heart, but now seeing his cynical and playful smile, he almost felt physically loathed.

"How is your side?" Zhao Zhiyan asked with a smile.

"I found something." Du Zhengyi said, his expression had returned to normal, "It's not convenient for the monk to see."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Zhao Zhiyan said, "Anyway, the monk has to be taken back for inspection, and he has no chance to get in touch with others."

The attitude he said was like catching an animal in a nature reserve, and now he has to bring it back to the research institute.Luo Qi turned his head in disgust, thinking that the monk must have been coerced, so he subconsciously glanced at the monk.

Unexpectedly, the monk was standing quietly at the door, so he just met Luo Qi's face, and immediately looked like he had seen a ghost, his face was full of horror.Luo Qi's nerves have been tormented in the process of digging the pit just now, and he has no reaction to the monk's weird behavior. He only thought vaguely for a moment. Being controlled by two magicians, the monk must have reached the brink of collapse .

But no matter how slow he is, there will be a limit. When Roach was stared at by the other two eyes, the instinctive sense of fear once again raised his spirit to a sharp level.He came back to his senses and noticed the expressions of Zhao Zhiyan and Du Zhengyi. There was a slight resemblance between the two of them, and each of them was filled with unbelievable surprise.

Luo Qi's heart sank, knowing that today's troubles are destined to come one after another, and then they will be densely woven into a thread, and finally he will be ensnared layer by layer and dragged to hell.

Du Zhengyi seemed to be the first to return to normal, but he looked at Roach more and more confused.After Zhao Zhiyan performed the full-on stunned scene, he finally got angry with a "hey" and slapped the monk who was trembling for some reason, "It turns out that you have completely given up your fear instinct. It's strange, why are you afraid of him?" ?”

The monk stared blankly at Luo Qi, shaking his head tremblingly, as if he had lost his ability to speak.

Everyone in the yard looked solemn, except Zhao Zhiyan who was very relaxed and quick, as if all the burdens on his heart had been thrown away. "The matter has come to this point, but I really don't care about it. What did you find?" He had already seen the hole behind Du Zhengyi, "Hey? Who dug a hole here? Roach?"

As soon as Du Zheng stared at him, his complexion suddenly became very ugly, and another ominous thought flashed through Luo Qi's mind.He heard Du Zhengyi ask sharply, "Have you notified the committee?"

Zhao Zhiyan shrugged, "Shouldn't I? I have to report to my superiors?"

"What did you report?" Roach asked in a low voice.

"Report that I have found the Great Monk." Zhao Zhiyan said as it should, "The rest is to see how the Mind Master will pry his mouth open, that is beyond my ability, I can get off work gone."

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Roach, "It seems that I have to take you back now. The mind mage must check why the monk has an abnormal reaction when he sees you."

"Then I will also report this to my superior." Du Zhengyi said coldly, "I'm afraid ordinary telepathic mages can't check Roach's thoughts."

"Oh—" Zhao Zhiyan said arrogantly, looking at Du Zhengyi and laughed again, "That's none of my business."

Du Zhengyi frowned.Zhao Zhiyan was very jealous of him, his face was still smiling, but his body was tense, always on guard against Du Zhengyi.The harmonious alliance that was barely established by relying on force to suppress it just now is about to disappear in smoke.

Roach thought he had learned a lesson, but he knew right away that none of it mattered.

"They'll be here soon." Zhao Zhiyan said with a smile, his tone was kind, but he was also reminding them.

Roach's heart was beating violently, his intraocular pressure was elevated, and he had a terrible headache.In the midst of great tension, the things that happened in the past few days were rapidly revolving in his mind. He didn't know whether it was the result of thinking or intuition, and he suddenly knew who the person who was going to come was.

A trace of familiar energy fluctuations flickered in the courtyard, and Roach knew that someone came here through space travel.He suddenly turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi, and when the figure condensed into shape, he said, "Li Xu."

He didn't know if Du Zhengyi heard what he was saying clearly, three figures in robes with loose sleeves appeared, three middle-aged mages, the leader of them all knew each other, they just met.

"First-level executive mage, Li Xu." The well-dressed mage with a leisurely demeanor said to everyone, with a three-pointed solemnity, "Executive committee duties."

The handover happened almost instantly, and Luo Qi only came in time to call "Guan Xinyue", but he wasn't calling the girl, he said it while looking into Du Zhengyi's eyes.He knew that Du Zhengyi would understand what he meant in a short time, and as long as he asked Guan Xinyue, it would be the same as asking Luo Qi himself.After that, Roach was involved in a torrent that traveled through space.

 I really hope you enjoy reading this story



(End of this chapter)

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