magician in town

Chapter 337 Go Skiing

Chapter 337 Go Skiing

"The highland mage vacated the hall on the basement floor and gave it to them as a laboratory. Did you know there was an underground here before?" Mahjong asked.

"Have you ever heard of any mage's site without underground buildings?" Du Zheng asked rhetorically.

Mahjong really thought about it seriously, "No."

"In most of the mage's buildings, the ground part is just an appearance, and the scale of the underground part is much larger than that on the ground." Du Zhengyi said casually.

"Then do you know that Roach hangs around underground when he's free these days? He's well acquainted with everyone in every experimental group, and there are acquaintances everywhere." Mahjong said. "Your Luo Qi is really a tough guy. In each experimental group, girls younger than him like to play with him, and in each experimental group, girls older than him like to pet him. They Do you know how many snacks you gave him? In this kind of place, snacks are hard currency!"

"Do you have any opinion on him?" Du Zhengyi asked casually, he was reading a book.

"The person who has an opinion is Guan Xinyue." Mahjong said, "Look, the little girl is also quite pitiful. There have been so many things in the family and so many tragedies in the world. So is your Luo Qi interesting? "

"Rocky is only interested in eating at this stage."

If Du Zhengyi said this, Mahjong hadn't fully understood what he meant, but he would have understood within a few minutes.At this moment, Roach used the teleportation function to return to the hall from the ground.He hurried along, followed by a mass of floating golden symbols that looked like a giant golden bee flapping its wings.

Mahjong looked at the symbols chasing after Roach with interest, and vaguely recognized some common secret words and molecular structures from them.

"Brother! You're here, I'm looking for you." Luo Qi said carelessly, "They have something nice to show you."

"Roach, didn't you see me, your elder brother?" Mahjong said dissatisfiedly beside him.

"Hello, brother." Roach said, "Are you satisfied with the food at the Highland Mage?"

"Not satisfied, not satisfied, can I go out to find food?" Mahjong asked back.

"Well, then would you spend money on delicious food?"

"We don't deliver food here. Besides, don't break the rules of senior mages, and respect their habits." Mahjong emphasized this point, "Have you asked the girls for a lot of food?"

"The highland mage doesn't care what other people do," Roach said.

"Stop talking nonsense, Roach, what do you want from me?" Du Zhengyi hurriedly interfered with the two of them.Sometimes Du Zhengyi will realize that Roach and Mahjong can get along very well, because they are very similar in some respects, such as talking nonsense seriously.It's just that the two of them didn't realize it, and they didn't want to admit it. If no one came to cut them off at this time, the two of them would be like a pair of comedians, talking until the end tomorrow morning.

Mahjong often said something derogatory to Roach, but if Roach wasn't in a particularly bad mood by chance, he would generally maintain a sense of humor about Mahjong's witty remarks, showing quite a good demeanor.Then, dig out the irony from the gaps in the words.

"Oh, when they came over, they brought a new discovery. They found a new material, which is harder than the existing material." Roach said, "Zhou Quan asked if you would like to take a look, he Say it will be useful to you."

Mahjong looked at the golden symbols flying behind Roach, "These are the molecular formulas of new materials?"

Roach glanced back, carelessly, and waved his hand, causing these golden symbols to fold up in a more orderly manner. "I'm not, these are the molecular formulas I asked for from one of your juniors... I want to set up a laboratory by myself."

"What are you studying?" Mahjong asked.

"Food Engineering."

"I have nothing to say to you."

Roach ignored Mahjong and turned to look at Du Zhengyi expectantly, "Are you going to the laboratory to see their new materials? They said they are especially suitable for battle mages. Maybe you can mention some good application scenarios."

"I might go and have a look later." Du Zhengyi said, "Where are you going now?"

"I want to find a quiet place and do some experiments by myself. Zhou Quan also said, ask me out to play in a while, do you want to go?" Roach said, looking at Du Zhengyi expectantly.

"Not interested. Where are you going to play?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"He said we should go farther away from the forest surrounded by senior mages. Find a better slope for skiing, or we will come to such a cold place for nothing." Roach asked Du Zhengyi a little excitedly, "are you coming?"

Seeing Du Zhengyi hesitated, Roach immediately said, "Do you think it's too cold outside? How about I do meditation with you? Do you really do it every night? I think that thing seems to be quite beneficial. "

"Go play with Zhou Quan, I have something else to do." Du Zhengyi said.

Roach stared at him suspiciously, "What can you do here?"

Du Zhengyi waved his hand impatiently, signaling him to get out of here quickly, bringing his big golden wings that swaggered across the market. "Don't bother the highland mage too much."

Roach made a gesture of obedience, and hurriedly disappeared at the end of the corridor with his big wings.

"Do you think this scene looks familiar"?Mahjong asked suddenly.

Du Zhengyi looked at Mahjong warily.

But Mahjong still opened his big mouth and said, "Since childhood, every time you have made friends with you, no matter how well they play with you, as soon as other people appear, they will follow. .Why? Because you are always too serious, serious and boring, everyone is more fun than you. Are you lonely? A genius archmage?"

"I'm not that naive, okay?"

"You were on the verge of crying several times when you were a child." Mahjong laughed, "It was the big brother who took you because I thought you were pitiful."

"I'm not a child anymore. Besides, I've never been so naive, okay? I don't need friends either. But for Roach, the bigger his circle, the better, after all, he's just started." Du Zhengyi said .

"To make you less of a part of his life? Oh man, I don't want to listen to you. I'm going to talk to a medical mage and learn my craft, and you read that boring book yourself Let's go." After Mahjong said angrily, he turned and left, looking for some highland mages he had become familiar with recently.

(End of this chapter)

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