magician in town

Chapter 340 The Missing Roach

Chapter 340 Missing Roach (2)

Chapter 330 Eight

"Brother Du, why don't you speak?" Guan Xinyue asked.She was full of expectations for Du Zhengyi, and hoped that Du Zhengyi would be able to dig Roach out of that pit immediately.

"I'm wondering if this matter has anything to do with Roach." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice, "This matter is a bit ironic. When Roach was introduced to me, he was labeled as having a high luck value."

"What do you mean by blessing and misfortune?" Guan Xinyue asked casually, she was too anxious to think about it at all.The so-called lucky value, what is the lucky value?

"What do you think of this score? Sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's a blessing or a curse," Mahjong said. "That just means...he's a focal point."

Du Zhengyi nodded half-listening, and several people could tell that he was thinking about something else.

"What did you think of?" Mahjong asked.

"I didn't think of anything. Roach really wanted to go out to get some air. He said he was going skiing. I believed that." Du Zhengyi said after thinking. "Both of them are mages, let alone Zhou Quan is a successful mage, no matter how you say it, they won't be reduced to the point where they can't come back after going out together."

"It's true." Mahjong said, "I didn't expect it to be contagious if it's unreliable."

"I don't have much contact with Zhou Quan." Du Zhengyi said, "What kind of person is he?"

The eyes of several people fell on Liu Ziyu at the same time, Liu Ziyu raised his head, "Ask me?"

Du Zheng nodded.

"He is a smart man." Liu Ziyu said.

"No more?" Mahjong was still waiting for something to say.

"Zhou Quan is a smart man." Liu Ziyu said it again, this time with a heavier tone. "That's what I mean, he's a smart guy in every way, very smart."

"I understand." Du Zhengyi said.

Liu Ziyu nodded in satisfaction.

Mahjong glanced at them, "Do you know that you always attract problem children? You can really understand what they mean."

Du Zhengyi was not in the mood to listen to him, he was watching a group of highland mages disappear into the middle of the hall.They all wore heavy coats, hoods, and leather boots.Hopefully they're really smart enough and Roach can be brought back soon.

"Is your intestines regretful?"

Du Zhengyi turned his head and said that his person was Mahjong, with an expression that he didn't listen to the old man's words and deserved to step on shit.

"What?" Du Zhengyi asked him.

"Why don't you go with me early? Let's ski lightly, come back together when it's getting dark, and eat some delicious... energy beans at night." Mahjong said.

Du Zhengyi didn't speak.

Mahjong continued, "I've always been out of group, and I've been punished."

"Then the retribution will be on me!" Du Zhengyi suddenly raised his voice, raised his eyes and stared at Mahjong.

Only then did Mahjong realize how angry he was, and now it's too late to say that I thought you didn't care about these things.He coughed and said awkwardly, "Let's analyze it. What else might Roach and Zhou Quan do besides go skiing?"

"Come on, uncle, what else can they do? Hiding in some cave and sharing dirty movies together?" Guan Xinyue said irritably.

"Shhh." Liu Ziyu suddenly stretched out his fingers to shush them, Mahjong and Guan Xinyue both looked at her, but she looked at Du Zhengyi.

Du Zhengyi looked at them thoughtfully, "Has Roach spent the past few days in the underground laboratory?"

Several people nodded in unison.

"What can Roach talk to them about?" Du Zhengyi asked suspiciously, "He was not interested in the laboratory."

Before waiting for a few people to answer, Du Zhengyi was almost sure that he already had the answer, "Unless it has to do with one of the things he is most interested in recently. Pei Shu promised to help him find the invisible man among the highland mages." .”

"Invisible man?" Mahjong repeated.

"At least someone who can disable the highland mage's induction magic." Du Zhengyi said, "Roach must meet everyone in the laboratory these days and ask if anyone can solve similar technical problems. He may want to experiment The people in the room can give him ideas."

"That's it. Luo Qi asked many people, and he asked me too." Liu Ziyu said.

"Does anyone think they know the answer?" Du Zhengyi frowned.

"You know these people are people who like to study very much, and they gave Roach various answers." Liu Ziyu replied, "But I don't think anyone is malicious, we all like Roach very much. "

"Tell me about their views, and pick the one you think is the most likely to talk about first." Du Zhengyi said.

"There is a point of view that really makes sense to me, although it sounds a bit unbelievable at first glance." Although Liu Ziyu said this, he spoke without hesitation, almost eloquently, "According to the records of the ancient mages, there are Some Ancestors think, note that some Ancestors think so, others don't. These particular Ancestors think that we are made of magic particles and magic waves, so if we can make our magic waves just fit If our normal original magic waves were 180 degrees apart, then our sound waves and light waves would be undetectable. But the theory is that this situation can only be maintained temporarily, not continuous magic."

"What exactly are you talking about? I didn't understand a word." Mahjong couldn't help but said.

"It means that in principle, you can just happen to be unable to see or hear someone." Du Zhengyi said.

Mahjong glanced at Du Zhengyi for ten seconds, "Actually, you didn't understand, did you?"

"The point is that Roach seems to understand, and he is probably interested in this." Du Zhengyi said.

"Brother is right, Roach is indeed very interested in this theory, according to him, this theory is very similar to a certain theory of human beings, and he believes that no two races will think of the same thing for no reason. According to some gossip, the highland mages actually inherited the crystals that store this kind of magic. It's just that they never admit it to the outside world." Liu Ziyu said.

"Roach won't be looking for this thing, right?" Mahjong asked.

Du Zhengyi was silent for a while, and then said, "I don't think Roach will explore the secrets of the highland mage. But if his luck value is really high enough for him to meet him."

"From your tone, I think you don't seem to believe what you say." Mahjong said.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, but I suspect that Roach's disappearance has something to do with this." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice, just like the previous leader of the Lotus Burner, he didn't really come here just to climb the snow mountain The holy mountain of Highland mages.

(End of this chapter)

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