Chapter 350

"Wait." Roach yelled, but a powerful idea rushed to his spiritual world desperately, mercilessly.

Luo Qi was panicked and anxious. It was impossible for him to resist the ancestor mage, but he never thought that the god-like ancestor mage would be like this.In the eyes of the ancestor mage, he seems to be nothing, because he is too low-level, and his magic ability is not strong, so in the eyes of the ancestor mage, taking his body and turning him into nothing is not a problem at all.

Being stifled in this way and turning himself into something other than himself is more terrifying than killing him and destroying him.Does she want to completely replace him? In order to deceive others, she will steal his life, steal his friends, touch his cat, and clean up the life he has finally put together from a messy state, and then do it casually Break it to pieces?

Luo Qi seemed to be pushed backwards by a huge force. In the world of ideas, he seemed to be in a long train passing through the desolate and cold northern country. He was pushed by an invisible force in the middle aisle of the train. step backwards.His life is moving forward like a train, but he is pushed backward in the forward life. The various life states between the seats on both sides are the memories related to his life and the story of his life.

He was being pushed backwards by something strong and cold with a metallic taste around its throat.

He heard cold laughter in the gap, she must have seen many humiliating memories of him, no magic and no energy, those old-fashioned memories that he thought he had forgotten.

"As Roach, I will do better than you." The woman whispered in his ear.

Roach saw himself knocked to the ground, someone kicked him in the face, and he tried to fight back, but he was no match for enhanced magic at that time.He saw his beating men go away, and he lay on the ground until it was dark, until he had calmed his anger and despair.He saw himself getting up, trying his best to erase the traces of the beating, pretending that none of this happened, just so that life could continue.Life has to go on.

He sighed, "Maybe."

But things are not like this, "But you will definitely not fulfill those obligations in my life, you will not accompany my parents, and you will not save Du Zhengyi. You are not me, so how can you care about the debts in my life?" ?”

His consciousness turned, and Du Zhengyi's face suddenly appeared in his field of vision. He saw Du Zhengyi sitting on the seat of the train, with a calm and pale expression, like someone who was about to die.

If his life was taken away, all of this would be over. Everyone either didn't care about Du Zhengyi's life or thought he must die, even himself.Roach turned eagerly, calling out his friend's name knowing he was in his own conscious world.

If he still has a chance, even if it's just a chance to say goodbye to him, use this last chance to ask him to promise not to give up on himself.But it's all gone, Roach's resentment is burning like a raging flame, if this is the end of life, why don't you remember the saying that human beings have resentful spirits.If his thoughts were squeezed out of his body and stayed here, he would definitely become a grieving ghost wandering here for thousands of years.

The Du Zheng in Roach's conscious world reacted to his shout, and he turned his head to look at him in bewilderment, looking innocent.He was originally innocent, owed nothing to anyone, but was owed by everyone.

"Brother." Roach called, reaching out his hand to Du Zhengyi's phantom.Du Zhengyi hesitated, but he stood up and walked towards him, grabbing his hand.

The momentum of Roach being forced to retreat slowed down, and Roach held Du Zhengyi's hand tightly. Du Zhengyi was as reliable and powerful as the version in the real world, and he firmly grasped the hand of Du Zhengyi. He, he finally stopped.

Roach had lingering fears, and he vaguely guessed that if he was pushed into the last carriage of the train, the moment he was pushed out through the back door might be the moment when he was kicked out of his body.

Outside is the cold and white nothingness of Snow Country, something other than life.

The image of a woman appeared in his consciousness again, still flesh and blood, this time she was wearing the clothes Roach was used to seeing, similar to the girls Roach was used to seeing in his life.She was dressed as if she was going to travel in the winter, wearing a Canada Goose down jacket, a black wool hat on her head, wide pants, and a pair of snow boots underneath.

"I look pretty good." She completely ignored Roach's pain and despair, and said a little happily.

Roach could still answer, "Yes, you look like a female security guard."

Iva looked at Roach with a smile, and replied, "If a person refuses to die, it must be because of obsession."

Roach didn't answer her, he took the time to repair his crumbling spiritual world, but he doubted that he might not last long.

"Is this the deepest obsession in your heart?" Iva glanced at Du Zhengyi, "When you are young, you always think that you meet friends for life, and you are willing to sacrifice for them, but later... I wish I had friends."

She walked closer to Roach, "You won't last long, and your end is doomed to failure. However, it is a little good for you to let me be Roach. I don't need to go to the Lonely Mountain to find a rescuer." His method, the remaining secret of Gushan, is less than a ten-thousandth of what I have in mind. I have a way to keep him alive."

Roach froze for a moment, realizing that he had been shaken.The words Iva said were like mellow wine flowing through his heart, "For you, it is extremely difficult, and maybe it is too late to succeed. For me, it is effortless at all."

Roach hesitated, anyone who hesitated would be defeated, and he lost his last chance.

"What if you don't save him? How can I guarantee that what you said is true?" Roach asked her.

"Of course you can't guarantee it." She sneered, "But you can't help it, can you? You can't resist me. Maybe I will save him, but it's just a matter of lifting a finger. Maybe I will really save him."

Her cold and fierce attack was launched together with all the counterattacks prepared by Roach's bottom consciousness.The two consciousnesses fought fiercely together, Roach could almost smell the cold metal taste in the world of consciousness, he tasted her consciousness in horror, she was cold, he couldn't say she was not human, but she was not human. Perfect balance.She is more complex than ghosts, but weaker than human consciousness.But in the end her consciousness was too complicated, beyond human consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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