magician in town

Chapter 362 Soft Persimmons

Chapter 362 Soft Persimmons

Chapter 360

People gathered near the temporary exit of the hall, temporarily unable to enter due to the existence of the enchantment.When they came out, the highland mage temporarily opened the door for them.Luo Qi and Guan Xinyue were the first to arrive here. They stood at the front of the crowd and observed as much as they could into the hall.

As soon as Du Zheng rushed over, he impatiently pushed away the people in front of him. The people in front clamored to explain the situation to each other, explaining that there is no highland mage, and they have not been able to contact the highland mage, so they have no way of knowing what's going on inside. .Du Zheng turned a deaf ear to their words, strode forward, and dodged into the hall.

The crowd outside was silent for a moment.

After a long time, someone asked hesitantly, " did he get in?"

"I don't know." Someone whispered.

"There are several theories."

"It's theoretically possible, but have you ever seen someone who can do it?"

No one talks anymore, and it's a bit self-defeating to talk any more.Several people looked back at Roach with complicated expressions and profound implications.

Roach was looking up at the hall behind the barrier, without any expression on his face.Some people always think that Roach is a breakthrough, a breakthrough in a field that they have never dared to infringe and regard it as unpleasant.This is the subconsciousness of some mages. In other words, everyone can see that Roach and Du Zhengyi are a close alliance, an inseparable iron plate, but Roach always seems to be more dangerous than Du Zhengyi. They were less aggressive, and they never dared to do anything to Du Zhengyi, but it seemed okay to punish Roach.Maybe it's Roach's face, his short stature, and the occasional innocence on his face, which sometimes overwhelms the label of the terrifying mind mage on him.

What's more, there is also a legend that has gradually spread. I don't know who first heard that Roach is not a mind mage.Someone dug up Roach's resume, saying that he was just a mediocre low-grade student, the kind of mage who couldn't make waves in his life.Some people said that he could hardly be an algorist. This is indeed true. Almost no one has seen Roach use magic. Sitting there cross-legged and sleeping late is not magic, right?

People who believe this can find a lot of evidence. For example, Roach has been running on his own legs, using his own hands to get things, and even a lighter.When some mages are bored, they will throw fireballs in their hands. Playing with fire is the nature of all human beings.But Roach, someone saw him once in a daze, using that lighter to keep lighting up like a daze.

As more and more mages were sent to the highlands, the rumors became more and more varied.Since some people believe that Roach is actually a girl, maybe called Lori, some people also believe in another extreme guess.

They believed that Roach was actually chosen to cooperate with Du Zhengyi because of his low ability.Because Du Zhengyi's ability is too powerful, it is very easy to be discovered. When he acts with another low-energy mage, the average magic power of the group that other people can observe is lowered.

In fact, it was Guan Xinyue who first told them this statement.I don't know why they welcome and accept this human girl more, maybe because she is a girl who can play the piano and dance, which makes them feel curious and fond of her.It may also be because she was a girl raised by an archmage, and she was born with a mixed-blood temperament that interested them.But none of them realized that when Guan Xinyue told them this, she was watching "Rick and Morty" with the little electricity she had.

All in all, there are some people who feel that they can't do anything about Du Zhengyi if they don't like him, but beating Roach makes him feel good.

"Boy, why didn't you follow in? Didn't you stick to Du Zhengyi's ass all the time?" a person asked him.

Luo Qi turned his head slowly and looked at the man tiredly, it was a stunned young man. "Are you talking about me?" Roach asked arrogantly.

"I'm talking about you!" said the tall, strong mage in an unnecessarily gruff voice, every word like spit.He didn't need to say anything, his tone was full of contempt and provocation.

Guan Xinyue is more sensitive to this than others. Standing in the middle of a group of tall mages, she felt very depressed. She took Luo Qi's arm, "Don't talk to him, it's not worth it."

Luo Qi was not angry, he looked at the male mage coldly.

Guan Xinyue wanted to pull him away, "Let's go, Luo Qi, to find Dr. Ma."

Luo Qi stood still and pushed Guan Xinyue's hand away. "If you say that, you will confirm these mentally retarded guesses. If you turn around and run, the mad dog will catch up and bite."

The male mage laughed, and the muscles on his face moved slowly, as if to reward him with a smile.Unlike many skinny mages, he was tall and strong, like a huge protein lover.

Luo Qi looked into his eyes with an indifferent expression, "Even if I tried to find some information in your mind, I couldn't even find anything worth mentioning. You have many problems, but going to the toilet is not enough. Washing your hands, spitting, pissing or not, these things are not worth mentioning. You, what a boring piece of trash."

The tense atmosphere reached its peak in a second, and several mages turned around at the same time, and Luo Qi and the mage were surrounded in the middle without knowing it.And mages are indeed an unpredictable group. What Guan Xinyue feels most uncomfortable is that they are completely silent when they are watching the fun. A group of people who are obviously watching the fun have restrained expressions and deep and sharp eyes. It is almost possible to see countless computational thinking going around here.

"It's the trick of talking about scaring people." The male mage said, "Mind mages are all perverts. Do you think that your bluff is a pervert, and you can scare people?"

Luo Qi looked at him, didn't bother to argue, and didn't answer, he just said two words indifferently, "Kneel down."

It was just two words, pronounced from the throat, and the sound waves spread in the air, but almost everyone felt as if their nerves had been pierced by a sharp knife. It was a terrifying moment, and everyone felt a kind of fear of being separated from the body, as if they were about to Taken away because everyone suddenly has the desire to kneel.

Including Guan Xinyue who is a human being, she looked at Luo Qi with trepidation, the warm boy she had always known, she looked at that familiar face, but her knees were trembling, she almost knelt down.She felt fear for the first time, even when Roach used her to stop Mahjong in that forest, she never felt afraid.

With a "plop", the only one who really knelt down was the male mage. He fell to his knees on the ground with a face full of horror.

(End of this chapter)

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