magician in town

Chapter 365 The Ancestor of the Rebellion

Chapter 365 The Ancestor of the Rebellion

Chapter 360 The third ancestor of the rebellion

"Master Hashi, have you heard of the late chief mage of the Qionglin Planning Committee, Master Zheng Hanbin?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I've heard of him." Master Hashi looked at Du Zhengyi calmly, "But I didn't have the fate to meet him before he was alive. I heard that he believed that he had the ability to obtain the magic of the ancestor mage, so he walked in A forbidden place."

"So he really didn't arrive here?" Du Zhengyi asked. "Isn't it the place where you practiced a few days ago?"

"Not here. We will never practice in the cursed land, and the highland mages are also not immune to the curse." Master Hashi said, "Although not all highland mages live next to the cursed land, but the curse The land is indeed not in one place.”

"The place Roach went to a few days ago..." Du Zhengyi asked hesitantly.

"It's not an unlucky place. We don't want to get close to it, but it's not a place we guard. Otherwise, we would have blocked it at the beginning." Master Hashi said. "If there was a curse there, you should have seen it by now."

Having seen the dead bodies of Roach and Zhou Quan lying on the ground, Du Zhengyi understood what Master Hashi meant.

"Master, what is so unlucky about the place they went to, can you explain it in more detail?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Master Hashi looked at Du Zhengyi carefully, "Are you more interested in there?"

"There must be no magic weapon of the ancestor mage there, right?" Du Zhengyi asked, "otherwise you wouldn't really ignore it."

"There shouldn't be any, and even if there is, it won't be of much use, because it's just a tomb." Master Hashi said. "Although many people don't know why, and may confuse it with the cursed land."

"Whose grave is it?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Of course it is the tomb of the first ancestor mage." Master Hashi said, "The tombs of other people don't really exist. We are just people of the world. Once we wither, we will return to ashes and dust, and even the tombs will turn into dust. Dust, all returned to nothing."

"But..." Du Zhengyi pondered in doubt, "Didn't the ancestor mage leave?"

"The ancestor mages were never alone." Master Hashi said, "They came to this world because of a disaster. Most of the ancestor mages died in preventing the spread of the disaster, and a small number of ancestor mages fled to this world. They started Take root in this world and rebuild the world. It is a pity that differences appeared between them not long after. They were originally brothers and sisters, and they were the only remaining lives in this world. The seeds of the world tree, they created us, so we call them the ancestors. Their original purpose was to hope that the world could gradually prosper, but one of the ancestors had a radical idea, and he wanted to use a special method to accelerate the growth of life. The growth of trees. For this, they launched a great debate. According to the legend of our highland mages, they almost exhausted the power of the world to deduce right from wrong, but still could not get a consistent result. Given that they once Created a catastrophe that nearly led to their own extinction, most of the Primordial Mages decided to adopt a conservative approach, and they dismissed the idea of ​​​​the radical mage. Ah, you must know that the Primordial Mages Organization that dismissed radical mages is the highest level of mages. The rudiments of the committee. The disagreement was thus settled on the surface, but in the deep water it was not over. The radical ancestor mage continued his work in secret, and he has the support of our immediate ancestors." Direct ancestors?" Du Zhengyi asked suspiciously, he rarely heard the stories of the mages' early days, as if other than the first ancestor mages, they were their current mages.

"We are not directly from the ancestor mages. The ancestor mages first created our direct ancestors. They are very powerful and almost have the energy close to the ancestor mages. But the ancestor mages are closer to the gods, and these mages are still humans. "

"Can I understand it as - the ancestor mage, the direct ancestor mage, our current mage, until humans, this is a chain of diminishing magical ability? In essence, we still belong to the large category of human beings." Du Zhengyi interjected Yan said, he knew that this passage must be of interest to Roach, and he would be more willing to learn from the highland mage after hearing it.

"Yes." Hash Master said, "We are not that different. But this is far from our conversation today, let me continue to answer your questions. The ancestor mage and his followers started A series of extremely terrifying acts, the most important thing is to create a sealed beast."

Du Zhengyi looked at the highland mage in surprise, "I thought it was the consistent behavior of the ancestor mage." "The sealed beast was not originally used for this purpose. We highland mages often compare ourselves to gardeners in the garden. Imitate the ancestor mage. The ancestor mage is the gardener in the garden of life at a higher level. They created us and many other creatures. But the sealed beast created by this rebellious ancestor mage is only used to destroy human beings. Fortunately, this The matter was finally exposed, and the committee of the ancestor mage wanted to find and destroy these sealed beasts, and at the same time decided to punish the rebellious ancestor. These things happened too long ago, and the details are beyond what we can understand. I know that the situation at that time was very complicated. At that time, most of the ancestor mages had decided to set sail to leave this world and enter the kingdom of gods. So I think, since the sealed beasts still exist today, it means that the ancestor mages failed to catch up in time. Find all the Sealed Beasts that are hidden. In an old ballad of the highland mages, it is said that the ancestors punished the rebellious mage, deprived him of all possibility of becoming a god, deposed him in our world, punished him The soul of the soul is forever in reincarnation. But whether the ancient ballads are metaphors or records, we have no way of knowing."

"If what is said in the ballad is true, then Roach and the others might have entered the tomb of this ancestor mage?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Yes. In the past, when humans lived here, there were naughty children of herders who entered there. After the children came back, they continued to have nightmares. After a long time, humans added taboos to the place in their own legends, and it no longer This happened. No human explorers entered the caves until the last 100 years. We followed them to clean up their aftermath and make them oblivious, lest they take other adventurers there. But these are not big things after all , Time has passed even longer, and we almost forgot about it. Until today..." The highland mage sighed. "Children have strong curiosity, and explorers have strong obsession. Only these two have walked in there in thousands of years, so we trust the expulsion magic there too much."

"Roach has not been affected by expulsion magic. He is a rare mind mage, right?" Du Zhengyi said. "I've been wondering how rare he really is."

"The strength of Roach's telepathic ability is something I have never seen before. He is a mutation after the mage's long decline. His existence is a miracle among our species." Master Hashi said without hesitation. "So maybe he wasn't affected by the banishing magic, and maybe even he instinctively dispelled those shallow psychic interventions. But I must also say that I did a shallow spiritual fusion with Roach when I guided him in meditation , I feel that Roach has a strong curiosity and a stronger obsession. He is a natural telepath, and he has a strong will to match. "

Without that strong curiosity and strong obsession, Du Zhengyi would be proud of Roach.Adding this sentence, it can also be said that Roach is a toddler who strongly wants to eat sugar.Du Zhengyi really had the urge to help his forehead, and even more the urge to drag Roach out and beat him up.

But at the end of the day, this is Roach.Be Roach, he can do no wrong.

"Master Du thinks the real culprit behind the scenes is the current mage or the past mage?" Master Hashi asked.

"I'm sorry, no matter how many legends I've heard, it's ridiculous to believe that there are still ancestor mages," Du Zhengyi said.

Master Hashi nodded in understanding. In fact, his tone of narration was very neutral from beginning to end, and he did not express too much belief or disbelief.

Du Zhengyi asked again, "If these legends are true, the rebellious ancestor mage might not know that the things hidden here have been cursed, right?"

Hash Master nodded.

"Master just said that most of the ancestor mages left this world?" Du Zhengyi said sharply.

"Most." Master Hashi smiled, "There is also a small part, maybe just an ancestor mage, who stayed in this world for a while. His temperament is different from others, and he wants to help more people , I hope more people can follow in the footsteps of the ancestor mages. The highland mages are his followers, and our belief comes from him."

"I see." Du Zhengyi said, this is a bit like the Buddhism that Roach told him once.The Hinayana saves oneself, and the Mahayana saves others. "Then he later..."

"Later, he also left this world and started a new journey." Master Hashi said.

"I want to ask one more question, did Zheng Hanbin take away some kind of magic weapon from the ancestor mage?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I can't say absolutely, but the possibility of this situation is very small. In a place full of curses, everything will be tainted with the viciousness of the curse. If he really took away a magic weapon, everyone who touched it There is only one dead end. In that case, you and ordinary humans may have discovered it a long time ago. In fact, this is the basic reason why we highland mages guard the cursed land. We cannot let anyone leave here with the curse and bring the curse back to the world. Just As much as you have your mission, our Highland Mages' mission is here."

 Today's portion!



(End of this chapter)

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