Chapter 373 The matter of the soul (4)

Chapter 370

"Where is my sister?" Guan Xinyue asked again eagerly, turning a deaf ear to what he said next to her.

He didn't speak, and looked at Guan Xinyue with great interest, as if observing an experimental phenomenon.

Guan Xinyue looked at him warily. "Roach has no reason to hide it from me. Unless he found out my sister died and just didn't want to upset me, he probably just wanted to find a better time to tell me the sad news when my parents were around."

"Oh, believe me, the real situation is much more complicated than that." Roach smiled slightly.This one is definitely not like Luo Qi, Guan Xinyue stared at his face closely, the real Luo Qi has rich expressions, every expression is extremely vivid, except that he can't make such an appearance.

Guan Xinyue couldn't help but blurt out, "You are like Roach pickled in a bad water tank."

Luo Qi looked at her thoughtfully, as if he had to react to such words for a while, and could not immediately comprehend the gist of Guan Xinyue's words.

"Are you a robot? Are you running a program? If you don't see it in the database, your mind will go blank?" Guan Xinyue teased angrily.In terms of quarrels, humans have always been better than mages, and Guan Xinyue is also considered a good fighter among humans.

He ignored her, which is one of the reasons why mages are not as good at quarreling as humans. Mages' emotions are not so easy to be incited. It is not easy to make a mage lose control with strong words, especially with deep experience and relatively low level. For a high mage.If it is a person who has experienced at least thousands of years or even longer, almost every reaction similar to Guan Xinyue has been repeated countless times in his life.

He looked at Guan Xinyue calmly, and he didn't hurt her attack, but when he was actually a "she", her reaction to women was always a bit complicated.She observed Guan Xinyue, as if she wanted to find something from her past.

While thinking about it, he said, "Roach is not that kind, and he didn't say it because of you. Your sister's situation is very complicated. She... Between life and death, she is neither completely alive nor completely dead. This is the reason why he can't say it, and because more than one person is in this state, so he can't say it out and break this secret realm."

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips and smiled, revealing more feminine features, which made Guan Xinyue's scalp tingle.

Guan Xinyue was surprised to find that she hadn't been turned into a fireball by such vague words. She was a little tired of anger. Although she was a real underage, like a child in a war, she would grow up quickly. Stepped into the battle of her life.Emotions are useless, she stands alone in the corridor, with no friends around her, nor the two adult archmages, the familiar body in front of her is filled with an unfamiliar soul.She grabbed her arms involuntarily, shivering as if in the cold wind, but she was still thinking, thinking about every clue that this "Roach" gave away.

"Roach" couldn't be bothered to gossip with her by saying something that didn't make sense to her. What he said must be true, in a sense, on the level that he could understand.His posture is relaxed, which also shows that he is enjoying this moment of conversation.This feeling is very strange, Guan Xinyue's intuition feels that he is enjoying the afternoon like someone who has been sleepy for a long time.Use this time to tease her unhurriedly, teasing her, a stupid human being.

Finally, she barely thought of a similar story, and she looked at him in astonishment, "What do you mean? Do you mean Roach is Schrödinger? My sister is his cat?"

Roach laughed, as if amused by some joke, "Schrödinger's cat? A long-standing misunderstanding about quantum mechanics."

"What? Wrong? Quantum mechanics? Wrong understanding?" Guan Xinyue didn't know why she was angry. She wasn't even angry when she heard about her sister just now.Now she couldn't figure out why the explosion point was so strange.It may be that she has been despised by mages for a long time, and her racial discrimination is strangely low and sensitive. "I don't care who you are, you are just a mage. Mage, all are illiterate! Illiterate, primitive and barbaric illiterate! Don't dig out a few names in Roach's memory and think you understand! Roach himself Also illiterate, half-knowledgeable about human science!"

"You don't need to know that much. You just need to know that your sister loves you very much. To you, she has died for you." He said complacently, enjoying the destructiveness that these words brought to the little girl hit.He didn't want to compete with the little girl, he just thought she was too noisy, too sneaky, and too sensitive.He hit her like a cat idly grabbing a bird and snapping the bone in its throat between its palms.

 I'm writing so much first, I'm a bit out of shape recently.Hope to be back tomorrow!



(End of this chapter)

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