magician in town

Chapter 378 Her

Chapter 378 Her

Chapter 370 Six

She walked slowly, step by step, across the hall, dismissive of the ancient religious art around her.She soon found traces of residual energy, and the radiation of the remaining energy evokes a feeling she is very familiar with.Years ago she had better measuring ability, now she is like a tiger with degraded eyesight and bad sense of smell, she has been deprived of too much ability.

She smiled coldly, those enemies in the past have left this world, but fortunately she still exists and can still continue her path.

She is no less than that woman many years ago. It is like the metabolism of human beings every day. Many people will say that change is the only eternal change. What is the difference between passive change and active self-modification?Human beings can create a new personality after a major disaster, and they can also change their appearance with the help of surgery. Everyone's future will wind up with new branches after continuous choices. Different choices and different encounters will always make the same individual different. Form, even her being, has reinvented herself, stripped of the sentimentality that hinders female success.

How common this was in their day!She can't help but sigh a little, they can change their appearance, change their state of being, and even modify their own souls.Only mages, a stupid and degenerate species, and humans, a primitive savage nation, would babble like this.

However, she still saw the prudence of Roach's body. In her era, they would copy thousands of themselves, retaining their humanity, and only retaining their hierarchical obedience.Under absolute obedience, there are various characteristics of human nature that can bring greater initiative and better serve oneself.Roach didn't go too far on the road of independent exploration, he didn't maintain his humanity for his copies, they just imitated Roach's thinking characteristics like shadows.

After encountering Roach's copy, she immediately searched Roach's memory carefully. It can't be blamed that she was too sloppy before. It is really that Roach's thinking is too messy, messy and messy, and they rely on intuition to connect each other. His thinking is full of loopholes, often relying on vague guesses and the spirit of a gambler.This is too far from the orderliness they pursue, and it is extremely difficult to retrieve information in a memory like Roach, so she didn't have time to read the details.

Also, there's a reason that overshadows this, and that's the enormous sense of normalcy that Roach must have maintained while doing something.He copied himself. When he was doing such an important thing, he was often chatting with friends, eating snacks, or watching movies, and he was even thinking about how to beat Guan Xinyue when he quarreled next time, how It can more beautifully silence Ma Jiang's speechless.There are also large swaths of melancholy clouds lingering on most of his thinking, and the worry of losing friends hangs over his spiritual world.Such a huge and forward-looking project should have been flashing in memory with excitement, but Roach didn't even mark a clear node for them in memory.

Now she carefully read Roach's memory, and found that one of the reasons why Roach didn't endow the clone with too much humanity was that he was thinking about humanitarianism. He didn't think he had the right to create an intelligent creature.He thought carefully about the scenario where a human soul with independent thinking ability could only live in a container and work according to his instructions. He believed that this was an anti-human behavior and a boundary that he should never touch.

She really wanted to roll her very human eyes.

She closed her eyes for a moment, and checked her own memory bank for a while, and she remembered that this energy radiation meant that they connected a sandbox here.

That thing used to be nothing in their era, but now the source of energy should be almost exhausted, and the authority to open the sandbox must only belong to a few people in this era.

She thought of Luo Qizhen's most important friend. As a random individual who was not created by God, the man named Du Zhengyi was quite rare, like a naturally occurring jewel, always giving people many surprises.In the past, as the creator, she could carefully design the abilities, talents, and flaws of mages, and create mage fighters and even companions according to her own preferences and needs.But in this way, what surprises are there?

During the endless hours of her confinement, she let herself sleep most of the time, but at first she tried many ways to pass the time.She created countless virtual lives, but none of those false lives satisfied her.Now she likes Du Zhengyi a little bit, thinking of this, she began to curse why Luo Qi is a man.

She leaned over to carefully measure the energy of the sandbox, estimated the size of the sandbox, and couldn't help smiling, Du Zhengyi could really make her laugh.For this day and age, he was a marvel.

She stood up casually, stretched her waist, silently chanted the secret words, and at the same time cursed Roach for the nth time. This body belonging to a man was much stiffer than the body she was used to. She used to like a flexible body so much.

The sandbox opened its doors in front of her, and she stepped into the snow-battered frozen ground in disgust.

Behind her, the temple filled with religious atmosphere disappeared.In front of her, Du Zhengyi stood alone in the wind and snow.

He is tall and tall, and his appearance is average. He is like a good seed obtained from a mixed race experiment.His demeanor is also very calm, his face is always calm, and outsiders may not be able to tell whether he really recognized Roach's identity.But she only needs to look at him to know the result, and now the secret warmth of treating a close friend is gone in him.He became cold again, like a walking dead.

She showed a slight smile, "If we really fight, you will feel sorry for Roach."

Du Zhengyi looked at her calmly, neither interested nor irritated.

"Roach gave up this body by himself." She said, "He made a deal with me, trading your life. Hehe, who can make me do better than Roach?"

(End of this chapter)

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