magician in town

Chapter 388 Replacement

Chapter 388 Replacement

Chapter 380 Six

"No, no, you are not allowed to go there." Mahjong completely rejected Du Zhengyi.Now Du Zhengyi looked very bad, his hair was disheveled, the collar of his shirt was ripped open, and there were many bloodshot eyes in his eyes. It may be due to hangover and lack of sleep and mental trauma. "If you think it's really necessary, we can ask Qionglin for instructions, and Qionglin will send a team."

"I didn't intend to discuss it with you at all. If you hadn't bumped in, I would have already set off now." Du Zhengyi rubbed his hair, messing it up even more.His shirt cuffs were rolled up, exposing a section of his forearm. "It's the last hope, and I think it's very promising."

"That's just the hope you think, you just don't give up, what you need most now is psychological counseling." Mahjong said loudly, "I should ask the highland mage to help me look at your head, it may calm you down .”

"Don't you think things are abnormal?" Du Zhengyi explained patiently, "When Luo Qi couldn't beat the advanced copy of the ancestor mage, he hid a wisp of consciousness in his head and mixed it with the copy reserved by the ancestor mage. In his fragmented consciousness. This fragment of consciousness saved my life at a critical moment. He achieved this goal by controlling his own body and interrupting the physiological activities of the body in such a simple and extreme way."

"So! What's not normal?" Mahjong said equally annoyed, "Do you think it's not normal for Roach to design to save you after death when he was dying?"

Du Zhengyi became irritated, "He only had to make this decision at the beginning of the war, so that he could have time to hide from the ancestor mage. He had to use his frontal battlefield as a cover to cover his real actions. You don't understand this Is there anything abnormal in it? You don’t understand? You really are a doctor!”

Mahjong glared at him.

"Why would this energy-intensive second solution become a person's first choice on the battlefield?" Du Zhengyi walked up and down the room irritably. Blocking the door, he has now set off.But he is willing to say it again, saying it can better help him sort out his thoughts and strengthen his own beliefs. "Especially Roach. You know Roach, you must see that his first goal is always to survive himself first, so that he can hope to do other things after surviving. This has always been a characteristic of his behavior. He His desire to survive is stronger than the average person, and he is more optimistic than all the people I have met in the face of danger. It is impossible for him to listen to the lies of the ancestor mage, and it is impossible for him to be scared to leave a will as soon as the war started. "

Mahjong reluctantly thought about it, but he still felt that it was Du Zhengyi who was unwilling to give up. The pressure on the ancestor mage might be unimaginably strong. A young person like Luo Qi with little experience would have surrendered without a fight in the face of pressure. It's very possible, thinking that I can't live, and decided to take revenge on the person who took my body out of anger, what is impossible?

"Have you ever thought about how resentful people will be at the moment they know that their body will be taken away?" Mahjong reminded Du Zhengyi, "If there really are ghosts in this world, I think that kind of unwillingness and resentment It is enough to turn a person into a ghost. Roach may have wanted to take revenge on the ancestor mage at the time, so he made this arrangement."

"This is a contradiction." Du Zhengyi stopped and turned to look at him, "Since that's the case, why didn't Roach use his last energy to seize the opportunity and kill his body on the spot to kill him? Why? To delay this from happening? Why do I kill my own body when I am in danger? Have you ever thought that this behavior itself is like he is leaving a way for himself? If I hadn’t met In danger, if I successfully defeat the ancestor mage, then he doesn't have to close his body. Then why does he keep his body? Without a soul, what's the use of keeping this body? Unless he knows he has A way to keep his soul, and believe that I can find his soul with his body."

"Maybe..." Mahjong hesitated for a while, he was a little dubious, "Maybe he also wants to leave a message for you? Let you hold a farewell ceremony for the body?"

Du Zhengyi glared at him, "Believe me, Roach is not that romantic, nor is he that narcissistic."

"Really? But people may become different when they are about to die..." Mahjong said uncertainly.

Du Zhengyi sighed irritably, he thought for a while, and suddenly said firmly, "No, it's not. The clownfish said something. When he said he was going to kill Roach, Roach asked him to kill him. He will burn his body to ashes and leave nothing behind."

Mahjong was taken aback, "Why?"

"Because death is a one-and-done death, and he doesn't want the living to see his dead body sad, he still has this bit of freedom." Du Zhengyi said, "In this case, how could he leave a dead body for his friends?" A body without a soul, and put his friends through the torment of dealing with this kind of funeral?"

Mahjong lowered his head in silence, he was a little moved by Du Zhengyi's words, he just couldn't ignore the huge risk of this matter.

Du Zhengyi couldn't wait any longer, and continued, "Roach must have hidden himself. That old soul has waited for tens of thousands of years, and finally waited for a person whose brain structure can accommodate it, and it will not miss this opportunity , Roach will definitely not be able to resist its desperate attack. Once Roach finds that the situation cannot be reversed by himself, he will adjust his strategy, and running is his first choice. The only place he can go, the only place that can accommodate his entire soul There is obviously only one place! They may have exchanged places of existence! I didn't even think of it until this time."

"But from another point of view, from the perspective of the ancestor mage, since it can be copied, since its soul can be immortal, how can it not leave a copy for itself, a copy of the copy. Zhengyi, I am worried that you will step on it. Entering there, what is waiting for you is only the advanced copy of the advanced copy of the ancestor mage. You will become the next Roach, the next person who lost his soul."

Du Zhengyi remained unmoved, "Yesterday I was able to defeat the ancestor mage with the help of Roche. Today I must fulfill the remaining half of my obligations in this contract."

"I don't want to stop you completely. I hope you at least let the mages of Qionglin go to find out if this is the case. If they contact and find that Roach is indeed there, it won't be too late for us to send Roach's body up there." Ah." Mahjong persuaded.

"No, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. I especially don't want Qionglin to be involved in this matter." Du Zhengyi said.

Mahjong wanted to say more, Du Zhengyi grabbed his shoulder, "Mahjong, Luo Qi can no longer attract attention. You are right, no one can tell what the situation there is like, maybe the situation is very complicated .Maybe Roach still exists, maybe Roach is still in the non-stop war, he just barely exists. If this is the case, I can't let Qionglin's people get involved, what they want is the ancestor Mage's soul, don't you understand?"

Mahjong couldn't speak anymore, and after a while, he nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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