magician in town

Chapter 399 The Son of Hope

Chapter 399 The Son of Hope

Chapter 390 Seven

Roach looked at the old woman in front of him in horror.

how old is sheTwo hundred years old? 250 years old?Luo Qi couldn't tell the exact number, anyway, she was very old, and the old one had to prepare for her own funeral.

He could never associate the old lady with the charming goddess, but here is a fact that is most easily overlooked by a man like him.That is, time is both fair and merciless to all.Not only the ugly will grow old, but also the beauties will eventually grow old.Since the Goddess can be youthful, glamorous, unparalleled, and breathtaking, she can naturally become an octogenarian and an old woman.

Maybe the only thing they don't change is their charm.Even though their bodies are aging, experience only increases their charm, their spirits are still strong, but they are trapped in their aging souls.An idea jumped in the back of Roach's mind, but before he could catch it, it disappeared into the mess of his mind.

Of course, as far as Roach is concerned, he is actually not that superficial. He must associate charm with youth.He was sure that when he was old, he would be a charming little old man.What really shocked him was how a charming Wushan goddess could become a vassal in the mage world, leading an invisible empire.

But once he thought about it, once she admitted it, everything made sense.Thinking about how he involuntarily knelt down at the feet of the goddess just now like a flattering Teddy, even Du Zhengyi, a cold-blooded warrior, wanted to give her a VIP ticket.Of course, of course.Now he adjusts the angle of view and takes a closer look. Her spiritual flame is very tempting to the spirits of both of them. Her soothing voice, the way she speaks, the way she drinks, and the micro-movements of her gestures are all professional. of.

But would she have the heart to deceive such a weak and helpless child like him?As a goddess, don't you think it's invincible?

He looked at his elder brother aggrievedly, intending to complain.He could tell from Du Zhengyi's calm expression at a glance, Du Zhengyi knew it.Of course he knew that they must have had a lot of dealings.If Du Zhengyi ever cared, he doesn't mind at all now.It may be that Du Zhengyi, the Iron Man, is immune to most of the Goddess's weapons.So... everyone bullied this poor little guy.Roach covered his upper lip with his lower lip, making an aggrieved baby face, and looked at Du Zhengyi reproachfully.

"Shut up." Du Zhengyi whispered.

Luo Qi was shocked, "I didn't say anything, not even my consciousness, are you too old to hear hallucinations?"

"I'm saying this in advance." Du Zhengyi said, "I feel that you are about to start nagging."

Roach's surprise became more dramatic, and he glared at Du Zhengyi resentfully.

Du Zhengyi ignored him, and he said to the old woman, "Mr. Shi, you saw him. He is still a child."

The old woman smiled and said, "I can understand why you hid him for so long. He looks too harmless."

"Looks like?" Du Zhengyi asked rhetorically, not a question, but Du Zhengyi said firmly, "He is harmless, just like there are no so-called poisonous mushrooms in this world. A beautiful little mushroom that grows on the In the forest, if you don’t eat it, you won’t be poisoned to death, and if you don’t touch it, it will fend for itself and have nothing to do with the world. So from this point of view, there are no poisonous mushrooms in the world, only bad mouths.”

Luo Qi tensed his nerves subconsciously, and the warm atmosphere was suddenly tightened.He knew that Du Zhengyi might be forced to have a good impression of the Goddess, but he was by no means a frog boiled in the Goddess's pot. When he wanted to get violent, he could break free from the gentle vine at any time.This sense of tearing in the conscious world caused slight jagged scars on the edge of his consciousness.If he were a doctor, he would never suggest Du Zhengyi's unhealthy behavior.It's the equivalent of jumping out of bed and doing fifty push-ups as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, and it's really not good for your heart health.

"Child, I rarely see you so angry." The old woman said, ignoring the rudeness in his words, as if she didn't notice any change in the atmosphere.

In fact, what Du Zhengyi said was indeed very calm, without any hint of angry accusation.

Roach blinked, and put in a sentence, "You rarely see him lose his temper? I think he is angry every day."

"A bad temper is a bad temper, but real anger is a thorn in the heart." The old woman smiled slightly, stretched out her hand and patted the back of Du Zhengyi's hand.

Luo Qi keenly felt that the old woman was dispelling Du Zhengyi's condensed emotions, and he subconsciously stretched out his tentacles to block the old woman's almost benevolent consciousness.

Mr. Shi looked over in surprise, Roach withdrew his consciousness awkwardly, hid himself behind the wine glass, and murmured, "Sorry, sorry, I'm used to it."

"It doesn't matter." The old woman said, but still looked at him in surprise. "I can help him relax a bit. Tight nerves are not good for his illness."

"Thank you for caring about him, you are so kind." Roach said obediently, touched his nose in embarrassment, and still couldn't help saying, "But, don't touch him."

"Okay. I came here just to see if you can go on, and to assess how far you can go." The old woman said gently, magnanimously not minding. "To be honest, it would be shameful for all of us old guys to ignore you."

"Pei Shu will take care of us," Du Zhengyi said. "What I just said was not directed at you."

"I understand." The old woman said nonchalantly, as if she was used to the short-term ingratitude of the rebellious children at home, and grandma always had countless tolerance. "Child, you have endured too much, there must be a breakthrough. It's like the earth is hard, but there is always the thinnest piece on the surface for ejecting magma."

Luo Qi glanced at her. She described Du Zhengyi very well. It seemed that he was not the only one who knew that Du Zhengyi's core was boiling magma.But to be honest, the effect may not be very good, Du Zhengyi is very disgusted that others see through him.Luo Qi intends to interrupt the conversation. Du Zhengyi must not be having a good time these few days. Looking forward, he must have been under a lot of pressure during this time. Luo Qi does not want to see the volcano erupt.

"Grandma." Roach called out thickly and affectionately, "I... am not a bad person. When my dad saw me, he didn't need a tota."

The old woman was amused, and she jokingly said, "You are a rare mind master. I thought that when a son of change like you appeared, there should have been thunder in winter, snow in summer, and old trees blooming." accompanied by visions."

Luo Qi thought about it seriously, "Are you calling me Xiangrui?"

The old woman smiled and fell into a brief silence. She looked at him, aging could not take away her spirit, her eyes were gentle and far-reaching, and Roach could see that there was a secret and deep world hidden behind those eyes. "You are hope."

Roach was swept up in a sense of the sacred, and he hadn't tasted what it was like to be expected to be valued so much.But Du Zhengyi's emotions swept through like a storm, breaking through his illusion.

"He's nothing, he's just a little mushroom." Du Zhengyi said forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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