magician in town

Chapter 401 Magic Network

Chapter 401 Magic Network

Chapter 390 Nine

"Speaking of the ancestor mage..." The old woman smiled, her eyes fell behind the curtain, she listened intently, and stretched out her hand to ask in one direction.There was some change in the sound of the flute, and Luo Qi couldn't hear anything too deep, but felt that the length of the Xiao behind the curtain had changed a bit.He seems to remember that when his grandfather was chatting with other old mages, he once said that Xiao divided the South into Xiao and the North into Xiao. I don't know if Mr. Shi felt that Xiao was at odds today, so he temporarily changed it.In such a place, her state of mind is quite peaceful.But if it is really as still as still water, why climb up to the high ground?

"Grandma, can I ask, how did you know that the ancestor mage appeared immediately?" Roach asked cautiously, "I believe that among these people who came to the highland, there must be someone willing to sell you the news. But the ancestor mage ? I believe not many people know. If someone can see this from a distance, then he can probably run for the next Qionglin boss with this ability, or...become a big devil or something."

The old woman gave him an inscrutable look, and Du Zhengyi said beside him, "I told you, he is just a little mushroom who doesn't understand anything. His best future is to go back and continue his studies. A better future Don’t even read books, drop out of school immediately and go back to open a pet shop. Knowledge changes fate, and he doesn’t need to change his life, so he doesn’t need knowledge.”

Roach gave him a displeased look, "I asked another stupid question? You're getting more and more cynical, you know that?"

Du Zhengyi ignored him.

"Okay, big grandson." The old woman said, her temper was much better than Du Zhengyi's, and she was very patient with children. "Mages are pragmatists and pay little attention to theoretical education. Your knowledge is limited. This is a problem with the education system, not your fault. I will try to be concise and understandable. Do you know the source of our magic? "

Roach blinked.

"Look, he looks smart in vain." Du Zhengyi couldn't help but said suddenly, and stretched out his hand to slap Roach. "Didn't we tell you that when you refused to eat beans?"

"Wait, wait, I understand, I remembered." Roach said quickly, "Power can be summoned by us, but power doesn't come from us, right?"

"That's what it means. If you understand this, then it's easy to explain." The old woman said.

Roach let out a long breath, and muttered a little sarcastically, "It's really poetic."

"We often say that mages are declining." The old woman said slowly, attracting Roach's attention, "not only is the newborn mage's own strength weakened, lacking the power of summoning power, but also because the source of the entire magic is not eternal Infinite. As we decay, the magic runs away from us."

"A little pathetic?" Roach asked.

"Dinosaurs have been gone for a long time, and human beings will have an ending sooner or later. There is nothing wrong with accepting death with dignity." The old woman said, her eyes looked at Roach gently.

Roach thought that her words were not only expressing the superficial meaning, but also implying her own choice, and it would be decent to end at an appropriate time.But... Roach glanced sharply at Du Zhengyi.

The old woman laughed, as if she could see his mind clearly without breaking through the barrier of the mind master. "The mind is sharp, attached to every point, but unable to move."

"Grandma still reads Tagore?" Roach asked in surprise.

"In retrospect, that young man was very charming," said the old woman with a smile.

"Oh." Roach snorted belatedly, remembering that when the poet was still young, the old mage was considered an old man by human standards.

"Human beings are like this. They come and go in our lives. Some souls are so interesting, but they bloom like fireworks..." The old woman said half of it in a low voice, and the end of the sentence disappeared in a sigh.For a moment, Roach felt as if she had fallen into her own spiritual world, reliving the past under the interface of memories.Mages have better memories than humans, so sometimes the longer they live, the more they will be tortured by trivial details that have passed away.

"I'm pulling the child away, I'm really old." The old woman smiled brightly again, "Let's go back to the lecture and continue to talk about why I knew the ancestor mage appeared. Some magic is only at the level of the ancestor mage Characters can be called, and once they appear, they will consume a lot of energy. As long as you monitor the magic network, once you find a certain grid that consumes a lot of magic energy, you can locate it."

Roach understood, but he might be the one who consumed the magic, the landslide he caused.However, he used the tools of the ancestor mage in the conscious world. To some extent, it is indeed the magic reproduction of the ancestor mage level.He thought a little deeper, and glanced at Du Zhengyi. His expression was okay, not like he was exhausted.Du Zhengyi's way of defeating the ancestor mage must be mainly by outsmarting. Du Zhengyi is very good at fighting with four or two tricks, and he is a master of strategy.

So, things are still exposed to him.

He stammered and asked, "So Qionglin will definitely monitor, too?"

"All powerful organizations will monitor the magic network, and even humans may detect certain magnetic field anomalies." The old woman said, "But now there are not many powerful... powerful organizations. Maybe Wushan will see The monitoring results, but they are mostly not interested. As for the highland mages, they have not been interested in anything for centuries. The lotus burners may know, but they do not have the ability to monitor the magical network, and I am afraid they can only indirectly rely on spies .”

"It's over." Roach muttered, "It's nothing more than other things. This matter will make Qionglin investigate me to death."

"Aren't you an innocent child?" Du Zhengyi said suddenly, "What's the scary investigation?"

"The old man with a strange yin and yang." Roach retorted.

"You owe a beating, don't you?" Du Zhengyi said.

The old woman looked at Du Zhengyi with a smile, "I guess since you are sitting here now, it means that you haven't completely followed Qionglin's procedure."

Du Zhengyi sat indifferently, and said mechanically, "Yes, I should report to Qionglin first, wait for Qionglin to deal with it, and follow Qionglin's process."

Luo Qi's expression became a little complicated, and he looked at Du Zhengyi with concern.

"What are you looking at me for? I don't care." Du Zhengyi frowned slightly, "Any punishment is useless to me, and no one can do anything to me."

"But I'm afraid their trust in you is limited after all. Even if it's your teacher, if you do this once, you will lose a point of credit." The old woman said frankly.

Du Zhengyi looked at her, and then said slowly, "I'm afraid I don't have that much choice."

The old woman's eyes fell on Roach, as if reevaluating him.Suddenly, her expression became a little hesitant, "What form did this ancestor mage appear in?"

Luo Qi frowned, "Grandma, even if the monitoring results are on the table, even if the facts are in front of me, it is still a bit difficult for me to believe that the ancestor mage will appear. Why did you immediately think of such an unbelievable situation? ?”

Du Zheng glanced at him approvingly.

(End of this chapter)

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