magician in town

Chapter 414 Investigation Team

Chapter 414 Investigation Team (2)

Chapter 410 Two

"Who is she?" Roach asked muttering.

"An old colleague." Du Zhengyi said, his eyes turned coldly away from the female battle mage's face, and turned to everyone. "In this case, I refuse to accept the investigation. I will submit a written application to the Supreme Council to declare the invalidity of this investigation."

The crowd in black robes was like a thick black mist, silent in the air.Roach tugged at the collar of his T-shirt irritably, trying to let out as much air as possible, the blankness in his vision really made him uncomfortable.This feeling is like a person who is afraid of heights will have the desire to jump off when standing on a high place, and a person who falls into deep water will instinctively struggle desperately.There is a thought in his heart that is about to move, which is a kind of self-preservation instinct, wanting to tear off the blockade in front of him, so that the scenes in multiple visions can be unified.Although he can restrain himself, such restraint itself is against nature.

Roach looked around, but there was no sign of a highland mage.Highland mages definitely don't want to go into this muddy water. Most of them have some telepathic ability, and they also value the integrity and detachment of the soul, so they don't like this kind of ghostly scene.

On the one hand, the leading young mage had to bear Roach's unreasonable non-cooperation at a young age, and on the other hand, he had a reason to protest against Qionglin God of War. The pressure was indeed a bit heavy.For a few moments, he almost wanted to reprimand Du Zhengyi for not obeying the rules, but then he thought that Du Zhengyi himself had the title of an executive mage, and coupled with his status as a battle mage, he had been doing it all the time. The most authoritative job among mages.Although the mage world doesn't pay attention to tact, he has to be more cautious.

"But we were appointed by the Supreme Committee. If you want to submit a complaint..." he said cautiously, "After our investigation, you can submit to the Supreme Committee that the investigation result is invalid. This is in line with Qionglin's work process. We all Someone who wants to follow the rules."

The female battle mage named Xiang Gan snorted, and said roughly, "To put it bluntly, we are all here, let us finish the work quickly. If those cripples in Qionglin Dalei sit and shout What we are doing is a fart, then you can treat us as a special trip to fart. Du Zhengyi, are you a person who does such a thing? You have been out for a long time and you have recognized a big aunt?"

She rolled her eyes impatiently, and casually threw out unreasonable vulgar words that didn't match her age or gender. She seemed to disapprove of Du Zhengyi, but she couldn't tell how much respect she had for others.Roach glanced at the rough tomboy, licked his lips anxiously, and his tentacles of consciousness moved closer to her.

Roach thought she shouldn't be able to feel it. Not only did Roach believe that he was profound, but also because the shields created by those mental mage arrays were too strong and thick, so he just tried to drill through the holes.But the woman who was walking all the way gave him a sudden look, which surprised him.

Du Zhengyi ignored her, and ignored her violent beating at all, as if she hadn't said anything.His cold and stern gaze still fell on the leading young mage, and Roach suddenly realized that his robe was of better quality than the others, with thicker moonlight woven into the fabric, and a piece pinned to the neckline inside... that's right , is a rare high-energy crystal.

Luo Qi's attention was completely attracted by him. From the clothes to the people, he was a little more reserved than ordinary mages, and his face was paler when facing Du Zhengyi.Luo Qi understood that this person must have a good background. There may have been several generations of Nine Masters in his family, which caused him to climb to a position that did not belong to him prematurely.As soon as Du Zheng walked into the hall, he picked on him at a glance, and used his pressure as a plague god as a weapon to hit the little boy.

The anxiety of the little boy became more obvious, and he clumsily wanted to force things back to his own track, "We are a routine, and we don't have any personal issues with you. I hope you can cooperate. I think you have no other choice."

(End of this chapter)

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