magician in town

Chapter 425 Judgment

Chapter 425 Trial (3)

Chapter 420 Trial (3)

"I noticed that you didn't mention the case of the mage surnamed Guan. Didn't you notice that there was a mage extermination case at your investigation site?" Peng Xiaopeng asked. As Roach became impatient, he finally calmed down.

Roach looked down at him and thought for about a second.Compared with a child of his age, his expression became a little cold. "I'm afraid you are implying that we were killed by the school. I didn't know you had such a big career dream, and you planned to interrogate the school and Qionglin."

Peng Xiaopeng's face was a little embarrassed for a moment, and he couldn't help but glanced at Liu Li who was sitting next to him.

Luo Qi stared at him gloatingly. Qionglin has always had absolute authority, allowing it to do things secretly, but never allowing anyone to find out what it is doing.There is no doubt, no inquiring, no non-cooperation.

Peng Xiaopeng coughed, and regained his thinking ability that was about to fall apart at that moment, "My focus is on your behavior, student Roach. I noticed that you are speaking for human girls. You seem to be friends. Facing the tragedy of her family’s destruction, didn’t you do something? It seems to me that this girl is very active in wanting to find out the cause of death of her relatives, and she also wants to find out the whereabouts of her sister.”

"I sympathize with her." Roach said cautiously, recalling and thinking about what to say next.He recalled the process of those discoveries, the temple dedicated to Mahakala, and the merit points they accumulated.The burnt incense in the ruined temple of Master Zhao and the clownfish is probably gone now. The bastard clownfish not only almost killed Du Zhengyi half to death, but also used humans to kill many mages. Maybe Hai killed Guan Xin The whole family of Yue looks like a fucking anti-lotus burner, a fucking standard lotus eater!With such a person, Du Zhengyi actually cooperated with him once without any grievances... Well, so Du Zhengyi is really a calm and mature man, and he is worth learning from.

"Student Roach!" someone called him, in an annoying tone.

"Huh?" he said reluctantly.

"We are asking you questions." Peng Xiaopeng reminded him below.

No one missed the wonderful expression on his face when he suddenly came back to his senses. Even he himself knew that if there was a mirror in front of him now, he would be able to appreciate his classic serial stupidity of "wandering-returning-to anger" expression.With his stupid face, he must be able to get an evaluation with an intelligence point of no more than two, and only Du Zhengyi has the habit of watching him every day, usually without expressing anything, and now many elite mages below are looking at each other , exchange expressions.

Roach's expression is usually contagious, but expressive variety is not his forte, and now his expression is frozen.

But on the other hand, Roach's mental antennae sensed that the hostility in the room had dropped back to a very satisfying range.He was somewhat taken aback, so he shrunk his mouth wisely and said nothing.

He has a gloomy face, and looks more like a fool, and low IQ will often get angry.But he is thinking of a new idea, maybe he really has a unique skill.This skill is not a master of mind, even if he does not have telepathy ability, he can do it.His unique magical ability is that even if he were Optimus Prime, people would think of him as a dwarf.

" sympathize with her? That's it?" Peng Xiaopeng asked in surprise, trying his best to induce him to tell more about the situation.

"What else can I do?" Roach asked seriously. "I wish I were Holmes, too."

"Who?" Peng Xiaopeng asked suspiciously.

"A great detective written by an English human writer, he..."

"Shut up Luo Qi." Liu Li interrupted him unbearably. Compared with others, she knew Luo Qi better, and knew that Luo Qi could take everyone away by talking about a train. "Let's not turn Qionglin's investigation into a farce, boy, take back your lecture on English and American literature, and we hope to have breakfast tomorrow."

Oh, Roach silently said the word oh.

Unfortunately, the continuous offensive that Peng Xiaopeng hoped to achieve was broken again, so he had to take a few deep breaths, trying to find his train of thought and rhythm. "Student Roach, I ask you to answer a crucial and direct question."

"Okay." Roach said cooperatively.

"I discovered this problem when I checked Li Xu's work log," Peng Xiaopeng said.

When Luo Qi heard Li Xu's work log, his face showed a little nervousness, and this subtle change did not escape Peng Xiaopeng's eyes.

"Student Luo Qi, why did the senior monks in the Dahetian Temple get scared out of their wits when they saw you? Why you? With all due respect, Du Zhengyi looks much scarier than you." Peng Xiaopeng asked.

"I'm a mind mage," Roach said.He can only deny it like this, he hasn't really thought about this issue until now.

But when he said it, he realized a loophole.Sure enough, Peng Xiaopeng's expression showed a trace of grasping him.He opened his mouth and said, "But student Roach, you only exploded your telepathic potential two days later in the interrogation room under Qionglin."

Roach looked at him, and after taking a few breaths, he suddenly said, "Du Zhengyi is very happy when he is by my side."

"Ah?" Peng Xiaopeng looked at him in astonishment, almost forgetting what he was asking.

"I would like to ask everyone here, especially the great mages who are in the battle sequence with Du Zheng, when did you see Du Zhengyi in a good mood, happy and peaceful?" Roach thought of a remedy in his mind, And it was arranged how to say it.

No one wanted to answer this question, because just earlier today, these people were so scared that they were about to throw up just because Du Zheng stood there with malicious intentions.

It was the female battle mage sitting in front who made the first sound, it was an amused sound.Everyone's attention was on her, and she said indifferently, "Well, someone has to answer this question, so let me tell you. Du Zhengyi is notorious. To be honest, it's not that he doesn't do good deeds, but he Even doing good things is intentionally uncomfortable."

She probably noticed the quiet surroundings and all the conservative silences nearby, so she paused and couldn't help but sneer. "What's wrong with being straightforward? An uneducated brat is stronger and smarter than everyone else, but you just don't like it and can't beat him. Counting forward, you must remember his virtues when he was a child. When he appeared in Qionglin, everyone avoided him. I remember that when he was 12 years old, he suddenly became obsessed with magic plants one day. He opened up a vegetable field in Qionglin. I still don’t know where he is. What was planted. But I don’t remember who was unlucky. When adjusting the climate in Qionglin, he forgot that his vegetable field should have a tropical climate, and implemented a temperate autumn climate. As a result, the 12-year-old boy was very angry. Let Qionglin maintain the arctic climate for seven days. No one said it was useless. It took seven days for the archmage to work overtime to find the spell he modified. I still remember the frostbite on my hands when I woke up. Later he Finally grown up, hey, his temper is even worse. I saw him nine times out of ten. He was in a bad mood. What he did later is simply too much to write down."

Roach opened his mouth wide in surprise, and finally couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Xiang Gan." Liu Li said helplessly, "Only I have attended [-] special seminars on Du Zhengyi's problem. We don't need to change the nature of today's meeting, right? "

The female battle mage nodded, stretched out her hands and made a gesture that I was also very helpless.

Roach held back his laughter and continued, "But Du Zhengyi is the gentlest person I've ever met. He loves to laugh and takes care of others."

More than one person shivered.

Roach said, "I just want to tell you that when I didn't realize my potential, I still had a lot of power in my subconscious. I think Master Peng, because you are not a mind mage, you will ask such a question , other mind mages should be able to understand what I said."

Luo Qi never thought that one day what his father said to Du Zhengyi would come out of his mouth again. "Even when I don't have telepathic ability, my consciousness can still radiate slowly, and I can always please the person I like." He smiled, although there was a bit of bitterness on his lips, he continued. , "So I can also scare away some people who scare me. This is an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

I'm afraid no one, at least no one at school, ever realized that Roach was actually a smart guy with a quick mind.He finished his speech, clicked, and waited for others to say more.

Peng Xiaopeng had nothing to say for the time being, the senior mind mage behind the fan-shaped table nodded to him, confirming that Roach's words were reasonable.

Peng Xiaopeng looked up at him, "Du Zhengyi has never been on anyone's side. I'm really not used to him suddenly having friends. So, are you used to taking advantage of others?"

The topic turned to proving whether Roach was dehumanized, and Roach knew that what they wanted to determine was always whether he was a pervert.But this question still caused a bitter taste to slip on the tip of his tongue.

"Du Zhengyi is not a fool, he will not be used for so long." Roach said dryly.

Maybe Du Zhengyi's wisdom quota was indeed too much, and it was very credible, so this question just passed away, and they didn't say anything more. Seeing Peng Xiaopeng's hesitation, Luo Qi ticked off the paper again.

Peng Xiaopeng thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "In addition to the above-mentioned problems, I noticed that your statement intentionally avoided one place. There is conclusive evidence that you once appeared in a business area during your so-called recuperation period." In a slightly controversial market. Someone provided information to Qionglin that you once tortured a customer there."

"Do I need to report the fact that I went to the market with Du Zhengyi?" Roach said slyly, "But if you want to ask, of course I'm happy to answer. It's not a big deal."

(End of this chapter)

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