Chapter 434 No Wind Rises the Waves (7)

Chapter 430 No Wind Rises the Waves (7)

Roach left the hall below, and several mages turned their eyes to him, and their consciousness exuded a friendly chatter.If he turned around too and made eye contact, they could chat for a while, and suddenly he seemed to have a lot of friends.It may be that the Qionglin investigation team really announced that he was safe, and those big-hearted mages became curious about him.But to be honest, the number of people is really too big, Roach thought angrily, maybe it was because they all knew that Du Zhengyi had left, and an LED light box was set up on the head of a small man like him, shining brightly. They all wanted to tease him with the words "weak and deceitable".

He didn't stop, and returned to the hall on the ground with unhurried steps, and returned to the floating red curtains.He took a walk in the hall for a while, walking more and more slowly, until he stopped and raised his head to take a deep breath of the air with the fragrance of plants.

This feeling is not right, it is not the influence of the induction crystal on him at all, he is now beginning to understand that it is much easier for him to perceive people than objects.Malice surrounded him like static, scratching and crackling at the periphery of his nerves.

Luo Qi suddenly turned around and ran quickly. He roughly lifted the curtains, slipped through several empty curtains, and went straight to the teleportation point.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation state, his face was covered by the sweltering heat, and sweat came out of his forehead.A gust of suffocating wind blew from the back of the dune, sending hot wind with sand grains, which evenly stuck to his face.

"Fuck," Roach yelled.

But just when his feet finally landed on the real ground and sank shallowly into the sand, he ran away.He rushed up the dune as if being chased by a mad dog, sat down on the sand, slid down the other side of the dune, and landed exactly in the middle of a pile of prickly pears.

He cursed again, and before he could pull out the thorns on his trousers, he rushed into the cactus field.His cat, Roerich, rushed out of his pocket as if jolted upside down, howling sharply.

"I know, I know." Roach murmured to his cat, running desperately into the hinterland of the prickly pear plant.

There was a disturbance in the airflow behind him, he knew it, and so did his back.He bit his lip, he can squeeze the brains of many people, he can change their minds, he can control other people's likes and dislikes, and detect many little secrets, but he just can't change the direction of a throwing weapon.

Roach swooped to the left, so good an arrow grazed his right arm and he landed right in the middle of two cacti.His left cheek was scratched by a plant's thorns, and his left hand was still propped up on a prickly pear tree, and he almost howled.

He ran forward a few meters, then turned his head sharply.The man was standing five steps away, the sun shone behind him, and the golden sand shone by the sun dazzled his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't see the face of the man, he could only feel his violent and cruel Malicious, see dark strong silhouettes.

The man said, "Bumping around like a blind mouse, actually running here, and can't even find a hiding place."

Roach bit his dry lips and looked around. This is a desert landform, and the sparse succulent and thorny plants look really useless.

"What do you want?" Roach asked. "Stupid Chi Yu."

Chi Yu spat on the ground, "You really know me, right?"

"Yes, idiot," Roach said.

"Is it interesting to take advantage of your mouth?" Chi Yu said, he stretched out his hand, Roach was surprised to see that he actually condensed an ax in his hand.

"Fuck you have really bad taste in weapons." Roach couldn't help but said, but was forced to retreat slowly by his bloody killing intent.

"Is Du Zhengyi's sissy taste good enough?" He sneered, and he lifted the axe, turning the handle of the axe in his hand, thinking about Luo Qi with vicious eyes.His meaning was clear, he didn't want to teach Roach a lesson, it wasn't that kind of minor injury, what he wanted to give Roach was an irreparable injury, a scattered limb that couldn't be sewn together. "You know I'm following you, why are you running here?"

"Why do you want to kill me?" Roach asked, "I should be considered an important asset in Qionglin."

"Sounds like you forgot what you did the last time we met," he said.

"Just because I blocked your way once? I didn't even hurt you!" Roach said angrily, took another step back, and put on a much softer tone, "Speaking of reason, would I let you deal with it?" Du Zhengyi? We each have our own standpoint, let's just understand each other, can we be so stubborn?"

Now his eyes are used to it, he can see Chi Yu's face clearly.It was a ferocious and excited ugly face, he was surprisingly excited, his excited teeth were exposed, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty light.Roach backed away quickly, not daring to take his eyes off him and his axe, "Your brain is wrong, you need to talk to a doctor."

"Fart!" the battle mage yelled, the word "doctor" particularly provoking him.He glared at Roach angrily, the veins on his forehead popped up, and he raised his hand, Roach could only vaguely see this movement.He didn't see anything else, maybe the bad guy Chi Yu just made a fake move, but Roach's eyes can't keep up with a battle mage, and his body's agility can't keep up with a battle mage. Not sure.However, the only part of him that can be faster than the battle mage in front of him is his brain. Through his understanding of Du Zhengyi, he already has a full understanding of the ability of the battle mage.

Without hesitation, Roach immediately leaned back and lay down on the ground.

Speaking of the most stable dodge, this is the only way.Even so, he was still trembling with anger when he saw the ax come flying and fell a cactus behind him.He rolled on the ground, quickly left the spot, and jumped up with the best of his agility. "Are you fucking sick? Flying an ax! You should lock yourself underground in Qionglin. I understand now that most of Qionglin should lock yourself up. What's wrong with you?"

He ran as fast as he could, around cacti and desert scrub, but he knew he would run out of chances anytime soon, and the battle mage wouldn't miss that many times.If Du Zhengyi was still there, he should have come out to save his brother now.He always felt that Du Zhengyi would not go on a business trip so obediently and never looked back. He couldn't believe that things would really happen like that, and now was his last chance.

(End of this chapter)

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