magician in town

Chapter 438 Lab Girl

Chapter 438 Lab Girl

Chapter 430 Six Laboratory Girl

"Come with me." Liu Ziyu said to him, and then he followed her down to several floors above the ground.Luo Qi looked back and thought that he must have been mad at Qionglin for taking his friend away, so he blindly followed Liu Ziyu away.

"I'm not leaving." Luo Qi said suddenly, crossing his arms around his chest, refusing to follow Liu Ziyu to find the teleportation point leading to the next floor.

Liu Ziyu looked back at him suspiciously in the dark. She was holding a burning fireball in her hand, making her look like a real witch, leading him all the way to hell.

"I heard from Du Zhengyi that the highland mage built his house on top of a cursed cesspit," Roach said.

"Dung...pit?" Liu Ziyu asked in surprise.

"It was left by the ancestor mage." Roach nodded and said.

Liu Ziyu pondered for a while, and Luo Qi immediately said, "So there's no need for us to go down and dig out the shit, let's go back. Do you eat pistachios?"

"Don't try to lie to me." Liu Ziyu reacted, her expression seemed to cheer up a little, and she was no longer so distracted.Now Luo Qi roughly guessed Liu Ziyu's characteristics. She doesn't communicate with people seriously, like a little bookworm. Most of her energy is thinking about those experiments, so she always seems a little absent-minded.But now that Roach had alerted her, she sharpened her attention to reality and looked at Roach thoughtfully. "I thought you were a very honest person, that's why my senior brother treated you differently."

Shit, your senior brother is friends with me because I am very attractive and a shining little sun.Luo Qi thought angrily, his anger was endless, and the waves were so huge that he was almost urging him to the point where he couldn't even tolerate a little girl.

"Follow me to the next floor, I guarantee that it will be the last floor." Liu Ziyu seemed to see his emotions, so he took the time to redeem himself.

"No." Roach refused unceremoniously, and said violently, "Unless you tell me, what exactly is it that I must help? I don't know what I can do? Unless it's because you have a boy you love and want to Let me help you listen to his heartfelt voice. I declare in advance that as long as there is money reward, I can help you do this, 50 yuan once."

Liu Ziyu stared at Luo Qi with eyes that were always confused, "You are really irritable. You are very cute when you appear next to my senior brother, and you show your small white teeth when you smile. Are you the kind who pretends to be in front of adults? Good boy?"

Roach's face became more gloomy, "I'm going back to sleep."

Liu Ziyu lightly jumped in front of him, blocking his way. "You know that I'm also very busy, and I won't bother you with trivial matters. You know that I'm in charge of two experimental projects, right? One of them is an anti-gravity magic experiment." She stopped and left him a response time.

"So you want to see if you can float me?" Roach said in astonishment, "I deliberately found a dark place, and if the experiment fails, you won't be ashamed?"

"No, what I want to talk about is another experiment." Liu Ziyu said.

"..." Luo Qi thought for a while, "Then why did you say this first?" Liu Ziyu did not answer him, and continued along his own train of thought, "I am also responsible for monitoring energy fluctuations. When I was in Qionglin, I was only responsible for Part of this big project. But here at the highland mage, I rearranged a set of grid monitoring, only monitoring the territory of the highland mage."

Following her words, countless bright golden gridlines appeared in front of them, illuminating a larger area.A dim metal wall appeared in Roach's field of vision, and it was indeed a bit like the place where the soul of the ancestor mage stayed.Liu Ziyu raised her hand to let the cluster of flames she held float by itself. She made several complicated gestures, and many small dots began to appear on the grid.The new change caught Roach's attention, allowing him to rein in some of the uncomfortable associations.

Some of the shiny dots between the grid lines are very dim, while others are much more distinct.At one point near the upper right, there are some intense dots flickering wildly.Luo Qi suddenly understood that he understood, he raised his finger and pointed there, "This means that Chi Yu is being arrested? They have used a lot of magical power in our world." "Call? Call power?" Liu Ziyu said, She raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Roach with interest, "You are very accurate. Few mages speak like this. You know that the third grade class has not been covered here yet. In fact, even the graduates Few mages really understand this, where did you know this?"

Roach glanced at her, avoiding the question. "How old are you?" "Twenty." Liu Ziyu announced his age rather conceitedly.

"Are you so small?" Roach said in surprise. He always thought she was very small, but he didn't expect her to be so small.

"Qionglin likes to train gifted children early. I have known Du Zhengyi since I was very young. I entered Qionglin at the age of 15 and graduated at the age of 19." Liu Ziyu said proudly.

Yes, compared with her, he is a silly child.

"If Du Zhengyi didn't delay his studies because he was too busy, he would definitely graduate before the age of 20." Liu Ziyu said again, and she looked at Luo Qi with a strange look.Roach didn't know what she meant, as if emphasizing that he had no right to hang out with them.But he didn't want to worry too much. Liu Ziyu had always been very friendly and helped them a lot, and he was definitely on Du Zhengyi's side.No matter what he said before, if Liu Ziyu needed his help, he would definitely lend a helping hand.

She tossed her hair and began to adjust the model she had built. "They may have to print for a while. But, this is not what I want you to see."

The two-dimensional grid lines suddenly unfolded in front of Roach, and expanded into a three-dimensional model at a rapid rate of expansion. Roach was surprised to find that there were ten underground floors, while the highland mages only used the second underground floor at most.What kind of building is this? The building on the ground is just the tip of the iceberg, and the roots in the ground are always bigger than the branches and leaves on the ground.Liu Ziyu is very familiar with these things, just like an ordinary girl playing with an eye shadow box. "Did you see it?"

He saw a dim spot of light on the fifth basement floor of the model, that was them, very environmentally friendly and low energy consumption.

He was about to speak when he saw, to his horror, just one floor below them, a rather bright spot.Roach opened his mouth in surprise, and couldn't help looking up at the bright and flickering light cluster in the second quadrant. The light on the sixth underground floor was almost half as bright as the battle area above.

"Who is it?" Roach swallowed and asked again, "Or something?"

"I don't know." Liu Ziyu said frustrated and confused, "I've been staring at it for a long time, sometimes it will appear for several hours, sometimes it will not appear for a day. And once it appears, it is flowing and erratic. I don't know Know what it is, but it is draining energy. I have followed it many times, and once it should be in front of me, but I can't see anything, it is like a cloud of energy ghosts, just floating by me Yes. I once thought that this thing might be a magical wave left over from the age of ancient mages. In other words, it is nothing, just an empty magic command, idling and consuming energy. But just now, you made an accident After letting the highland mage seal this place, it went straight down, as if it was an intelligent body, knowing that it had entered an emergency state. Also, there are a total of ten underground floors here, but the highland mage kept warning us not to go down Let's go. I have observed it and know that it often wanders underground, but it has only descended to the sixth floor at most. If we assume it is a person, then based on its range of activities, I guess the sixth floor is the last safe place. But To prove that there is an invisible person, I need a powerful mind mage."

Roach's hand trembled slightly. He knew who it was. Du Zhengyi told him that he never thought he was still here.Now the two of them, far away from the crowd, are standing underground with only one floor separated from the lotus burner's clownfish.He didn't know what the invisible clownfish was looking for, but the last time he wandered like this, he met Du Zhengyi who was in the way, and the result was so tragic.Luo Qi couldn't help but grabbed Liu Ziyu's wrist, "It's too dangerous to do this, you are a lab girl, you should stay in the lab and leave the work to others. You have gone too far, come back with me ,immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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