Chapter 44

Chapter 43

The sky was gloomy, and the clouds were like indelible paint, being pressed by a soul painter over the forest.The hazy halo behind the clouds casts a dismal glow, and here even the sun looks old and pale.

A man and a woman appeared in the woods. The woman seemed to be taken aback, her cat eyes widened slightly.The man looked around from her perspective, "You came at the wrong time, if it was colder, there would be ice dust flying in the woods in the sun, Qionglin is like a crystal forest."

"A crystal forest at minus [-] degrees?" Guan Xinyue asked.

"There are also times when it's colder." Du Zhengyi said.He led the way in front, weaving through the woods of the northern country that seemed to have no way to go, seemingly irregular, but he could accurately step on the solid snow shell.Guan Xinyue soon realized that only by stepping on his footprints would she not trip over the roots, bushes and ravines under the snow.

"I saw a big river over there just now, can't we walk in the open area by the river?" Guan Xinyue asked.

"No, the river is the domain of scavengers, and I don't want to deal with them."

Guan Xinyue couldn't figure it out even if she thought about it. As for what the scavenger meant, she just heard the name and didn't want to ask.

"Are you going to bring Luo Qi out through the normal channels?" Guan Xinyue asked again after a while. "Didn't that old man insist that Roach was underage and took him away that day? He has no reason to detain him for so many days!"

"A reason can always be found." Du Zhengyi whispered.He has been avoiding this truth for a few days, until now when the little girl directly asks him, he can't avoid it.

He walked in silence for a while, until the trees in front of him began to thin out again, "I don't plan to use the normal channel."

Guan Xinyue seemed taken aback belatedly, "Are you planning to walk into the highest institution of magicians and take away a person under the eyes of a lot of great wizards?"

"When you proposed to make a deal with me, didn't you think it would be like this?" Du Zhengyi said, "Otherwise? Are you asking me to find a lawyer to file a lawsuit?"

"I thought you could speed things up by taking care of me." Guan Xinyue whispered behind him, "Can you really do it?"

Du Zhengyi didn't answer for a while, and after a while he just said casually, "Let's try it."

"Can I help?" Guan Xinyue asked.

Du Zhengyi's pace slowed down, and he didn't say anything for a while, as if making his last decision. "As long as the magician uses power or touches the energy crystal, he will leave his own traces. This energy trace is unique, just like human fingerprints, voiceprints or irises. Executing mages usually rely on this trace to perform Tracking, I'm pretty good at tracking myself."

"Then you..." Guan Xinyue paused, "You mean that as long as you rescue Luo Qi, you will definitely leave traces?"

"Yes," Du Zhengyi said, "if I want to help Luo Qi, I will definitely leave traces. As long as I leave traces, I will not be able to escape the investigation of the archmages. In the end, even I will be bored underground in Qionglin So, it's an impossible task."

Guan Xinyue opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the surprise, "For the first time, I'm glad I heard a 'but' here."

Du Zheng glanced back at her, "Yes, there is a but—but humans don't have any energy traces. There is an energy crystal in Qionglin's central area that maintains Qionglin's defenses. I can't touch that crystal, but humans Can."

"Human? Me?" Guan Xinyue's eyes widened in surprise, and she didn't even realize that the two of them had stopped completely at some point. "Me?" she asked again softly.

"If you don't dare, I'll think of another way." Du Zhengyi asked.

"No." Guan Xinyue swallowed. Although her face was not good-looking, she did not flinch, "There is nothing I dare not do."

Du Zhengyi nodded approvingly, then turned his eyes away for some reason, his face was filled with self-loathing for a moment, like the shadow cast by the black pine tree on his face.

"Then tell me, how can I get to Qionglin?"

"You are standing in Qionglin now." Du Zhengyi said.

Guan Xinyue was taken aback again, "Me? Here?"

"Isn't this Qionglin?" Du Zheng asked rhetorically.

Guan Xinyue looked around in a daze. There was a snow-covered silver pine forest. If this place wasn't called Qionglin, she really didn't know where it should be called Qionglin.

"If it's a magician, it's impossible to turn off Qionglin's defenses without showing any traces. If it's a human, there's no way to get out of the illusion around Qionglin. But if a magician and a human cooperate, these two points are extremely simple, the archmage They don't think so, because there has never been a great magician who cooperates with humans." Du Zhengyi said. "In the vision of the archmage, the insignificance of human beings does not exist at all. The mages who wanted to do something in Qionglin before tried their best to destroy the defensive crystals or hide the traces of energy. Until now, there has been no successful case. .”

"I really don't know whether to praise me or belittle me, but I'll just take it as a compliment." Guan Xinyue said, "What kind of defensive magic are Qionglin's? Tell me first that I can still do it." I have something in mind."

"There are many kinds of defensive magic." Du Zhengyi said, "The most important one is energy monitoring. This forest is now covered with monitoring crystals the size of ice crystals, almost everywhere."

Guan Xinyue raised her head and looked around. A gust of wind blew down the broken snow from the silver pine tree. There were such white figures flying around in the forest. In the dim sky, it was almost impossible to tell whether they were broken snow, ice dust or dust. sized crystal fragments.

"But don't worry, magicians are obsessed with monitoring energy. You don't have energy, so you don't exist in Qionglin's vision. Now Qionglin can only see me." Du Zhengyi said.

"You have been relying on magic just like we rely on modern technology." Guan Xinyue said.

"Almost." Du Zhengyi affirmed her statement, and continued, "The most important part of the plan is how to get Roach to leave from the monitoring crystals all over Qionglin. Although Roach's magic ability is low, But not at all, he will still be recognized by Qionglin's defense system. Although I can modify the secret language in the defense crystal and add an exit permission to Roach, it is too complicated and will definitely show his feet in the future. I think , it is most reasonable to turn off the defense crystal directly. As long as it is turned off for a while, I hope to use this time to take him away."

"I see." Guan Xinyue understood the general outline of the plan.She vaguely felt that Du Zhengyi had made a very bold plan, which might be shocking in their world.

"No matter what the situation is, I will give priority to making sure you are okay." Du Zhengyi said, and then continued to walk forward with his head buried.

"It's okay." Guan Xinyue said in a low voice, she raised her head and looked at Qiong Lin under the clouds, "I've already come here, why don't I take a look there?"

Although her voice was very low, in the ears of the mage, she couldn't say a single word.As soon as Du Zheng stood still, at this moment, a tall building suddenly appeared in the primeval forest of the northern country.He raised his head and looked at this magnificent white marble building. He still remembered the shock when he came here for the first time when he was a child. In his memory, under the clear winter sky, this magnificent white stone city once shone like a temple. The light seemed to be responding to the whispers of the gods in the sky.

This is the core of Qionglin, and also the core of magic on this continent.It was built very late, so it inevitably has a touch of European Victorian architecture.The original temple was destroyed in a civil war among magicians. At that time, it was still a wooden structure, a black building with a Tang style, and a golden totem outlined on the top of the temple. It stood quietly in the mountains and forests, the same Magnificent.Luo Qi must have heard those stories from the old days, and maybe Guan Xinyue has heard the same.Originally, she didn't have the opportunity to stand at the gate of the temple in the story, but that's not a pity. If it could be exchanged, he knew that she would return to her ordinary life without any doubt.But fate is so absurd sometimes.

Just like Du Zhengyi himself, if he could choose, he would rather never have been to Qionglin.

"This is the center of Qionglin?" Guan Xinyue took a few steps and interrupted Du Zhengyi's thoughts. She stood side by side with Du Zhengyi. After all, she was still young. His face was still full of excitement.

"Yes." Du Zhengyi said, looking away from the temple.

"It's not as cool as Hogwarts. My sister used to make it very mysterious."

"What is that?" Du Zhengyi said, and after asking, he waved his hands with a look of forgetting, "No matter where it is, this building conforms to the characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of the time. Do you expect this to be a European building?" Is it an ancient castle? If it wasn’t for the fact that wooden buildings are difficult to preserve, this place should be completely Chinese.”

"This is also very beautiful." Guan Xinyue smiled, sincerely praising Du Zhengyi's culture, but he was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing what to say. "Roach is here now?"

"It should be underground." Du Zhengyi said, "There are many criminals in Qionglin's underground. Most of them are magicians with extreme tendencies, and a small part are other types of criminals."

"You have many lunatics?" Guan Xinyue asked in surprise.

"The total number of people imprisoned here is not large." Du Zhengyi said, "Ordinary criminals are usually in hard labor and are not imprisoned here."

"How are you going to go down and save Roach?"

"After Qionglin's defense is closed, the entire center will be paralyzed, and there will definitely be a chaos. The prison is a subsystem independent of the entire defense. I will go to the prison as an interrogator to interrogate a person who was previously imprisoned by me. Rest assured, that person is not an extremist, he is a complete lunatic, who has been rubbing fireballs non-stop. As long as he guides him to attack Roach's prison from the outside, he can use his magical power to open Roach prison."

Guan Xinyue hugged her arms nervously, "Sounds reasonable, you should be fine, right?"

Du Zheng smiled, he somewhat could not have imagined that one day a little girl would worry about him, "Don't worry, I'm often sent to various places to deal with such bad things."

After a short pause, he said, "The key to this matter is actually on your body. I will take you to teleport right away, but I can't teleport too close to the defense crystal. That thing is too sensitive, too Any nearby magical energy will be captured by it. In this way, if we want to enter the room where the defensive crystal is placed, we must pass through a hall and walk past at least dozens of magicians."

"What?" Guan Xinyue almost screamed, "Around dozens of magicians? Even if your broken crystal can't recognize human beings, are all your magicians blind? Is it possible that you are so blind that you can't see me?"

Du Zhengyi raised his hand and made a gesture for her to restrain herself, "So the hardest part is that you have to keep calm. No matter who is approaching you, don't panic. Of course ordinary mages are not blind. They see you When I am around, I will take it for granted that you are a mage, or the daughter of a certain archmage. This is not a complete lie, you are the granddaughter of the archmage Guan Yushan."

"You mean the great mages happen to be blind?" Guan Xinyue asked in disbelief.

"No, they are neither blind nor blind." Du Zhengyi said, with a sly smile on his face, "The archmage is used to seeing people with energy detection instead of eyes. They don't use eyes to see people. It relies on energy tests to sense the mages around me. If some venerable mages approach me, stand a little farther away and try to get as close to the young mages as possible. It doesn’t matter if you talk to them, you know? It’s natural to act right.”

"Aren't any of those young mages an archmage?" Guan Xinyue said cautiously.

"Among the young mages, I am the only one who can do that. It is impossible for me to betray you."

"Oh——" Guan Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, knowing what a strong guarantee she had received, "No wonder Luo Qi hates you."

Du Zhengyi was stunned, and Guan Xinyue's eyes rolled around, "Hey, forget it, no one really hates you. Well... Although there is no evidence, will they doubt it? You? Do you suspect that you took Roach away? After all, you have been very close recently, and with your ability, I think you may have done it."

As soon as Du Zheng smiled, his arrogance was revealed again, "If you don't have a real hammer, what can you do if you doubt me?"

Guan Xinyue nodded knowingly, even if Luo Qi didn't hate him, there must be some people who hated him.

"Then... have you ever thought about why they want to target Roach? Do they want to use him as a scapegoat because he is weak?"

"I'm not sure either." Du Zhengyi said, another haze drifted over his heart, as if talking to himself, he said, "I have some guesses, if unfortunately I guess, then Right now he……"

He shook his head when he said this, and refused to say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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