magician in town

Chapter 453 Leave a Book

Chapter 453 Leave a Book (2)

Chapter 450

The book was shaken again, nothing fell out, and there was no more information on the book.In fact, Roach knew that he didn't even need to read it once, and the person who left the book for him would not risk leaving obvious traces.This book is one of the whole set, and it's not too thick. He rolled up the book and couldn't help touching it again, as if he could feel the familiar magical aura of the person who left the book with his bare hands.

The situation was urgent, but Liu Ziyu didn't urge him, she was stable and cautious, her two eyes could almost see every detail.So Roach didn't look her in the eye, and he suspected he'd said a little too much for what he'd just said.Liu Ziyu is a rare and intelligent mage who survives by relying on brains rather than strength, and is one of the rare mages who can restore ancient spells.While rolling up the book tightly again, Luo Qi thought about the children Qiong Lin raised, none of them should be underestimated.

Roach opened his coat and put the rolled up book into the long and narrow inner pocket of the coat. The pine branch was played with for a while between his fingers, and as he finally made up his mind, the pine branch was also casually stuffed into it. in the pocket.All this was within ten seconds, he raised his head, Liu Ziyu was waiting for him, but most of her was lost in her own brain.Through the traces of consciousness, Roach can estimate the size of her magnificent brain, as well as some thoughts that are spinning in her complex brain structure. She is comprehensively analyzing the situation in front of her, working on logic, to various technical issues.

"Since it is confirmed that there is no one who needs to assist in the evacuation, we now have two options." Sensing that Roach focused on her, she said, "The conservative way is for us to retreat underground and talk to the mysterious Stay together with your strength and dodge the attack as much as possible."

Roach nodded and said, "The risky way is to leave here, walk [-] kilometers to the nearest Pendragon track, and leave here by rail transit."

"I'm still not sure what the attack was." Liu Ziyu frowned and complained a little, as if the teacher gave her a wrong question, but unfortunately the teacher refused to come to the examination room to confront her, so she especially angry. "But I know that time is running out and we have to make a decision quickly."

Roach reached into his pocket and fiddled with the pine branch, letting the pine needles prick his fingertips lightly.He thought for a few seconds, frowned and said, "Let's toss a coin."

Liu Ziyu looked at Luo Qi in astonishment, "What?"

Because this is not a fair test.

Roach muttered these words in his heart, took his hands out of his pockets, and slowly pulled up the sleeves of his coat, exposing a section of his forearm.Then he raised his head and gazed at the highland mage's star-studded dome.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ziyu asked suspiciously.

Luo Qi raised his right hand and made a silent gesture to Liu Ziyu.Liu Ziyu shut her mouth immediately, her chest was heaving violently, she panicked slightly, but her logical thinking was working dutifully, reminding her that Luo Qi is not a battle mage, he shouldn't hear that she can't hear the sound of.

"Shh," Roach whispered, "I'm concentrating, not really using my ears. Your walls are too weak, I can hear your thoughts pointing at me, yes, I know you The superficial consciousness is thinking about me. Please try to think of something else and don’t focus on me, or you will be disturbing me.”

Liu Ziyu immediately understood, and almost instantly, her superficial thinking became reciting the complete list of spells according to the alphabet.Roach tried to give her a smile, but didn't.

He looked at the dome again and concentrated. The falling veil and the peaceful atmosphere here reminded him of the meditation he had learned from the highland mage. With a little meditation, he successfully accelerated his mental ability.The star trails outlined by the dome rotated in his eyes, and at the same time, his mental world opened up deeper, breaking through the shackles he hadn't noticed just now.

He heard his kitten whimper on his shoulder, and a branch of his consciousness scrambled to realize why it was climbing up, it had more intuition than a human, it sensed anomalies he hadn't otherwise.In the corner of his consciousness, an inconspicuous tributary rolled up a little spray, thinking that the star picture drawn by the highland mage was not realistic at all, there were none of the constellations he was familiar with, and the stars were arranged in a strange appearance.

But these are not important, he still has a lot of thoughts, thinking about where Du Zhengyi is, worrying about whether Du Zhengyi is in some trouble that he can't get out of, how many people are angry that they haven't told him the truth, These thoughts occupy only a small corner of his brain where he can think in parallel.When the torrent of his consciousness became more and more energetic due to the initial meditation, new sounds began to appear. It felt as if the sounds were there before, but his numb ears didn't want to hear them all the time, but now his Attention finally fell to the right place, his mind finally let him hear the voice.

The voice was very soft, like a group of women humming ethereal tunes in a distant place. If you listen carefully, you will hear the chorus of men under the slightly shrill singing of the women.The voices of the female singers became more and more shrill, and finally gradually broke away from the human voice, turning into piercing screams, and then into high-frequency noises when using magic crystals.

Roach opened his eyes, and different dimensions were separated in his world. He caught the traces left by the magic of the mind, where the human-like but not-human will left a unique mark.This is a complicated magical structure, he has never disassembled it like this, and he can't really understand it.But with the blindfold method, it is enough to see the key points, enough to distinguish the true from the false.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to go," Roach said. "I thought they wouldn't give us enough time to choose, but it was worse than that. The real situation is that we have already chosen."

"What do you mean?" Liu Ziyu asked suspiciously.

"The most disgusting thing about passive teleportation magic is that no one knows whether the destination will be changed." Roach said, "Do you really think we are in the hall of the highland mage now?"

Liu Ziyu opened her mouth in surprise, she seemed to want to say something, but the original sentence disappeared from her mouth, and her expression became clear. "I see," she said sullenly. "We're stuck, Sandbox?"

"It should be." Roach said, "There is also a little plant radiation forged by mind magic. If they don't add superfluous things like this, I might not be able to find the flaw."

 I'm very sorry, I've been too busy the last few days, I'll try my best to keep it updated????



(End of this chapter)

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