magician in town

Chapter 455 Restrictions

Chapter 455 Restrictions

Chapter 450 Three

The sand was blown onto Roach's face by the wind, got into his collar, mixed with his sweat and stuck to his skin viscously.He silently thought that he had been covered in dirt twice in 24 hours, and was covered in sweat. The innermost clothes had already been soaked in sweat, and it only took six to ten minutes at most before he became stinky.He just drank 10ml of water in one go, barely avoiding the threat of dehydration.

"I thought it would be different." He said absently, grinding the rough gravel on the ground with the soles of his shoes.He raised his head and looked around at the snow-capped mountains that he was familiar with in the distance. The mountains were no different from those in his memory.

"It's completely different here." Liu Ziyu suddenly said beside him in a down-to-earth tone.


"The air pressure is roughly at the level of the plains, and the ratio of air components has also completely changed. This is the biggest difference." Liu Ziyu raised her head and took a deep breath, her vague eyes also skipped those distant mountains, At one point there was a sharp stare for a second. "Don't believe those mountains, they don't have to be anything. It's too easy to fake snow mountains at such a long distance. But it's too difficult to fake air pressure and air composition on a large scale. Now the water vapor content in the air More than one percent, which is the biggest change in air composition. So it's not a dry early spring season in the highlands, and the landscape is certainly not as barren as it looks."

Luo Qi was attracted, and he couldn't help but think of Du Zhengyi's god-like insight, and now his junior sister seems to be giving a simplified version of the teaching explanation.Maybe the method has never been difficult. Du Zhengyi has never pretended to be mysterious. To him, these are as obvious as the full moon at night. He can't tell them these people with closed eyes.

Liu Ziyu was busy on her own, ignoring Luo Qi who was in a daze, and she pulled out a chain from her collar, with a silver pendant hanging from it, embedded with a rare energy crystal.Luo Qi's attention was attracted, the necklace was so similar to Du Zhengyi's, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and it took him a while to realize that this shows that the relationship between the two of them is clear at a glance.

Then Liu Ziyu meticulously turned the words just now into characters, and recorded them in her energy crystal as an observation diary—completely, like a little bookworm.

Roach watched her, feeling an unfamiliar urgency slide down his throat and into his stomach.The girl acted like she was working in a laboratory, a genius but a goof.She is a sorcerer, but she looks less smart than Guan Xinyue, not to mention that Guan Xinyue's responsibility has always been assigned to mahjong.He has always been used to being the weakest one, but now, a girl alone, with arms and legs thinner and more fragile than him, may be the one who got into trouble because of him, the combination of these attributes made him feel Very anxious.He had a feeling that Du Zhengyi might not be happy if he hurt her, after all, they both wore the same chain.So even though he's not very good, and his current state is even worse, he must take her out intact.

"Let's keep going, shall we?" Roach urged as softly as possible, licking his chapped lips, "Hurry up."

"Okay, but which direction are we going?" Liu Ziyu asked, she looked behind her, the highland mage's house was hidden behind the woods.They were standing on an unpaved village road. Coarse gravel filled all the ground as far as they could see, and there was some residual snow at the bottom of the mountain.The vegetation is mostly shrubs, loosely dotted along the roadside, looking lifeless.In other words, it seems equally boring no matter which direction you go.

"Obviously, we have to follow the hint." Roach said, "Don't care how fake this place is, let's move towards the Pendragon orbit site."

"Yeah, I just remembered that if it was a trap, we ran right into it." Liu Ziyu muttered in a low voice, and tucked the necklace back into his neckline.

Roach glanced at her, "They don't need to set a trap."

Liu Ziyu looked at her puzzled.

"They can turn our feet into a trap right now, so they don't have to go to such trouble to make fun of us."

"Oh." Liu Ziyu was suddenly discouraged, "You're right."

"Ziyu, in fact, we have already discussed this matter." Roach bit his lip and continued seriously, "Once we have made a decision, we should stop thinking about other options again and again."

"Yes, what you said is correct." Liu Ziyu made a grimace, as if he was also a little troubled by himself.

Roach looked at her carefully for two seconds, and roughly recognized her as a unique laboratory disorder.He has no choice but to adapt to her, or to adapt to them is not Du Zhengyi.With just such a slight distraction, his pulse speeded up again, and his blood pressure was quietly rising. He quickly calmed down his anger and frustration, and firmly suppressed a hallucination that was about to sprout.

"Let's go." He said through gritted teeth, turned around and headed towards the orbital site twenty kilometers away.

He heard Liu Ziyu catching up behind him, quickly chasing after him.Fortunately, she is a self-sufficient person, very quiet, and will not always want to talk to him like Guan Xinyue.But he didn't use this quiet time to do what he loved most. He firmly limited the range of his mind detection, and regulated his visual range to a circle with a radius of ten meters around himself. Inside.

This is tantamount to shutting down most of his abilities, especially when he is still in an unknown environment, he soon feels more anxious and irritable, like an old smoker addicted to cigarettes.

But even if he no longer feels safe, he can't expand his detection range.He emphasized loyalty and trust to Liu Ziyu 10 minutes ago. In fact, those words are more like what he said to himself. He must repeatedly emphasize one fact to himself-he completely trusts Du Zhengyi, whether he is by his side or not. .Even if what Du Zhengyi asked him to do was completely against his instinct, like he fell into deep water and Du Zhengyi told him not to struggle.

The thing in his pocket was Du Zhengyi's message, which was too clear for him to understand at a glance.As early as when Du Zhengyi first dragged him out of the quagmire, Du Zhengyi had clearly and directly accused his own father of eunuching him.Yes, castrate him, the words are sharp, accurate and merciless, and they highly summarize the essence of the matter. He cringes every time he hears it.It was impossible for him to forget that sinister word.So when Du Zhengyi almost stuffed a copy of "Swordsman" into his hands, the meaning was self-evident.

Anyone who has read "Swordsman", when seeing this book, the instant association is nothing more than two.Or it's lamenting Linghu Chong's lifelong pursuit, ah, little junior sister.Or it is - to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace.Since Du Zhengyi is unlikely to suddenly become madly infatuated with Liu Ziyu at this time, it can only be him hinting to himself that he should use his abilities in a very restrained and controlled manner, preferably limited to his own palace.

Roach dared not say that he fully understood the purpose of doing so, but the matter must be very urgent and important.Then everything went back to the beginning, he had to completely trust Du Zhengyi, and only trust was the life jacket in deep water.

He put his hand into his pocket and grabbed the piercing pine branch. Perhaps Du Zhengyi was telling him to be brave, which is the symbolic meaning of the pine tree.But it's also possible... Everyone knows the other name of the Supreme Council, Qionglin.The power core of the mage surrounded by pine forests is named after pine trees.It is also possible that Du Zhengyi was telling him that all this came from Qionglin.

Qionglin, those bastards...

"Ah!" Liu Ziyu suddenly shouted in a low voice, and grabbed Luo Qi's arm.

Roach pulled his attention from his contemplation and asked in a low voice, "What?"

Liu Ziyu didn't need to answer anymore, because he only needed to raise his head and look farther away, and immediately saw what made her scream. "Fuck... what's that? A concrete building?"

(End of this chapter)

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