magician in town

Chapter 46 Defense

Chapter 46 Defense

Chapter 45 Defense

Du Zhengyi found Liu Ziyu without much effort, the short-haired girl seemed to have expected that he would come to her.She let go of the busy tools in her hand, descended slowly from mid-air, and exchanged glances with Du Zheng——


As soon as Du Zheng turned around and walked towards the end of the hall, Liu Ziyu floated behind him and followed.He stopped under the empty statue of Fuxi and Nuwa, and the white sneakers on Liu Ziyu's feet touched the ground lightly.

Du Zheng glanced at her and said bluntly, "Does Roach have something to bring to me?"

She shook her head, and Du Zheng was momentarily disappointed.

"But I want to tell you something," she said, raising her hand in a complicated set of gestures that looked a bit like a knot seal from ancient Japanese mythology.Du Zhengyi knew that this was a habit she developed when she was studying with Teacher Liu Li when she was a child. Now she doesn't need to use gestures to concentrate on performing magic. Many magicians just have various hobbies.

Following her gestures, the environment around the two of them became completely silent. She isolated internal and external sounds, which was equivalent to a sandbox created by herself, but this sandbox had simple functions and was only suitable for confidential conversations.

"He's not in the cube." Liu Ziyu said, "I guess you want to know this. It's been two days since that weird guy from the security department took him to the interrogation room."

"Do you know which interrogation room?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"He mentioned Pei Shu to me when he came." Liu Ziyu said, wrinkling his nose slightly, "but the teacher is not at home recently, we are not you, and we can't go into Gushan at will. I asked Brother Mahjong, and I found out about that Someone is messing with you, I think you will come over in a few days, just pay attention to this side—they took him to that interrogation room."

"Which one?" Du Zhengyi frowned, he is not mahjong, he is very familiar with all the seniors.The girl looked a little autistic, and he didn't quite understand what she was talking about. "Which interrogation room?"

"That's the one." Liu Ziyu said, as if surprised by Du Zhengyi's reaction, "That's the oldest one."

Du Zhengyi's heart sank suddenly, "Two days?"

Liu Ziyu raised his head and thought for a while, "It's almost 48 hours."

Du Zhengyi felt regret for the first time, so he turned and left.After taking two steps, he remembered that he hadn't thanked him yet. He was not very good at receiving benefits in his life, so he turned around and said "thank you" awkwardly.

Liu Ziyu nodded absent-mindedly, put away her sound-proof magic, turned around and went back to work.

Du Zhengyi found Guan Xinyue who was about to be unable to hide by the window. There was a two-eyed male mage who seemed to be very interested in her, and was pestering Guan Xinyue to talk.Du Zhengyi glared the boy away irritably, agreeing with Zuo Yu's statement for the first time, isn't the two hundred and five a bit too bad, can't it be seen that Guan Xinyue is not yet an adult?

Guan Xinyue took a deep breath, and quickly hid beside Du Zhengyi, ignoring what she said before to keep a few steps away. "What the hell are you doing? We agreed! You're hiding behind a statue talking to a girl! Oh my god what's that statue?"

"You can't ask questions, understand?" Du Zhengyi whispered.No magician would be curious about the symmetrical statues of Fuxi and Nuwa they often see, even the chocolates they ate when they were young.

Guan Xinyue tightly closed her mouth and looked around nervously.Du Zhengyi knew that her spirit had already collapsed, and she was almost at her limit after staying here for too long.

"Don't look, don't be afraid." Du Zhengyi stretched out a hand and held it on the girl's forearm.

Guan Xinyue's heart settled down, and she raised her head higher, like a supercilious magician.Du Zhengyi squeezed her forearm slightly, and she heard a faint whisper, "Something must have happened to him, I was wrong."

Guan Xinyue raised her head in a daze, she could only see a blank on the young archmage's face, but she understood what he meant.They finally walked out of the hall. In Qionglin, this hall has a name, the fifth laboratory.Even Du Zhengyi didn't know the purpose of building it at the beginning, but those talented magicians just gathered in this huge laboratory to conduct their own magic experiments.The back of the hall leads to a spacious corridor. Without delay, Du Zhengyi led Guan Xinyue directly through the corridor and walked into another hall at the end of the corridor.

This is Qionglin's library, which keeps books from all ages of the wizarding world, and even some bamboo slips salvaged from the previous Qionglin.Of course there is more knowledge stored in the magic crystal, which is set on the pillar of the library.When Guan Xinyue walked into the library, she thought she had walked into a crystal palace. She wandered among the crystal pillars, and the walls were full of books. For a moment, she felt that this was a bit crazy, as if she had fallen into a rabbit hole. Alice.

"Here." Du Zhengyi said briefly, and then let go of Guan Xinyue and disappeared behind a pillar.

When Guan Xinyue knew she wasn't in awe, she anxiously ran after Du Zhengyi's footsteps.

"There is no one in the library." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice, heaving a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, many people will not come to the library at this time. To come here, you need to take apart the defensive crystal."

"Didn't you ask me to tear down the pillar? Guan Xinyue said worriedly, afraid that Du Zhengyi had overestimated her physical strength and didn't explain it to her.

Guan Xinyue ran a few steps and rushed to the center of the library. Between the four pillars stood a garden-like platform, and in the center of the platform stood a crystal the size of a fire extinguisher.Guan Xinyue has already noticed that the crystals of magicians are of different colors. This crystal looks amber, not very transparent. The lower part of the crystal fits perfectly into a groove in the base of the platform.

"Press it first, and then pull it out with both hands." Du Zhengyi said. The order of the crystal filaments."

"Oh my god." Guan Xinyue did as he did, first pressed the amber crystal, and then pulled it out.This part is not difficult, but this kind of operation gave her a strange sense of familiarity, "God, Du Zhengyi, don't you think your set of equipment is very similar to many of our electronic equipment? The only difference is The only thing is the material is different. Gosh, even the filaments are a bit like fiber optics!"

"Don't talk." Du Zhengyi carefully looked at the fully transparent filaments under the crystal, and instructed Guan Xinyue in the order in which to disconnect the crystal filaments.

Guan Xinyue hugged the crystal with one arm and disconnected the crystal threads one by one.When the crystal was completely pulled out, she didn't feel any particularly big changes. If there was a feeling of noise reduction, she also suspected that it was an illusion. "Nothing has changed."

"Hush." ​​Du Zhengyi said softly, "The biggest change now is that the sensor crystals in the woods have stopped working."

Guan Xinyue stood motionless, still hugging the large amber crystal. Didn't she feel that some sensor stopped working? She heard footsteps clearly, and the hall outside seemed to be in chaos.It suddenly occurred to her that not only Du Zhengyi knew that Qionglin's defense had been cut off, but also other magicians.

"What should I do next?" She suddenly realized the problem with this plan, "They will come to check soon, right? Where can such a large crystal be hidden?"

She looked around in a panic, checking where the bookshelf still had space, "Even if it can be hidden, there must be an archmage like you who can find it through energy induction, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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