magician in town

Chapter 469 Ruins 14

Chapter 469 Ruins 14

Chapter 460 Ruins (14)

"Mr. Liu Li, you must make a decision now." Standing in front of Liu Li, Du Zhengyi said seriously in a formal tone that he had never done before. "Please, Roach is underage. I'm asking the Supreme Council again. We could have used the slow method to give Roach time to prove whether he is safe. I request the conservative method. If Roach It is still not out of control, at least it proves that even if there is no anchor point, he can still restrain himself with a certain probability. Or at least, let me go in alone, and let me play a monitoring role inside."

Liu Li looked at him, with hesitation written in her eyes.

Fan Ning approached them a few steps, and said hesitantly, "But the most important goal of this test is to test whether Roach's students are safe when they suddenly lose their anchor point? We must isolate you and Roach, If you are in the sandbox, even if you are only controlling the field, Roach will sense your presence, right? Isn’t this cheating?”

As soon as Du Zheng turned to him, his eyes were burning with cold fire. "I'm not dead yet."

"What?" Fanning was taken aback.

As soon as Du Zheng took a step forward, Fan Ning looked at him in bewilderment, but the people around him were much more responsive than he was, and silently backed away to a safer distance.

"I said, I'm not dead yet." Du Zheng finished the sentence word by word, looking at the old mage in front of him harshly, "I'm not dead today, I can survive tomorrow, and I won't die the day after tomorrow." There will be too many problems. How do you know that Roach cannot grow up smoothly while I am still alive? You know that although I will definitely die earlier than you old guy, I will still try my best to live as long as possible for him For a period of time. Do you not believe that I will buy him time, or can you know exactly that my death is in these few days?"

"I..." Fan Ning froze, his eyes looked at Du Zhengyi in shock, but he avoided it uneasily.

The young man took a step closer to the old man, looked at him irritablely, his pupils contracted slightly. "I can see that you're not a bad person, and you don't really want to come here. Is it that easy to kill a child? For whatever reason, don't do it. You people, I don't know what you're doing. What do you want, what do you want to prove? Roach has a clean record in the past, he has never done anything bad, he has never hurt anyone, and he has not even tried to take revenge on anyone who hurt him. The Lotus Burner once tied him Running over the tracks with a train, they almost made it. He told me about it without hating those people in particular, and he repeated that he was grateful to the mage who came by and saved him. A kid like him, As long as others treat him a little bit kindly, he will remember it in his heart and repeat it repeatedly. When others treat him badly, he takes it calmly, but when others treat him a little kindly, he can’t bear it, as if he doesn’t deserve it. He shouldn’t Put the anchor on me but he was just a freaked out kid who instinctively reached out to the only one who protected him. Is there anything wrong with that? Or are you all used to being full of power Don’t you know what it’s like to be a weak person? Or... you only know power, so when you see a person who truly has absolute power, you’re so scared that you want to find fault with him and kill him?”

"Zhengyi!" Liu Li shouted.

"Ms. Liu." Du Zhengyi also called out to her loudly, "Luo Qi was sent by you. He is your student. Do you really want to disregard his life? You know what he looks like. You are better than others. I've seen him a lot, you've seen him in normal times, don't you want to give him more time? I agree to investigate him, but I'm asking the Supreme Council for a conservative approach. Especially now that it's clearly out of control ! Let me go in and take a look, let me make sure that the sandbox has not been transformed into an examination room for high-level battle mages!"

There was silence in the underground hall, and they confronted each other quietly for a minute.At least, during this long period of time, no one raised objections, not even Fanning.

Liu Li turned around and said to the current chief experimental mage, "Wei Zhen, open the sandbox and let Du Zhengyi in."

Du Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Li said again, "For the sake of fairness, Xiang Gan, you should go in together."

Du Zhengyi had no objection, Xiang Gan was an older mage, was friends with Liu Li, and was the only woman among the senior battle mages.Only now did he realize that the candidates for the battle mage standing here are actually quite intentional. There is a series represented by Chi Yu who are inclined to Fan Shi, and another series represented by Xiang Gan who are inclined to Pei Shu and Liu. glass.Especially Xiang Gan, she was almost retiring, probably Liu Li specially arranged for her to come in.Female mages are always more likely to be impressed and feel injustice, even for battle mages.He gained a little confidence in his heart.

He turned his head to look at the experimental mage, it didn't seem to take so long to open a sandbox.

Liu Li was explaining things to Xiang Gan, while the others were whispering, Fan Ning was in a dilemma and wobbled in place.Everything turned to the hopeful side, but Du Zhengyi's heart sank.

"Master Wei, the sandbox cannot be opened, is it?" Du Zhengyi raised his head and asked.

"Yes... yes..." Wei Zhen never imagined that he would have such a black hand one day, and he would do anything bad and fail.He wiped his sweat, "I don't know... I don't know what's going on. It seems that after the communication magic failed, the underlying magic protocol of the sandbox was punished. I... I don't know why there is an extra lock on the sandbox. "

Du Zhengyi walked over and pushed him away, and stretched out his hand to the crystal, a ray of golden light floated out of the crystal, touching his fingertips and melting the gold into it.After a while, he frowned and said, "I don't understand this agreement."

"Yes... yes!" Wei Zhen said, "For so many years, no one has changed the sandbox directly from within the sandbox, and no one has directly fought against the box itself. So... so I don't know if this touched the sandbox. What kind of protection measures for the box... After all, after all, we are also using this sandbox, and we didn't create it ourselves..."

"Stop talking, I'll use the underlying magic to force it open." Du Zhengyi whispered, the thing he was most worried about finally happened.

"Low-level magic?" Wei Zhen shivered, then turned his head and said in a low voice to Du Zhengyi, "That would consume a lot of magic power."

"There is no other way." Du Zhengyi said, "Stand farther away."

"Zhengyi, stop." Liu Li finally discovered the abnormality here, and also discovered what Du Zhengyi was going to do. "Xianggan?"

The female mage nodded and walked over without hesitation, "Let me try."

"Sorry, Master Xiang is not very good at dealing with such accidents." Du Zheng said dryly.

"Yes, you are the only battle mage in the whole field." Xiang Gan said tit for tat, "Why don't you get out of the way with your butcher's knife, let your aunt and me try your luck, in case I really open it .”

Du Zhengyi frowned, he didn't want to get out of the way, and he hated others getting in the way. "Teacher Liu, I should be able to do it."

But unfortunately, he saw Mahjong's face.Mahjong approached at some point, he looked at Du Zhengyi, and said in a voice that Liu Li could definitely hear, "I don't think you can do it, so you better not."

"Xiang Gan." Liu Li didn't hesitate anymore when he heard the doctor's words.

Xiang Gan pushed Du Zhengyi away politely, "Stand aside, big nephew."

Du Zhengyi almost wanted to roll his eyes like Roach did.

At this moment, Fan Ning suddenly sighed and said, "Everyone, let me try."

Du Zhengyi looked at him in surprise.

"I'm an expert in breaking spells, and I'm also an expert in the sandbox field." The old mage came over and sighed again, "Let me see, maybe I have seen this magic agreement, or at least I can translate it. If I No, you can crack it again with violence. Master Du, I don’t know what you think of me, but... anyway, it’s meaningless at this point. Just... let me help you."

(End of this chapter)

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