magician in town

Chapter 476 Ruins 21

Chapter 476 Ruins 21

Chapter 470 Ruins 21

It will take at least two hours for the storm to pass. During these two hours, they can only stay underground, waiting for the storm to end, and waiting for an attack that may occur at any time.From time to time, there were huge vibrations on the ground. If you don’t look at it, you can imagine the collapse of the houses above. This super storm is gradually turning the ruins of this city into a huge pile of rubble.

After dealing with the most difficult teleporter, it seemed that the entire sandbox system became more cautious, and Du Zhengyi lowered his defense.Xiang Gan didn't care much all the time, and after waiting for a few minutes, he lit a cigarette and started smoking.She really doesn't care, this place is not particularly dangerous for her, because she is not as cautious as Du Zhengyi.

She handed Du Zhengyi a cigarette, but Du Zhengyi didn't pick it up.She shook the cigarette, and insisted on giving it to Du Zhengyi, "You don't need to be so tense. Relaxation is the way to survive. In our line of work, boredom is more deadly than high-anti-mage. Believe me, let's go!" A round of attacks will not come so quickly, this is a strategic test room, and it takes a lot of time to adjust the attack mode."

"Have you ever wondered why the adjustment speed here is so slow? It feels like a chess game here. Sometimes it takes a day to make a move." Du Zhengyi asked Yanlai.

"I didn't think about it. This is an inherited magical sandbox. Who knows what the original ancestors thought, maybe they were willing to design it this way." Xiang Gan took a puff of smoke, her eyes were covered with wrinkles, but her eyes were bright.

"Roch is a very curious person." Du Zhengyi slowly smoked, frowning and exhaling the smoke slowly, "He kept chasing me and asking questions, I can say something, Some I can't say, and some I don't even know. He looks at the magical world in a human way of experimentation and logical deduction, and wants to have an explanation for everything."

The bored old mage said perfunctorily, "That's quite rare."

"So, I'm worried that once he can handle it and finds that he can't die for a while, he will start to be curious about the sandbox magic system. He may start to explore and start looking for the core of magic." Du Zheng held a cigarette in his hand On, gradually thoughtful.

"That's a little dangerous, and a little boring."

"He was originally a low-energy mage who couldn't just sit back and enjoy the benefits. Even if his behavior and characteristics are more human-like, there is nothing wrong with him. There is another big trouble." Du Zhengyi said suddenly, "Liu Ziyu is just a technical mage who explores everywhere. If Qi proposed, she would not object. If the two of them hadn't gotten together, the communication magic wouldn't fail now."

"Speaking of this." Xiang Gan glanced at the "Roach" who was quietly standing aside, "When we came, was it doing something under the stele? I remember that there was no mystery under the stele."

"I do remember that the surface of the stele was shoveled." Du Zhengyi said.

"When I was young, that stele was already smoothed." Xiang Gan said indifferently, "Maybe someone carved it here before, and Qionglin thought it was not elegant."

"Since there is a stele, it must be for the purpose of recording history. Roach is very familiar with human habits, and he must want to see what is on the stele. What he is looking for may not be the magic principle here, what he is curious about is probably The history of this human city." Du Zhengyi said, the cigarette in his hand had been completely put down.

"It was already like this when I was young," Xiang Gan emphasized.

"Don't you find it strange?" Du Zhengyi asked softly. "Have you lived for at least 150 years? When you first came here, it was about 1980 in the human calendar, but what you see here is around [-]. You can see it from the car. come out."

"Why do I feel strange?" Xiang Gan said with a kind of cunning and toughness unique to the old man, "Don't see what you shouldn't see, that is the principle of the magical world. Child, do you have any opinion on this?"

Du Zhengyi didn't answer.

Xiang Gan continued to smoke while continuing to say, "Maybe the ancestor mage has predicted the future long ago, and even the calculators can calculate some future prospects through the calculation array. Who knows what the ancestor mage is capable of?"

"Maybe." Du Zhengyi said.

"Roach is a weird kid, he was brainwashed by humans. No elite mage will be like him, all elite mages will be discovered at a young age, the most amazing mages will be sent to Qionglin in childhood, the next bit It will also attract the attention of the school and be accepted into the mainstream society very early." Xiang Gan said, her words were full of attacks, but her tone was indifferent, she slowly puffed out smoke rings, and even Du Zhengyi even A hint of sarcasm could be heard in her voice. "Do you know, in fact, mind mages and battle mages are special groups of mages, which is very interesting. Although mind mages are fragile, they are spears, and battle mages are shields. Although sometimes battle mages are also the nemesis of mind mages, only We have the ability to shut ourselves down and prevent the infiltration of telepaths."

"Is that why they don't trust Roach?" Du Zhengyi asked.

But she smiled, "There are various reasons. Fortunately, you are about to die, and you are the guard of the Lonely Mountain first, and there is a contract first, otherwise they will distrust Roach even more. If you want to be accepted by the magical world, you must first Proving his worth, Roach is proving he has a right to exist. So, what are you so anxious about?"

"If Roach heard you say that, he would say that this is some kind of socialism." Du Zhengyi said gently, as if he didn't mind her bluntness.

"Even if you tell the whole story, I still can't understand." Xiang Gan said, "I'm old, I'm about to retire, and I'm about to die."

"How many mages have concealed their recognition and understanding of humans?"

"Maybe it's some worthless mages and some mages who can hide their hearts." Xiang Gan said, she tapped her temple, "You'd better persuade your children to behave normally and be willing to serve Qionglin Contribute."

"Did they send you to tell me this?"

"Only Liu Li."

They were silent for a while, and Du Zhengyi said suddenly, "I'm dying, it doesn't matter if I live with personality. Luo Qi is a smart man, and he will soon understand what Qionglin means."

Xiang Gan smiled dryly.

"When you were young, was this the strategic examination room for testing battle mages?" Du Zhengyi asked again suddenly.

"of course."

"But this place was originally used to test mind mages." Du Zhengyi said, "Is it possible that once it recognizes the existence of telepathic magic, it will immediately lock on the main attack target?"

"But it still behaves like a strategic examination room."

"What if the so-called strategy is playing against a consciousness? Could that consciousness be the soul remaining in the sandbox?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"That consciousness has existed since ancient times." Xiang Gan said uncertainly, "Have you ever seen such an old soul?"

"Of course I haven't seen it." Du Zheng said expressionlessly, "But since there is such a possibility, it will always exist, won't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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