magician in town

Chapter 482 Ruins 27

Chapter 482 Ruins 27

Chapter 480 Ruins 27

"This is a map that accurately describes the energy of a mind mage. Although this energy is different from all other magical energies, telepathy cannot be formalized in our world, but in this magic sandbox This box clearly describes Roach's energy activity along the timeline, just like a magic mirror that clearly sees the most difficult mind mage in our world." Liu Ziyu said.

As soon as Du Zheng took over Liu Ziyu's work, when his magic lightly touched Liu Ziyu, she immediately gave him control, just like she used to ask a battle mage to come over to see the experiment in the laboratory.Du Zhengyi unfolded Roach's energy view, and quickly browsed along the timeline. The energy released by Roach changed like an animation.Du Zhengyi can observe all mages with magic in the energy field of vision, except for mind mages.This is the first time he has the opportunity to see the energy changes of the mind mage. If this is really "energy", the range of energy fluctuations is much larger than other mages.

"Is this what Qionglin wants to see?" Du Zhengyi asked thoughtfully. He had never thought that there was a way to test the energy of a mind mage before.Originally, the energy of mind mages did not need to be tested at all, because there has never been any mind mages who can stand up to ten.To test a new mind mage, at most only a group of mind mages are needed to form an array.But Luo Qi's ability is close to that of Pei Shu, and it is not in the same order as the existing mind mages. They don't have the guts to test Luo Qi directly. "There is no reference object, just record the range of energy fluctuations, how to determine whether Roach is stable? Use Roach himself as a reference object?"

"Yes, Roach needs to stay here long enough." Liu Ziyu said mechanically, "The time is long enough to sample. Calculate his average value based on Roach's energy response, and then speculate on his boundary value."

"Is 48 hours enough?"

"I think it's enough. Time is not an absolute parameter. We need to compare the obstacles we encounter. The sandbox has already sent puppets that are close to the first-level battle mage, and the pressure can make up for the lack of time." Liu Ziyu said calculatingly, adding another sentence , "I will also submit a report to the Supreme Council to prove this point."

"So Qionglin will also see this monitoring?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"It's not the full version." Liu Ziyu said, "I was able to intercept this while standing in the sandbox, and I happened to be able to decrypt it. For those who are monitoring outside, this is a black box operation, and ultimately it is an attack on Roach. The diagnosis results. I guess maybe the original intention of the design here is not so cruel, it is used to detect mind mages, but the intermediate process of these tests is covered up as privacy."

Du Zheng nodded. He had already noticed several times of Roach's activity, including several peaks, "Do you remember the time when Roach was injured?"

Liu Ziyu gave Du Zhengyi the exact time with a blank face, but he didn't ask any further questions. Liu Ziyu has many qualities, and accurate memory is one of them.He compared the time given by Liu Ziyu. During this critical period of time, Roche's energy did not rise at all, and there was even a gap from the peak concentration. "He didn't use energy at that time?"

"Yes," Liu Ziyu said, "this is an important reference point. The sandbox will also record the attacks on Luo Qi. Under the emergency attack, Luo Qi judges that the mind attack is useless, so he does not use power at all. This The reference point is very important to the result and is a big plus. It says a lot about Roach's self-discipline and clarity of mind."

"Is this sandbox only useful for testing Roach's stability?" Du Zhengyi asked, pursing his lower lip slightly.

"I don't think so." Liu Ziyu said after thinking for a while, and then he emphasized his tone, "Definitely not. When you came in, I was deciphering another magic block. Although I haven't deciphered it yet, judging from its position and characteristics , it is likely to be the record of the previous mind master. For example, logically speaking, Mr. Pei must have experienced this kind of test. After all, he is also a mind master who stands out from the times. The sandbox can vertically compare Luo Qi and the previous mind Archmage, compare their energy concentration charts and their energy critical points." Du Zhengyi took her words, "You can test what kind of mind mage Roach is, he is 4/5 Pei Shu , or 2.5 Pei Shu?"

"That's about it." Liu Ziyu nodded and said.

Du Zheng watched the slowly changing energy concentration map in silence, and he was worried that it would be like this. When they take the exam as battle mages, they not only have to pass the final test and end the operation of the sandbox, but the Supreme Committee will also take the exam. Evaluate each of them.He has long suspected that this assessment is not just given by those who observe outside, but it is difficult to write such an accurate assessment result from observation.He still remembered his own report.

He thought of a way to warn Roach in advance, not to use all his strength, it seems that Roach understood what he meant.As long as Roach does not use his full strength, the sandbox will not increase the difficulty accordingly, so Roach is safe.The characteristic of this sandbox is that the greater the power you give, the greater the power to fight back.If the other party buys it, Roach doesn't use too much force, and the possibility of his own imbalance will also be reduced.And most importantly, if Roach doesn't use his full strength, he won't record Roach's true ability.

Du Zhengyi couldn't be more clear about what will happen to a mage whose ability is obviously ahead of the times in his life.Although he never complained himself, he still didn't want Roach to live his life like this.

He returned his attention to Roach's energy map. As time went by, the color on Roach's energy map became thicker several times, like blood stains all over the picture frame. He couldn't imagine that Roach had suffered What did you do.On a brighter day, Roach might be directing the puppet to circle the pillar.But suddenly, the screen changed, and Du Zheng was taken aback. His first reaction was to think that the interface maintained by Liu Ziyu was being closed.

Liu Ziyu said knowingly from the side, "It's not a malfunction."

The color in the energy map lost rapidly and became lighter, and finally became lighter than Du Zhengyi's own telepathic energy map.For a moment, Du Zhengyi felt his pulse quicken again, and he almost saw the energy map being emptied.The energy map belonging to Roach continued to decline, and finally turned into a color that seemed to be nothing.

"I've discovered it a long time ago." A smile appeared on Liu Ziyu's lips, "Luo Qi is smarter than the sandbox. After he found out that he was the main target of attack, he shut himself down. I remember that he used to be a person whose ability was sealed. The person who got up, maybe he sealed himself this time, waiting for you to find him."

"Too optimistic. Maybe he passed out somewhere and lost consciousness." Du Zhengyi whispered.

Xiang Gan shook his head and said indifferently, "It's all the same, as long as we can find him."

(End of this chapter)

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