magician in town

Chapter 485 Ruins 30

Chapter 485 Ruins 30

Chapter 480 Three Ruins 30

The shape of the street can still be vaguely seen from the pile of rubble, and the puppets are moving towards the direction where the sandbox is opened. The speed of the team is getting faster and faster, running wildly between the streets with a desperate posture, more and more like the Spanish bull running festival.Roach was among them, stumbling and running, constantly being pushed and scratched by other puppets.

Du Zhengyi stood on a high place and observed silently. If Roach had already been included in the puppet queue, it would be the second time Roach lost his mind.

He didn't know why he was so unlucky. Before he saved a person, he only needed one trip.But ever since I met Roach, I can't say for certain about this matter.He might have to make at least two trips, one to get Roach's body and the second to get Roach's brain.Having said that, a person who can lose his mind is really stupid.

Roach appears to be more incongruous than the other puppets, though.The puppets are not more dexterous. In fact, the puppets are much more rigid than living people. They look a lot like zombies in human fantasy—maybe they are not fantasy.But when a group of puppets advanced rapidly with the same rigid posture, the rigidity became a kind of coordination. Roach's incoordination in the team was that he was not in the same rhythm as their rigidity.

For a moment, Du Zhengyi suspected that Roach was faking it, and that was something Roach could do, even for a moment of interest.But then Du Zhengyi realized that was impossible.Half-creatures like puppets will definitely beat up the aliens among them. If Roach wants to mix in, he must also be in the state of puppets.Liu Ziyu said that Luo Qi knew that he was targeted by the sandbox, and he wanted to leave Liu Ziyu and hide. Luo Qi did indeed disappear from the sandbox's magic monitoring.He thought that Roach would find a safe place, let himself pass out, and be a sleeping beauty.But for a mind mage, it is also possible to suspend part of the consciousness by itself, only relying on a little low-frequency consciousness activity.This state is like a human being in a state of suspended animation, only maintaining an extremely low breathing rate, which can almost evade detection.

The only thing that annoyed him was why Roach was being so dramatic.He could find a place where no one was around and be a solitary zombie, but he chose to hang out with the puppet army and half-connected himself to the army system.The sprint of the puppet army became faster and faster, and it became more and more difficult for Roach who could not coordinate with the movement of the army. Suddenly, a puppet hit Roach hard.Roach staggered a step, was taken by another puppet, and fell sideways.According to the brainless marching posture of this legion, Roach will soon be trampled. For this giant synthesized from the legion, losing a Roach is like losing a strand of hair, and he doesn't care at all.

Du Zhengyi calmly leaned down slightly, lowered his body's center of gravity, then jumped down from the high ground of the ruins, stepped on the head of a puppet, and then passed half of the puppet army, like an osprey grabbing out of the water. Like a fish, he lifted out Roach who was about to fall.Before the water surface had time to react, they had already evacuated quickly, leaving the puppet camp far away.

Landing on the ground, he pushed away Roach in his hand and gave him a hard shove.As expected, the puppet had no intention of attacking him. It took two steps back unsteadily like a child being bullied, and opened its hands to regain its balance.Du Zhengyi reconfirmed at close range that the scars on Luo Qi's body and the blood-stained clothes all matched Liu Ziyu's description. This should indeed be Luo Qi.As if to corroborate him, a cat-like black-haired creature jumped out of Roach's clothes and jumped on Roach's shoulder, purring menacingly.

Du Zheng took a look at the cat and stopped being so rude to Luo Qi.But Roach didn't respond, the eyes that looked up at him were empty and lifeless, as if Roach had been taken away, and what was in front of him was just a little scum left by Roach.

This feeling is not very good, standing on top of the ruins, as if the world has been abandoned and no longer exists, and the shoulders held by the palms are just a little wreck of a friend.This is already the second time, no, the first time was when the soul was replaced by the ancestor mage, the second time was the little puppet seen in the Obelisk Square, this is the third time, and he never wants to do it again .Mind mage, it's so fucking annoying.

Du Zheng shook Roach, "So... what's the safe word?"

Roach didn't respond, and Du Zhengyi thought that he would design a wake-up mechanism for himself.He is almost familiar with Roach's thinking, and he can basically think of what he will do.He was so courageous that he even managed to shut himself off and push himself directly into deep water.Since he has done this, he will wake up automatically after confirming his safety. He does not trust outsiders, and will not give the authority to wake himself up to any mind mage.He originally thought that Roach would wake up when he saw him, but now that he thought about it, Roach couldn't perceive his thoughts at all, how could he be sure that he was really standing here?With Roach's character as a chicken thief, he might make this password verification a little more convoluted.

Du Zhengyi thought about it for a while, then tentatively said, "You know I can't call you the big raccoon cat king, I want you to be shameless."

Roach didn't respond, it really wasn't this.

The black cat licked its paw on Roach's shoulder, as if completely relaxed.As soon as Du Zheng knew that the cat knew him, he looked into his round yellow eyes, "Are you in there? ... Of course not, what a fool, I even started talking to the cat."

He sighed, raised his head irritably, glanced at the gap in the sandbox out of the corner of his eyes, and the vanguard of the puppet army had already arrived at the gap.There is still time, he said casually, "Or I'll beat you up first..." He paused, because Roach took a deep breath at this moment.He was surprised to feel that Roach's breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature all changed following his words, and quickly flowed to the physical parameters close to the mage, and directly soared to the upper limit of the mage.Roach reached out a paw, grabbed his sleeve, leaned on him for support, and then gasped and coughed tremblingly.

"So this is the power-on password." Du Zheng stared at him, "You're still quite clear-headed, young man."

Luo Qi was still speechless, shaking violently, and his head was covered with sweat, but he managed to raise his head and looked at Du Zhengyi carefully.Soon Du Zhengyi felt Roach's consciousness reaching out to him and sticking to the barrier of his consciousness.He relented and loosened some barriers, allowing Roach to penetrate his spiritual world slightly.In the real world, Roach took a deep breath like he was on drugs, and then his whole body relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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