magician in town

Chapter 492 Joining?

Chapter 492 Joining?

Chapter 490

The highland mage wants to lure him into the gang.

Put it in a more decent way.The highland mages offered him an olive branch, and they would take him.

But there is no free lunch in the world, and Roach estimates that he will have to plant trees for the rest of his life.Planting trees and growing flowers is the life of a highland mage, as well as meditation. Joining a highland mage is equivalent to early retirement.

"I don't want to retire early." Roach said out loud.

Du Zheng looked at him puzzled.

He rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I'll think about it again."

"It's okay, don't rush to make a decision. You can go to sleep and talk about it after you have enough sleep. I don't want to say more about this matter, you make your own decision."

Luo Qi nodded and closed his eyes. He now understands that Du Zhengyi must be delaying this matter. He wants to wait until his body recovers, his mind is clear, and he can make a responsible decision for himself.But he didn't even bother to delay, he just sat in his bedroom like a plague god, pretending to be stupid.Hey, he really pities the great mages of Qionglin. Even if they want to reason with Du Zhengyi, the eldest son of Qionglin, it is useless. Mahjong argues with them outside. I don't even bother to show my face.He knew that Du Zhengyi didn't pay attention to details, but he liked to control the field and was extremely efficient.He was sure that even if Du Zhengyi needed to investigate twelve high-anti-mages at the same time, he could arrange an annual leave for himself.

"Do you want earplugs?" Du Zhengyi asked him.

Roach opened his eyes and looked at Du Zhengyi weakly. He was sure that Du Zhengyi didn't even have any inner struggles.Sure enough, there was no worry on that face, and he was really a very comfortable person no matter what. Luo Qi envied him the most.Unlike himself, when walking on the road, he always suspects that his tail has been stepped on, and he also worries about whether his pockets are leaking or coins are dropped.

Just like him now, he can't calm down at all and can't sleep.Not only was he a little annoyed by the new news, but he was even more curious about how the highland mage could discover the secret of the puppet army in an instant. It took him a lot of trouble.

Roach closed his eyes and took a long, slow breath, making it look like he was falling asleep again.Du Zhengyi didn't care about him, and his thoughts carefully avoided Du Zhengyi. The slime stretched out its hair-thin tentacles, circling around the few closest to them.He recognized several familiar consciousnesses, and recognized Mahjong and Guan Xinyue with just a glance.He didn't touch them, and the consciousness of the other few people was not specially armed, they were all ordinary mages.He touched their consciousness lightly, as if lightly pushing them behind them, fragments related to the puppet army and the highland mage naturally appeared in their minds.

Roach watched the images floating in his mind quietly, switching the perspective among several people, recording the chaos when the puppet army appeared in the hall out of thin air from different angles.The chaotic, noisy, and crazy body rushed among the senior mages. He ignored the key information recorded subjectively by humans and pushed forward.The memory goes back to the beginning, the first memory is that Liu Ziyu suddenly called out, someone asked Liu Ziyu what happened, and she answered a series of force field change data.Roach was sure that those who could respond did not understand, and those who could understand were slow to respond.Liu Ziyu must have realized it at that time. In other people's memory, he saw Liu Ziyu sighed and cursed a series of words, dragging several people away.As soon as she disappeared into the hall, several high-energy puppets broke out of their shells.

Among a group of chaotic mages, it was immediately clear who the battle mage was.The battle mages distributed in various areas of the hall were the first to respond and rushed up immediately.Someone threw down a few protective magic spells in the first moment of confusion, Roach switched the memories of several people, and found the person who threw out the shield, it was Master Liu Li.

The timing of the protection magic is very critical. Almost at the same time as the magic works, the first high anti puppet bursts out a strong attack magic.It didn't take long for the ceiling to be blown up. Roach didn't care much about who did it, and who turned the tide. He quickly walked to the second half of the memory.

The highland mage appeared in the upper hall almost at the same time. The road leading to the garden was covered by the highland mage's magic force field. The new barrier protected the highland mage's precious botanical garden from both inside and outside directions.When Roach froze the prickly pear in the garden, the highland mage also appeared at the same time.

Roach repeatedly repeated this memory of several people. From different angles of several people, the appearance of the highland mages was uniform, as if a super boy group was grandly on the stage.

Roach stopped observing this memory repeatedly. In one person's follow-up memory, he saw the low-energy puppet army rushing towards it. As a whole, as a creature, it was blindly sprinting towards the hope of life, almost destroying everything along the way.He couldn't help sighing, unable to explain why he felt sorry for such an ugly, dirty and deformed creature.A creature, indeed a creature, a deformed creature mentally "stitched" from at least a few thousand puppets.

He possessed independent consciousness and completed "existence". He rushed out of the gap opened by Du Zhengyi and rushed to a new world that could accommodate them.But this world does not exist, the sandbox is a box, and the outside of the box is still a box, and Frankenstein's monsters have nowhere to go.He once inserted himself into his thinking, he remembered the centuries-long loneliness, when he ran out, what he longed for most must be a fellow.It's a pity no one can tell him that in all his existence, wherever he goes he is doomed to be alone.

The memories continued, and he heard intermittently that the archmages were discussing control methods. The top archmages were not worried, the roundup was not difficult to do, and they were calmly discussing feasible solutions.The summit meeting was short, interrupted by the highland mage's fury.

Before that, he thought that the highland mage didn't have the emotion of rage.Their fury was like a thunderstorm in summer night, and even Archmage Liu Li was taken aback.

"How dare you..." The only thing Roach heard clearly was this sentence, and the oldest highland mage glared at them.This anger made Roach a little confused. Highland mages have always been known throughout the mage world for their emotional stability.

Roach analyzed these memories aimlessly, but couldn't find any relevant clues.The highland mage's anger erupted violently, but it came and went quickly, and was quickly suppressed.Roach could only see these highland mages looking at the puppets silently and gloomyly. The battle mages were still fighting with the puppets. The high-powered puppets were difficult to deal with, and there were too many ordinary puppets.

But at this moment, it was as if someone cut off the power, and all the puppets, whether they were high-powered puppets or ordinary puppets, fell to the ground neatly and quietly.Roach even saw that a battle mage was too late to stop the attacking magic, and directly knocked down an archmage, and several battle mages looked at each other.Roach knew that the corpse on the ground had died for the second time, and this time it was a complete death.

Roach wondered if he could cut off the brains of the entire legion like this. Maybe he could do it, but the price would be huge.He estimated the energy of the highland mage in the conscious world, and the heavy power gradually became like a substance, pushing it over in the spiritual world.

Roach sat up abruptly, and retreated from the conscious world in embarrassment.Du Zhengyi also stood up, with a confused look on his face, "The highland mage is here."

(End of this chapter)

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