magician in town

Chapter 50 Chaos World

Chapter 50 Chaos World

Chapter 49

Roach was still there, the vision of his childhood had disappeared with the goldfish, but he was still there.

He was waiting for a complete deep sleep. In his imagination, it should be a completely relaxed dreamless sleep. He even sat down in his conscious world.His world was a vast chaos, and the ground on which he sat was covered with gray grass as soft as a blanket.He raised his eyes and saw that there was only a gray mist in the world, surging endlessly.

He is waiting for the unknown of death, and he can still mobilize his consciousness and recall the stories he read in childhood.The goddess of death is a tall lady riding a gray horse. Her dress is densely woven with spider webs. She will invite him to accompany him. He will sit on her horseback and set foot on the kingdom of the dead with her. .

Looking at the situation, he thought the story was three-points true, as if the kind lady would walk out of the gray mist at any moment.He sighed, put his hands on the ground, and leaned back on his arms, so loneliness climbed up from the gray grass blades to his chest, fanning a bit of cool soreness in his chest.

He was abandoned in this gray world, a chaos that was neither black nor white, like the boundary between life and death, and he knew that he was neither alive nor dead.

He thought back on his short life, compared to the long journey of the mage, his life was really a snap of the fingers.He has walked this short road without changing the world a bit, and he has never written his name in this world.Even the direct cause of his death was ridiculous, to protect a friend who didn't need his protection at all, a friend who never regarded him as a friend.He still has a few puzzles that he hasn't solved clearly, so that can only be left to others to solve.It's just a pity that the mystery may not be important. In fact, no one wants to solve the mystery of his life at all.


As soon as he moved, he seemed to hear the vague call again.He got up from the grass and looked around earnestly. The mist surging in the air seemed to be conscious.

"Are you guys talking to me?" he asked in his head, and the mist didn't answer him. "What are you? Smog sprites? Are there plastic trash sprites? Nuclear radiation sprites?"

No one answered his tattered questions, as always.

The mist spread towards his side, tentatively approaching him like tentacles.He looked at the gray mist curiously, and stretched out his hand to touch it.Suddenly, the sky and the earth hung upside down, and he was taken aback, trying to get rid of the mist, but at a glance, he found that there were many vague shadows hidden in the mist.

His curiosity gained the upper hand, he looked carefully at those shadows, the world suddenly became clear, the path he was going to appeared naturally, and his actions were as natural as breathing.

The gray mist retreated rapidly with its shadow, Roach chased after it, and the shadow suddenly became clear.The world changed rapidly, and the blurred shadows merged into physical effects. Roach was taken aback, and he found himself back in the interrogation room.

Roach was horrified to see that the crystal coffin on the obsidian table was gone, replaced by a woman lying on it.He almost yelled, he remembered the woman's face.When he saw that face for the first time, she was a three-dimensional effect created by Zhao Zhiyan. When he saw her for the second time, her face was shriveled and frozen, with steel nails still stuck in her eyes.

But she is still alive, can still scream, and her eyes are still intact, but she is staring at Roach, the despair and madness in those eyes make Roach shudder.Why should she be afraid of herself?No, no, it should be said, why is she still alive?

What scares Roach even more is that he feels a trace of happiness, a trace of carelessness, as if the fear of lower humans makes him very happy.He thought he was crazy, and what was even crazier was that he found himself holding a steel nail.

"No—" Roach screamed silently in his head, "No no no—"

Those hands picked up the steel nails and inserted them down. He heard himself say, but it wasn't himself saying, "The fear and despair brought about by blindness can help me open the barrier in your brain."

It wasn't Roach's voice, it wasn't Roach talking, and it wasn't even Roach's hand that lifted the spike.

Roach struggled back in horror, his consciousness suddenly broke free from the confinement of the scene, and at the same time, he felt another kind of panic, which was not his own, but it was everywhere.

Roach was surprised, he tidied himself up and found that he was still intact, at least his consciousness and memory were intact.His world is no longer his chaotic gray world.He looked around in bewilderment, countless images were folded around, and he drew an image casually.

The folded picture unfolded in front of him like a pop-up book, and he found himself standing on the top floor of Qionglin, surrounded by many old faces, all worried.They said a lot of things he wasn't interested in, as if they were discussing whether the calculation method of mage credit points needs to be improved.

He took a step back and folded the picture with some effort.When he opened a new screen again, it was much easier for him.He was in a weird room, with white candles burning everywhere, and many boys and girls holding eerie knives and singing in unison.He folded the picture, and this time he felt fear mixed with great anger.

He forced himself to calm down, and walked back and forth between those folded pictures, those terrifying influences rushed past him, he saw countless faces, countless mouths speaking in unison, he was on a familiar stopped before the face.

That was Du Zhengyi's face, indifferent and disgusted. "Mr. Li means that Luo Qi was taken away to protect the minors? I will notify his parents according to the procedure. Maybe you have investigated his files and know that his parents are relatively famous. They should have entered With Qiong Lin's qualifications, we will probably pick him up soon, and I believe it will be smooth then, right?"

Looking at the disgusted face, he felt some warmth in his heart.He also felt a strong jealousy, a complex jealousy, but he now fully understood that it was not his emotion.It was as if he also understood that it was not him that Du Zhengyi hated.It wasn't him who raised the steel nail and butcher's knife to Qi Yue.

Anger pooled in his chest, the thought terrified, the world crumbling, desperate to get rid of him.And he feels safe and strong, he doesn't exist as a body, so nothing can hurt him.He dominates a space of consciousness that doesn't belong to him, as easily as he dominates his own mind.

He raised his hands in consciousness, the world trembled, and the wind was full of fear and unbelievable hatred.Roach clenched his fists, and he used the greatest determination to tear up the world, he wanted to tear up the entire space, and he wanted to turn the world into nothingness.

"Stop!" Li Xu's voice shouted, "You can't! I lose consciousness and you will be swallowed too!"

"Whatever." Roach spit out this sentence, tearing apart all the logical foundations of this mind.

(End of this chapter)

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